
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.
Genus recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Recognized by Biopix Nature Photos
Cephalozia subgen. Cephaloziella
Subgenus recognized by wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cephalozia subgen. Prionolobus
Recognized by BHL data coverage
Genus recognized by wikipedia VI, EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1, EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1, Algeria Species List, Angola Species List, Austria Species List, Australia Species List, Belgium Species List, Bolivia Species List, Bouvet Island Species List, Brazil Species List, Canada Species List, Chile Species List, China Species List, Colombia Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Czech Republic Species List, Denmark Species List, Estonia Species List, Falkland Islands Species List, Finland Species List, France Species List, Germany Species List, Greece Species List, Greenland Species List, Iceland Species List, Ireland Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Italy Species List, Kazakhstan Species List, Lesotho Species List, Luxembourg Species List, Madagascar Species List, Morocco Species List, Nepal Species List, New Zealand Species List, Norfolk Island Species List, Norway Species List, Peru Species List, Poland Species List, Portugal Species List, Puerto Rico Species List, Russia Species List, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Korea Species List, South Africa Species List, Spain Species List, Sweden Species List, Switzerland Species List, Tanzania Species List, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Thailand Species List, The Netherlands Species List, Sri Lanka Species List, Tunisia Species List, United Kingdom Species List, Venezuela Species List, Argentina Species List, Japan Species List, wikipedia CY, Arctic Ocean Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Pacific Species List, Southern Ocean Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, NCBI, United States Species List, wikidata_hierarchy tar gz, wikipedia DE, USDA PLANTS images, wikipedia EN, Wikidata Common Names, Wikimedia Commons, Global Biotic Interactions, iNaturalist data coverage, and Wikipedia (inferred records)

Alternative Names

Cephaloziella subgen. Dichiton (Mont.) Müll. Frib.
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Cephaloziella subgen. Evansia (Douin & Schiffn.) Müll. Frib.
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Cephaloziella subgen. Prionolobus (Spruce) Müll. Frib.
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Anthelia dentata (Raddi) Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Evansia dentata (Raddi) Douin)
Anthelia turneri (Hook.) Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) K.Müller)
Cephalozia divaricata (Sm.) Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella divaricata (Sm.) Warnst.)
Cephalozia elegans Heeg
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella rubella var. elegans (Heeg) R.M.Schust.)
Cephalozia heteroica C. M. Cooke
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella heteroica (C.M.Cooke) H.A.Mill.)
Cephalozia integerrima Lindb.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Dichiton integerrimum (Lindb.) H.Buch)
Cephalozia microphylla Stephani
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Prionolobus microphyllus (Stephani) S.Hatt.)
Cephalozia minima Austin
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephalozia squarrosula Trevis.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella squarrosula (Trevis.) R.M.Schust.)
Cephalozia turneri (Hook.) Lindb.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) K.Müller)
Cephaloziella acanthophora (S. Hatt.) S. Hatt.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella caledonica (Steph.) Steph.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella calyculata (Durieu & Mont.) K. Müller
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella dentata (Raddi) Mig.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella dentata (Raddi) Miguli
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella divaricata (Sm.) Warnst.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella exiliflora (Taylor) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella flexuosa C. Gao & K. C. Chang
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella glacialis Douin
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella grimsulana (J. B. Jack) K. Müller
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella grimsulana (J. B. Jack) Müll. Frib.
Doubtful according to GBIF classification (Possible variant of Cephaloziella grimsulana (J.B.Jack ex Gottsche & Rabenh.) Lacout.)
Cephaloziella hampeana (Nees) Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella heteroica (C. M. Cooke) H. A. Mill.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella hispidissima R. M. Schust.
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella intricata Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella leonensis S. W. Arnell
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella levieri Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella massalongi (Spruce) K. Müll.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella meghalayensis Udar & Ad. Kumar
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella myriantha (Lindb.) Schiffn.
Proparte synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella parvifolia (Arnell) Warnst.
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella parvifolia Arnell
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella phyllacantha (C. Massal. & Carestia) K. Müller
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella phyllacantha (C. Massal. & Carestia) L. Müller
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella piriflora Douin
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella pseudocrassigyna R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella pungens Steph.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella pygmaea (Spruce) Váňa
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella rambolitanensis Douin
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella retusa E. W. Jones
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella rubella var. arctogena R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella rubella (Nees) Warnst.)
Cephaloziella rubella var. elegans (Heeg) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella rubella (Nees) Warnst.)
Cephaloziella scabrifolia Douin & Schiffner
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella secundifolia Pearson
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella spinigera (Lindb.) Joerg
Doubtful according to GBIF classification (Possible variant of Cephaloziella spinigera (Lindb.) Warnst.)
Cephaloziella spinosa Douin
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella squarrosula (Trevis.) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella starkei var. grandifolia Douin
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella stellulifera (Taylor ex Spruce) Schiffn.
Doubtful according to GBIF classification (Possible variant of Cephaloziella stellulifera (Taylor ex Carrington & Pearson) Croz.)
Cephaloziella stephanii Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella sumatrana Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) K. Müller
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.)
Cephaloziella villaumei (Steph.) Váňa
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cylindrocolea obliqua (Douin) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cylindrocolea R.M.Schust.)
Dichiton integerrimum (Lindb.) H. Buch
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Dichiton)
Evansia dentata (Raddi) Douin
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Evansia C.Douin & Schiffner, 1913)
Jungermannia calyculata Durieu & Mont.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella calyculata (Durieu & Mont.) K.Müller)
Jungermannia dentata Raddi
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Evansia dentata (Raddi) Douin)
Jungermannia exiliflora Taylor
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella exiliflora (Taylor) R.M.Schust.)
Jungermannia grimsulana J. B. Jack
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella grimsulana (J.B.Jack) K.Müller)
Jungermannia starkei Funck
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Jungermannia stellulifera Taylor ex Carrington & Pearson 1878
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella stellulifera (Taylor ex Spruce) Schiffn.)
Jungermannia turneri Hook.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) K.Müller)
Prionolobus acanthophorus S. Hatt.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Prionolobus)
Prionolobus microphyllus (Stephani) S. Hatt.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Prionolobus)
Prionolobus striatulus (C. E. O. Jensen) Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Prionolobus turneri (Hook.) Spruce
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) K.Müller)
? divaricata Sm.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Cephaloziellaceae)
? massalongi Spruce
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Cephaloziellaceae)
Cephalozia subgen. Cephaloziella Spruce
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cephalozia subgen. Prionolobus Spruce
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. 1893
Authority according to NCBI
Cephaloziella subgen. Dichiton (Mont.) Müll. Frib.
Cephaloziella subgen. Evansia (Douin & Schiffn.) Müll. Frib.
Cephaloziella subgen. Prionolobus (Spruce) Müll. Frib.
Dichiton Mont.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Evansia Douin & Schiffn.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Lophoziella Douin
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Metacephalozia Inoue
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Harvest ancestor according to Paleobiology Database
Prionolobus (Spruce) Schiffn.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Protocephaloziella Douin
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Common Names


拟大萼苔属 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Dutch; Flemish

Draadmos preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


Mikromossor preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Curated hierarchies for Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn.

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022

Cellular Organisms
Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Bryobiotina Trevis.
Marchantiophyta Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.
Jungermanniopsida Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.
Jungermanniidae Engl.
Jungermanniales H. Klinggr.
Cephaloziellaceae Douin
Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1

Cellular Organisms
Cephaloziella (this page)

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

GBIF classification

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (this page)

wikidata_hierarchy tar gz

Cephaloziella (this page)

wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
