
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Ivesia utahensis S. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 17: 371. 1882
Poteniilla utahensis Greene, Pittonia 1 : 162. 1888.
Horkelia utahensis Rydb. Mem. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2 : 150. 1898.
Perennial, with a woody but not very thick root, crowned by a cespitose caudex covered with the remains of old leaves ; stems several, about 1 dm. high, simple and fewleaved, glabrous below, glandular above ; stipules broadly ovate, entire ; basal leaves numerous, 5-8 cm. long, glabrous, pinnate, with 15-20 pairs of crowded leaflets, these 2-4 mm. long, cleft to the base into 3-5, broadly oblong to spatulate, one-nerved segments ; stem-leaves few and very small ; cyme rather dense and somewhat flat-topped ; hypanthium somewhat glandular-puberulent, cup-shaped, veiny, 3 mm. in diameter ; bractlets linear, a third shorter than the ovate or lanceolate -ovate sepals, which are 2-2.5 mm. long ; petals yellowish, spatulate, scarcely exceeding the sepals ; stamens 5 ; filaments filiform.
Type locality : Bald Mountain, Wahsatch Range, above Alta, Utah.
Distribution : Mountains of Utah.
bibliographic citation
Frederick Vernon Coville, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Henry Allan Gleason, John Kunkel Small, Charles Louis Pollard, Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. GROSSULARIACEAE, PLATANACEAE, CROSSOSOMATACEAE, CONNARACEAE, CALYCANTHACEAE, and ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora