Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Centropogon macrophyllus (G. Don) F. E. Wiminer, Notizbl Bot. Gart. Berlin 10: 733. 1929.
Siphocampyltts macrophyllus G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 704. 1834. Represented in North America by the following variety.
3a. Centropogon macrophyllus var. congestus (Gleason) McVaugh, Ann. Mo. Bot. Card. 27: 352. 1940.
Centropogon congestus Gleason. Bull. Torrey Club 52: 52. 1925.
Centropogon diocleus F. E. Wimmer, Ann. Mo. Bot. Card. 24: 209. 1937. (Seiberl 166, isotype. Mo. Bot. Gard.!)
Terrestrial, herbaceous; stems fleshy, coarse, up to 7 mm. in diameter, glabrous below the inflorescence, (0.3) 1-2 ra. high, green; cauline leaves large, spreading, papery when dry, green on both sides, glabrous above, pubescent beneath with minute sharp whitish hairs, especially on the veins, the blades broadly elliptic to ovate or obovate, (4.5) 7-1 1 cm. wide by 1 1-30 cm. long, mostly 1.5-2.5 (5) times as long as wide, the tip abruptly deltoid-acuminate, the base acute, long-attenuate, narrowed to a margined petiole 1-4 cm. long, the margins irregularly dentate, the teeth blunt or subacute, the callosities 4-7 per cm., terminating the teeth which vary in size; inflorescence 5-12 cm. long, rather densely few-25-flowered, terminal or subterminal; pedicels stout, up to 1.5 mm. in diameter, loose and spreading in fruit, minutely sharp-pubescent, 30-40 mm. long in fruit, each with a pair of linear bracteoles 1 mm. wide by 6-11 mm. long, 10-15 mm. above the base of the pedicel; flower bracts foliaceous, similar to the leaves in aspect but strikingly smaller, 2-4 cm. wide, 4-9 cm. long, petiolate; foliage leaves often in a terminal tuft above the inflorescence; flower about 5 cm. long, including hypanthium; corolla "scarlet," "pale cerise," or "pink," glabrous within, bristly-pubescent without, the tube 30-33 mm. long, abruptly bent just above the middle, cylindrical below the curve, 4-6 mm. wide when pressed, inflated and ellipsoid above the bend, the lobes attenuate, somewhat falcate, the two upper 3-4.5 mm. wide at base, 5-10 mm. long, the lateral and lower lobes similar, often deltoid, 3-4 mm. wide, 4—7.5 mm. long; filament-tube 35-38 mm. long, slightly hairy at apex, almost wholly included in the corolla-tube and abruptly curved with it, the filaments fused to the corollatube near base; anthertube 6-7 mm. long, the anthers glabrous on backs or with a few stiff hairs, the two shorter anthers with terminal tufts all the hairs of which are concrescent into a narrowly triangidar scale 1.5-2.5 mm. long; hypanthium pubescent, in anthesis cup-shaped, the base truncate; fruit subglobose (?), a dry (?) scarcely inflated berry 12-15 mm. in diameter; calyx-lobes narrowly triangular or oblong, acute, entire, bristly-pubescent, 3-3.5 mm. wide at base, 11-15 mm. long; seeds lenticular, slightly longer than wide, foveate-reticulate, about 0.6 mm. long, light-brown.
Type locauty: Pereira, Departamento de Caldas, Colombia, altitude 1400-1500 m., Pennell 10169 (NY!).
Distribution: Mountains of Colombia and western Panama.
- bibliographic citation
- Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY