
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Lobelia christii Urban, Symb. Ant. 7:420. 1912
Stems herbaceous (?), coarse (sometimes 0.6 cm. in diameter), loosely pubescent below, rather abundantly crisp-pubescent above; cauline leaves few-12 or more, spreading, thin and membranous, smooth, glabrous above, finely strigose-pubescent on the veins beneath, the margins conspicuously serrate with irregular spreading often arcuate teeth 4-7 mm. high (less often 1 cm.), these averaging fewer than 2 per cm., often incised or doubly serrate, the blades 2.5-6 cm. broad by 6.5-15 cm. long, elliptic, with acute tip which is sometimes abruptly short-acuminate, the base acute, with the margins somewhat decurrent upon the petiole, which is 2-4 cm. long, at least in the lower leaves; flowers about 15-20 in the axils of the little reduced upper leaves, or the uppermost leaves smaller; axis of the "inflorescence" about 10-12 cm. long; pedicels spreading-ascending in anthesis, in fruit 23-35 mm. long, finely shortpubescent, weak, the mature capsule pendent (always?), each pedicel with a pair of subopposite linear green bracteoles about the middle; bracteoles about 1 mm. wide by 5-7 mm. long, ascending, entire, very sparsely pubescent; lowest flower-bracts little smaller than the foliage leaves, petiolate, the blades up to 4.5 cm. wide by 12 cm. long, the petiole as much as 1.5 cm. long, strongly decurrent and fused with the pedicel at base for 0.5-1 cm., so that the leaf and flower appear to arise from a common stalk; flower not inverted (?), 28-32 mm. long, including hypanthium; corolla 22 mm. long, puberulent without, yellowish-green when dry, the tube about 15 mm. long, arcuate, strongly dilated below and fenestrate, the lobes little recurved (?), linear-elliptic, the two next the dorsal fissure about I mm. wide by 9 mm. long; filament-tube 16-17 mm. long, exserted over half its length, the filaments pubescent, connate more than half their length; anther-tube 5-5.5 mm. long, glabrous, the two smaller anthers very minutely beaded at apex; corolla and androecium nearly hidden by the large leafy calyxlobes (dried material) ; hypanthium in anthesis turbinate, puberulent, about as broad as high when pressed, 8-9 mm. across; capsule 9-11 mm. long (?), about half inferior (?), the upper half surrounded by the free rim of the hypanthium, which may be 4 mm. high; calyx-lobes foliaceous, membranous, broadly lanceolate or elliptic, 5-7 mm. wide by 15-16 mm. long, obtuse, mucronate, crenulate along the margin, nearly glabrous; seeds ovoid, finely pittedreticulate, about 0.7 mm. long.
Type locality: Southern Haiti, in the valley of the left branch of the Grande Anse, at an elevation of 100-150 m., Christ 2212 (isotype, NY!). Distribution: Massif de la Hotte, Haiti.
bibliographic citation
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora