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Little Sand Verbena

Abronia minor Standl.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Abronia minor Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 313
Abronia variabilis Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 314. 1909. Abronia alba variabilis Jepson, Fl. Calif. 455. 1914.
Annual, much branched, the branches slender, prostrate, 2-10 dm. long, minutely puberulent and slightly viscid or often glabrate, the internodes usually much longer than the leaves; petioles slender, 1-5 cm. long; leaf-blades very irregular in outline, oval, broadly ovate, suborbicular, obovate, narrowly elliptic, or lanceolate, 2-4 cm. long, 0.3-2.5 cm. wide, rounded to attenuate at the base, broadly rounded to obtuse at the apex, entire or undulate or rarely sinuate-lobed, glabrous or minutely viscid-puberulent; peduncles slender, 2-7 cm. long, viscidpuberulent or rarely shortvillous ; bracts lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 5-8 mm. long, very acute or attenuate, scarious, viscid-puberulent or shortvillous outside; perianth 17-20 mm. long, purplish-red, the tube viscid-puberulent or shortvillous, the limb 7-10 mm. broad; fruit 6-12 mm. long, usually broader than long, the body indurate, rugoseveined or nearly smooth, puberulent above, the wings thin, broad, prolonged above the body and rounded or acutish, ciliolate above, the outer fruits of the head often exalate; seed narrowly oblong, 2.53.5 mm. long, dark-brown, lustrous.
Type locality: Near San Luis Obispo, California.
Distribution: On sandy beaches, San Luis Obispo County to San Diego County, California.
bibliographic citation
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. (CHENOPODIALES); ALLIONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora