Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Pratia calochlamys (Donn. Smith) 1*. K. Wimmer, Repert Sp. Nov. 29: 50. 1931.
Cenlropogon caUtchlamys Donn. Smith. Hot. Gaz. 46: 112. 1908.
Plants terrestrial, herbaceous, entirely glabrous; stems simple, erect, up to 6 mm. in diameter, 20-60 cm. high; leaves cauline, 20 or fewer, papery when dry, the blades elliptic or ovate, 2.5-4.5 cm. wide, 7-15 cm. long, 2-4 limes as long as wide, on stout petioles 1-3 cm. long, the base of the blade acute, attenuate into the petiole, the apex abruptly or gradually acuminate, the margins evenly serrate with 2-10 sharp purplish teeth per cm.; inflorescence 10 cm. long or less, the bases of the pedicels often approximate; flowers 1-10, in the axils of the liltlc-rcrluccd upiwr leaves or the flower-bracts much reduced in size; pedicels slender, up to alx>ut 1 mm. in diameter, 35-77 mm. long in fruit, each with two inconspicuous filiform bracteoles 1-2 mm. long, at the base of the iK.diccl or as much as 20 nun. above the base; flower 4—5.5 cm. long, includixig hypanthium; corolla "bright red tinged with purple" (Johnson 299), glabrous without, clothed within with short colorless inflated hairs, the tube 22-26 mm. long, slightly curved, broadest at base and slightly contracted toward the apex, cleft dorsally to a point 4-5.5 mm. from the base, the lobes long-attenuate, the two upper ones erect, 3-4 mm. wide at base, 1 8-20 mm. long, the three lower lobes slightly recurved, fused into a distinct lower lip, the lobes 7-10 mm. long, the lip about 15 mm. long; filament-tube 25-31 mm. long, the filaments pubescent their whole length with stiff short whitish hairs, entirely free from the corolla; anther-tube 7-8 mm. long, bluish-gray, glabrous, the two shorter anthers densely white-tufted at apex; hypanthium in anthesis broadly carapanulate or hemispheric, enlarging in fruit; fruit hemispheric, not inflated, about 8 mm. broad by 6 ram. high, the free purple rim of the hypanthium surpassing it by 1.5 mm.; calyx-lobes deltoid or ovate, acute or subacute at tip, conspicuously toothed, often purplish, 5-12 mm. broad at base, 1 1-18 mm. long, often overlapping at base; seeds light brown, ellipsoid or oblong, much flattened, shallowly pittedreticulate, about 0.6-1.0 mm. long by 0.5-0.7 mm. wide.
Type locality: Mountain forests near Cobdn, Guatemala, von Tiirckhcim II 1893 (US!). Distribution: Central Guatemala (Alta Verapaz).
- bibliographic citation
- Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY