Paraflabellula (par-a-flab-ell-oo-la) medium to large naked amoeba which adopts a spreading or branching body form, with wide hyaline margins and thin pseudopodia emerging from them. Phase contrast.
Paraflabellula (par-a-flab-ell-oo-la) medium to large naked amoeba which adopts a spreading or branching body form, with wide hyaline margins and thin pseudopodia emerging from them. Phase contrast.
Rhizamoeba (rye-sa-me-ba), a free-living naked amoeba which may adopt a variety of body forms from limax (slug-like) to more or less discoidal, to an extended fan-shape as here. Margins of the cell give rise to irregular thin pseudopodia. Nuclei round with central nucleolus. Phase contrast.
Rhizamoeba (rye-sa-me-ba), a free-living naked amoeba which may adopt a variety of body forms from limax (slug-like) to more or less discoidal, to an extended fan-shape as here. Margins of the cell give rise to irregular thin pseudopodia. Nuclei round with central nucleolus. The tuft of fine filaments is the uroid. Phase contrast.
Rhizamoeba (rye-sa-me-ba), a free-living naked amoeba which may adopt a variety of body forms from limax (slug-like) to more or less discoidal, to an extended fan-shape as here. Margins of the cell give rise to irregular thin pseudopodia. Nuclei round with central nucleolus. Phase contrast.