Image of Eugenia wilsoniana N. Snow
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Eugenia wilsoniana N. Snow


provided by Phytokeys
Shrubs or trees, (1–)2–6 m. Trunk dbh ca. 2 cm (measurements few); bark of main bole fissured, maroon. Indumentum where present of highly asymmetric and short, ferrugineous, dibrachate hairs. Branchlets laterally compressed, smooth, sparsely puberulous, drying light brown to greenish, punctate glands absent. Leaves opposite or disjunct opposite, mostly concentrated near tips of branches; venation reticulate; blades thinly coriaceous, dark green above and lighter green below. Axillary colleters obscure when present. Petioles 3–5 mm, deeply and narrowly sulcate adaxially, laterally compressed, elgandular, glabrescent (especially abaxially), longitudinally striate initially but thickening and becoming somewhat latitudinally striate with age. Leaf blades 4.0–12.5 × 1.4–3.0 cm, narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate, base rounded and slightly constricted-conduplicate above petiole, apex acute, margins flat; adaxial surface glabrous, eglandular, midvein narrowly but deeply sulcate lower 2/3–4/5; abaxial surface like adaxial except: midvein protruding, sometimes prominently glandular and longitudinally striate, secondary veins faint to prominent, arising only 10–20° from midvein, tertiary veins faint to nearly as prominent as secondaries; intramarginal vein 1.0–1.5 mm from leaf edge at midpoint of blade. Inflorescence terminal, axillary, or arising on naked branch of current year’s growth. Flowers solitary, or occasionally as up to four arising from short brachyblasts; pedicels 6–12 × ca. 0.5 mm, glabrous, strongly laterally compressed (especially distally), longitudinally striate, sparsely to moderately glandular. Bracteoles 2, 0.6–1.1 mm, narrowly ovate to ovate, sparsely hairy abaxially and apically, rigid, somewhat ascending to appressed against base of hypanthium. Hypanthium 2.5–4.0 mm, cupuliform, sparsely hairy becoming glabrous, sparsely to moderately (but only faintly) glandular. Calyx lobes 4, 4–5 × 3–5 mm, oblate to broadly elliptic, apex broadly obtuse to rounded, minutely and sparsely ciliate in upper half, prominently glandular, greenish when fresh. Petals 4, 4–5 × 2–3 mm, widely elliptic to ovate, sparsely short-ciliate upper 1/2–1/3, faintly and somewhat sparsely glandular, whitish or pinkish. Stamens exserted, staminal disk ca. 4 mm diameter, more or less square from above, short-hairy, adjacent ovary apex glabrous; filaments 2–3 mm; anthers 0.8–1.0 mm, elliptic, yellow, sub-basifixed, apical gland between connectives lacking. Styles 7–8 mm, glabrous; stigma narrow and scarcely if at all capitate. Berries (immature?) 12–15 × 12–15 mm, globular, greenish.
Neil Snow, Martin Callmander, Peter B. Phillipson
bibliographic citation
Snow N, Callmander M, Phillipson P (2015) Studies of Malagasy Eugenia – IV: Seventeen new endemic species, a new combination, and three lectotypifications; with comments on distribution, ecological and evolutionary patterns PhytoKeys (49): 59–121
Neil Snow
Martin Callmander
Peter B. Phillipson
visit source
partner site


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East-central Madagascar in Toamasina Province, occurring near Analamazaotra National Park (Fig. 2).
Neil Snow, Martin Callmander, Peter B. Phillipson
bibliographic citation
Snow N, Callmander M, Phillipson P (2015) Studies of Malagasy Eugenia – IV: Seventeen new endemic species, a new combination, and three lectotypifications; with comments on distribution, ecological and evolutionary patterns PhytoKeys (49): 59–121
Neil Snow
Martin Callmander
Peter B. Phillipson
visit source
partner site