in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Foliage view. Note toothed (dentate) leaves long slender petiole. Plants in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Upper side (adaxial) leaf view. Note toothed (dentate) leaves long slender petiole. Plants in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Lower side (abaxial) leaf view. Note toothed (dentate) leaves long slender petiole. Plants in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Close up, upper leaf surface. Plants in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Close up, lower leaf surface. Plants in gravelly drainage swale between grassy road right-of-way and low rhyolite hillside
Fruit gathered Oct 30 2012. Photo taken Mar 19 2017. Fruit body 3 mm long.
I thank Mike Powell for help in identifying species in this photograph.
Plants on unmowed Center grounds adjacent to small creek.
Plants on unmowed Center grounds adjacent to small creek. Leaf view, note long petiole and coarse pubescence
Plants on unmowed Center grounds adjacent to small creek.
Plants on unmowed Center grounds adjacent to small creek. Note phyllaries abruptly narrowed terminally