Image of Finger-Dogshade
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Finger Dogshade

Cynosciadium digitatum Nutt. ex DC.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Cynosciadium digitatum DC. Coll. M6m. 5: 45. 1829
Oenanlhe digitala Nutt.; DC. Coll. Mem. S: 45, as syn. 1829.
Plants 15 cm. high; basal leaves linear-lanceolate, acute at the apex, tapering at the base, 5-12 cm. long, 2-5 mm. broad; petioles sheathing throughout, 5-15 mm. long; divisions of the cauline leaves 3-5, linear-lanceolate to linear, 3.5-12 cm. long, 1-6 mm. broad, acute, tapering at the base; peduncles 1.5-8 cm. long; rays 2-10, slender, 1-4 cm. long, or some umbellets frequently sessile or proliferating; pedicels 2-11, 5-20 mm. long; fruit 2-3 mm. long, 1.5-2.5 mm. broad.
Type locality: "Aux environs du fleuve Arkansa," Nutlall.
Distribution: Southern Missouri to eastern Texas (Demaree 15,204, Hall 255, Reverchon 376).
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Mildred Esther Mathias, Lincoln Constance, Harold William Rickett. 1944-1945. UMBELLALES and CORNALES. North American flora. vol 28B. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora