
Trichomonas ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Trichomonas ist eine Gattung einzelliger, 4 bis 30 µm großer Lebewesen innerhalb der Eukaryoten. Trichomonas spp. sind teilweise harmlose Kommensalen, einige Vertreter sind jedoch Krankheitserreger bei Mensch und Tier.


Schema eines Trichomonaden

Die birnenförmigen Vertreter der Protozoen haben vier nach vorn gerichtete Geißeln (1) (Flagella) und eine nach hinten gerichtete Schleppgeißel (2). Die Geißeln sind an Kinetosomen (3) verankert und von einer dreischichtigen Plasmamembran umhüllt. Die Schleppgeißel ist als undulierende (gewellte) Membran ausgebildet. Am spitzen Ende des Zellkörpers tritt ein Achsenstab aus der Plasmamembran aus (5). Da das Genom der Trichomonaden in Form von Chromosomen in einem Zellkern (4) vorliegt, zählen sie zu den Eukaryoten.

Trichomonaden besitzen keine Mitochondrien zur Energiegewinnung, sondern sogenannte Hydrogenosomen. Die Vermehrung erfolgt durch einfache Längsteilung, unterschiedliche Entwicklungsformen wie bei anderen Protozoen kommen nicht vor.

Arten (Auswahl)


  • Ekkehard Wiesner und Regine Ribbeck (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Veterinärmedizin. 4. Auflage. Hippokrates, 2000, ISBN 978-3777314594.
  • Hof und Dörries: Duale Reihe Medizinische Mikrobiologie. 3. Auflage. Thieme, 2005.


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wikipedia DE

Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Trichomonas ist eine Gattung einzelliger, 4 bis 30 µm großer Lebewesen innerhalb der Eukaryoten. Trichomonas spp. sind teilweise harmlose Kommensalen, einige Vertreter sind jedoch Krankheitserreger bei Mensch und Tier.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Trichomonas ( Bosnian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Trichomonas je rod protozoa iz porodice Trichomonadidae, jednoćelijskih životinja veličine od oko 4 µm do oko 30 µm, koje spadaju u Eukaryota. Trichomonas spp. su djelom bezopasni komensali, ali neki predstavnici su patogeni kod ljudi i životinja.


Predstavnici ovog roda su kruškolike protozoa koje imaju četiri prednja biča: na leđima leđima. prikačan na kinetosomima koji pokriva troslojnu plazmamembranu. Istezanje i kretanje je na osnovu brežuljkastih (valovitih) uvijanja membrane. Na kraju vrhova ćelijskog tijela je štapičasta osovina plazmatske membrane. S obzirom da je genom trihomonasa oblikovan u vidu hromosoma u jedru, trihomonasi su eukarioti.

Trihomonasi nemaju mitohondrija za proizvodnju energije, ali imaju tzv. hidrogenosome. Razmnožavaju se jednostavnim uzdužnim dijeljenjem, uz različite oblike razvoja, koji se ne javljaju kod drugih protozoa.

Najučestalije vrste

Rekonstrukcija Tyrannosaurusa koji je bio inficiran nekom vrstom roda Trichomonas

Također pogledajte


Autori i urednici Wikipedije

Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( Bosnian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Trichomonas je rod protozoa iz porodice Trichomonadidae, jednoćelijskih životinja veličine od oko 4 µm do oko 30 µm, koje spadaju u Eukaryota. Trichomonas spp. su djelom bezopasni komensali, ali neki predstavnici su patogeni kod ljudi i životinja.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் (Trichomonas) என்பது முதுகெலும்புகளின் ஒட்டுண்ணிகள் எனப்படும் காற்றில்லா முறையில் வாழும் அகழ் வகை ஆகும். டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் பரபாசாலிட்களுடன் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸின் உயிரினங்கள்:

  • டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் வஜினலிஸ், மனித உடலில் உள்ள இனப்பெருக்க சிறுநீரக பாதையில் வாழும் ஓர் உயிரி
  • .பறவைகளை தொற்றும் டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் கேலினே, புறாக்களில் கேன்கர் நோயை உண்டாக்குகின்றன.[1]
  • டைரனொசோரஸ் ரெக்ஸ் போன்ற டைனோசாரிடு டைனோசர்களின் கற்படியுருவ தாடையில் காணப்படும் புண்கள் டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் கேலினாவைப் போலவே உள்ள ஒட்டுண்ணியால் ஏற்படுகிறது.
  • டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் டெனாக்ஸ் மனிதர்கள், பூனைகள் மற்றும் நாய்களின் வாய் குழிக்குள் காணப்படும்
  • டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் டெர்மொப்சிடிஸ், கறையான்களின் குடலில் காணப்படும்.[2]
Restoration of a டைரனொசோரசு with Trichomonas-like infections.


  1. Wolff, E.D.S., Salisbury, S.W., Horner J.R., & Varricchio D.J. (2009). Hansen, Dennis Marinus. ed. "Common Avian Infection Plagued the Tyrant Dinosaurs". PLoS ONE 4 (9): e7288. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007288. பப்மெட்:19789646. பப்மெட் சென்ட்ரல்:2748709. http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0007288.
  2. "Kingdom Protista". Biology 1AL Laboratory Manual. UC Berkeley. Fall 2011. பக். 42.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ்: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் (Trichomonas) என்பது முதுகெலும்புகளின் ஒட்டுண்ணிகள் எனப்படும் காற்றில்லா முறையில் வாழும் அகழ் வகை ஆகும். டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் பரபாசாலிட்களுடன் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸின் உயிரினங்கள்:

டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் வஜினலிஸ், மனித உடலில் உள்ள இனப்பெருக்க சிறுநீரக பாதையில் வாழும் ஓர் உயிரி .பறவைகளை தொற்றும் டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் கேலினே, புறாக்களில் கேன்கர் நோயை உண்டாக்குகின்றன. டைரனொசோரஸ் ரெக்ஸ் போன்ற டைனோசாரிடு டைனோசர்களின் கற்படியுருவ தாடையில் காணப்படும் புண்கள் டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் கேலினாவைப் போலவே உள்ள ஒட்டுண்ணியால் ஏற்படுகிறது. டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் டெனாக்ஸ் மனிதர்கள், பூனைகள் மற்றும் நாய்களின் வாய் குழிக்குள் காணப்படும் டிரைக்கோமோனாஸ் டெர்மொப்சிடிஸ், கறையான்களின் குடலில் காணப்படும்.  src= Restoration of a டைரனொசோரசு with Trichomonas-like infections.
விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

ట్రైకోమోనాస్ ( Telugu )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

ట్రైకోమోనాస్ వజినాలిస్ (Trichomonas vaginalis), ప్రోటోజోవా కు చెందిన ఒక పరాన్న జీవి. దీని వలన వచ్చే వ్యాధిని ట్రైకోమోనియాసిస్ (Trichomoniasis) అంటారు. ఇది అభివృద్ధి చెందిన దేశాలలో సంభవించే ప్రోటోజోవా వ్యాధి.[1] ప్రపంచ ఆరోగ్య సంస్థ (WHO) అంచనాల ప్రకారం ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ప్రతి సంవత్సరం 180 మిలియన్ ప్రజలు దీని బారిన పడుతున్నారు. ఒక్క దక్షిణ అమెరికా లోనే సుమారు 5 నుండి 8 మిలియన్ కొత్త కేసులు గుర్తిస్తున్నారు; అందులో సగం మందికి ఏ విధమైన వ్యాధి లక్షణాలు లేవు.[2]


ట్రైకోమోనియాసిస్ (Trichomoniasis) రతి ద్వారా వ్యాపించే అంటు వ్యాధి. ఇది ఎక్కువగా స్త్రీలలో కనిపిస్తుంది. యోని (Vagina) లోని ఆమ్లత్వం తగ్గినప్పుడు ట్రైకోమోనాస్ పెంపొంది వ్యాధిని కలుగజేస్తాయి. ఈ వ్యాధి మూలంగా నెలలు నిండకుండా కాన్పు రావడం, పిల్లలు తక్కువ బరువుండడం జరుగుతుంది.[3] టి.వజినాలిస్ వలన ముత్ర వ్యవస్థ, ఫెలోపియన్ నాళాలు, కటిలో ఇన్ఫెక్షన్ రావచ్చును. సామాన్యంగా ఇది సోకిన స్త్రీలకు పసుపు ఆకుపచ్చని యోని ద్రవాలు ఊరి దురదను కలిగిస్తాయి. తొడుగు (Condom) ఉపయోగించడం వలన దీనినుండి రక్షించుకోవచ్చును.

Pap smear, showing infestation by Trichomonas vaginalis. Papanicolau stain, 400x.

సామాన్యంగా చేసే పాప్ స్మియర్ పరీక్ష (Pap smear) లో ఇవి కనిపించినా అనుభవం లేనివారికి వీనిని గుర్తించడం కష్టం, అందువలన ఈ పరీక్ష ద్వారా వ్యాధి గుర్తించే వారి సంఖ్య తక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. ట్రైకోమోనాస్ క్రిముల్ని యోనిద్రవాలను తడిగానే సూక్ష్మదర్శిని ద్వారా పరీక్షించి వీనియొక్క స్క్రూ చలనం మూలంగా సులువుగా గుర్తించవచ్చును. ప్రస్తుతం అన్నింటి కన్నా క్రిముల వర్ధనం (Culture) ద్వారా వ్యాధిని నిర్ధారించవచ్చును.[4][5] with a sensitivity range of 75-95%.[6]

ఈ వ్యాధిని మెట్రోనిడజోల్ (Metronidazole]] లేదా టినిడజోల్ (Tinidazole) మాత్రలతో సులువుగా నయం చేయవచ్చును. అయితే జ్ఞాపకం పెట్టుకోవలసిన విషయం ఏమంటే ఈ మాత్రలను రతిలో వారి భాగస్వామి కూడా వాడాలి. లేకపోయినట్లయితే వ్యాధి మల్లీ వస్తుంది.[7]


  1. Soper D (2004). "Trichomoniasis: under control or undercontrolled?". American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 190 (1): 281–90. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2003.08.023. PMID 14749674. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  2. Hook EW (1999). "Trichomonas vaginalis--no longer a minor STD". Sexually transmitted diseases. 26 (7): 388–9. PMID 10458631. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  3. Schwebke JR, Burgess D (2004). "Trichomoniasis". Clinical microbiology reviews. 17 (4): 794–803, table of contents. doi:10.1128/CMR.17.4.794-803.2004. PMC 523559. PMID 15489349. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  4. Ohlemeyer CL, Hornberger LL, Lynch DA, Swierkosz EM (1998). "Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis in adolescent females: InPouch TV culture versus wet-mount microscopy". The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 22 (3): 205–8. PMID 9502007. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. Sood S; et al. (2007). "InPouch TV culture for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis". Indian J Med Res. 125: 567–571. PMID 17598943. Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  6. Huppert JS (July 15 2007). "Rapid antigen testing compares favorably with transcription-mediated amplification assay for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis in young women". Clinical Infectious Diseases. 45 (2): 194–198. doi:10.1086/518851. PMID 17578778. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. Cudmore SL, Delgaty KL, Hayward-McClelland SF, Petrin DP, Garber GE (2004). "Treatment of infections caused by metronidazole-resistant Trichomonas vaginalis". Clinical microbiology reviews. 17 (4): 783–93, table of contents. doi:10.1128/CMR.17.4.783-793.2004. PMC 523556. PMID 15489348. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు


provided by wikipedia EN

Trichomonas is a genus of anaerobic excavate parasites of vertebrates. It was first discovered by Alfred François Donné in 1836 when he found these parasites in the pus of a patient suffering from vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. Donné named the genus from its morphological characteristics. The prefix tricho- originates from the Ancient Greek word θρίξ (thrix) meaning hair, describing Trichomonas’s flagella. The suffix -monas (μονάς – single unit), describes its similarity to unicellular organisms from the genus Monas.[2]

Habitat and ecology

Trichomonas is typically found in anaerobic environments. It is a known parasite of many different animals including humans, birds, dogs, and cats.[3][4][5][6] In humans, it can be found in the urogenital tract and in the oral cavity. It is estimated that 276 million new cases of urogenital infections occur each year.[3][5][6] Depending on the Trichomonas species, it can either be transmitted through direct sexual contact or through contaminated water sources.[3][5][6] In birds, it can be found in the upper digestive tract and is transmitted when adult birds regurgitate food to feed their young, when a bird of prey feeds on an infected bird, and through contaminated food or water.[7]


Trichomonas is around 10 µm in length and is normally pear-shaped. It has four flagella at its anterior end, distinguishing itself from closely related organisms that have different numbers of anterior flagella. At the base of these flagella are the parabasal bodies, kinetosomes accompanied by Golgi stacks. The pelta is a sheet of microtubules that curve around the flagellar bases. Posterior to the pelta is the axostyle, is a bundle of microtubules that extends from the anterior end of the organism all the way to the posterior end. The nucleus of Trichomonas is situated close to where the pelta and axostyle meet.[7][6][8][9]

Another distinguishing feature of Trichomonas is the presence of an undulating membrane. The undulating membrane is a fin-like extension of the plasma membrane located on the side of the organism. A flagellum that extends to the posterior end of the organism is attached to the outer edge of the undulating membrane. At the base of the undulating membrane is a striated fiber called the costa which is thought to exist for structural support.[7][10][6][8][9]

Trichomonas has a very interesting organelle: the hydrogenosome.[6] Hydrogenosomes are double-membraned organelles used by trichomonads, instead of mitochondria, to produce ATP. They do not require oxygen and instead use pyruvate:ferredoxin oxido-reductase and hydrogenase to produce ATP from pyruvate, generating hydrogen gas as a by-product.[11]


Trichomonas vaginalis, being the species that causes the most complications in humans, is the only fully sequenced Trichomonas species. Through whole-genome shotgun sequencing, the Trichomonas vaginalis genome is estimated to be around 160 Mb long, divided into six chromosomes. However, at least 65% of its genome was found to be redundant. The redundant genetic material is hypothesized to have emerged during Trichomonas's transition from aerobic to anaerobic environments.[12]

In addition to discovering the large proportion of repetitive DNA in Trichomonas vaginalis genome, the sequenced genes were also characterized. Approximately 60,000 protein-coding genes were found. Transfer RNAs for all 20 amino acids and approximately 250 ribosomal RNA were all found on the same chromosome.[12]

Life cycle

Trichomonas has a trophozoite form, its pear-shaped form, which is most commonly observed, and an amoeboid form, which appears during host colonization.[12] It lacks a cyst form, but many studies have noted a unique form in which Trichomonas appears ovoidal rather than its typical pear-shaped form. In this ovoidal form, all its flagella are retracted in endocytic vacuoles, giving the impression of a cystic form. However, due to the lack of a cystic wall surrounding the organism, many studies describe this form as a pseudocystic form.[7][6]

In its trophozoite form, Trichomonas undergoes cell division through an interesting process called cryptopleuromitosis. There are three common forms of mitosis: open, closed, and semi-open. In open mitosis, the nuclear envelope disappears so that mitotic spindles can interact with the chromosomes. In closed mitosis, the nuclear envelope does not disappear but mitotic spindles appear within the nucleus to separate the chromosomes. In semi-open mitosis, the nuclear envelope remains intact but the mitotic spindles pierce through the nuclear envelope to divide the chromosomes. Cryptopleuromitosis is different from all the other more commonly known methods of cell division. In cryptopleuromitosis, the chromosomes divide without the breakdown of the nuclear envelope and without the entry of mitotic spindles into the nucleus.[13]


Trichomonas causes disease in humans and in birds. In humans, the causative species is Trichomonas vaginalis and Trichomonas tenax.[3][5][6] In birds, the causative species are Trichomonas gallinae, Trichomonas gypactinii, and Trichomonas stableri.[14][15][7]

In humans

Trichomonas vaginalis is a sexually transmitted disease and causes trichomoniasis. It resides on squamous epithelium of the urogenital tract. Many carriers of Trichomonas vaginalis, especially men, are asymptomatic. Complications for symptomatic women include vaginitis, endometritis, infertility, and cervical cancer. Complications for symptomatic men include urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, and infertility. It is also associated with increased risk of transmission and acquisition of HIV.[5][6]

Trichomonas tenax is transmitted through exchange of saliva and contaminated water sources. It is an opportunistic pathogen and may cause pulmonary trichomoniasis.[3]

In birds

Trichomonas in birds inhabit the upper digestive tract and also cause trichomoniasis. It creates lesions in the trachea and esophagus, occupying space and eventually causing emaciation and asphyxiation.[14][15][7]



  1. ^ "Trichomonas". NCBI taxonomy. Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved 4 February 2019.
  2. ^ Donné, A. (19 September 1836). "Animalcules observés dans les matières purulentes et le produit des sécrétions des organes génitaux de l'homme et de la femme". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (in French). 3: 385–386.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Hersh, S. M. (1 August 1985). "Pulmonary trichomoniasis and Trichomonas tenax". Journal of Medical Microbiology. 20 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1099/00222615-20-1-1. PMID 3894667.
  4. ^ a b Kellerová, Pavlína; Tachezy, Jan (April 2017). "Zoonotic Trichomonas tenax and a new trichomonad species, Trichomonas brixi n. sp., from the oral cavities of dogs and cats". International Journal for Parasitology. 47 (5): 247–255. doi:10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.12.006. PMID 28238869.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Menezes, Camila Braz; Frasson, Amanda Piccoli; Tasca, Tiana (5 September 2016). "Trichomoniasis – are we giving the deserved attention to the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease worldwide?". Microbial Cell. 3 (9): 404–418. doi:10.15698/mic2016.09.526. PMC 5354568. PMID 28357378.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Schwebke, Jane R.; Burgess, Donald (15 October 2004). "Trichomoniasis". Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 17 (4): 794–803. doi:10.1128/CMR.17.4.794-803.2004. PMC 523559. PMID 15489349.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Amin, Aziza; Bilic, Ivana; Liebhart, Dieter; Hess, Michael (May 2014). "Trichomonads in birds — a review". Parasitology. 141 (6): 733–47. doi:10.1017/S0031182013002096. PMID 24476968. S2CID 206247917.
  8. ^ a b Tasca, Tiana; De Carli, Geraldo A. (December 2003). "Scanning electron microscopy study of Trichomonas gallinae". Veterinary Parasitology. 118 (1–2): 37–42. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2003.09.009. PMID 14651873.
  9. ^ a b Wartoń, A; Honigberg, BM (February 1979). "Structure of trichomonads as revealed by scanning electron microscopy". The Journal of Protozoology. 26 (1): 56–62. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.1979.tb02732.x. PMID 314517.
  10. ^ Kulda, Jaroslav; Nohýnková, Eva; Ludvík, Jiří (October 1987). "Basic structure and function of the trichomonad cell". Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Biologica. 30: 181–198. ISSN 0001-7124. OCLC 967953815.
  11. ^ Müller, Miklós; Mentel, Marek; van Hellemond, Jaap J.; Henze, Katrin; Woehle, Christian; Gould, Sven B.; Yu, Re-Young; van der Giezen, Mark; Tielens, Aloysius G. M.; Martin, William F. (11 June 2012). "Biochemistry and evolution of anaerobic energy metabolism in eukaryotes". Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 76 (2): 444–495. doi:10.1128/MMBR.05024-11. PMC 3372258. PMID 22688819.
  12. ^ a b c Carlton, JM; Hirt, RP; Silva, JC; Delcher, AL; Schatz, M; Zhao, Q; Wortman, JR; Bidwell, SL; Alsmark, UC; Besteiro, S; Sicheritz-Ponten, T; Noel, CJ; Dacks, JB; Foster, PG; Simillion, C; Van de Peer, Y; Miranda-Saavedra, D; Barton, GJ; Westrop, GD; Müller, S; Dessi, D; Fiori, PL; Ren, Q; Paulsen, I; Zhang, H; Bastida-Corcuera, FD; Simoes-Barbosa, A; Brown, MT; Hayes, RD; Mukherjee, M; Okumura, CY; Schneider, R; Smith, AJ; Vanacova, S; Villalvazo, M; Haas, BJ; Pertea, M; Feldblyum, TV; Utterback, TR; Shu, CL; Osoegawa, K; de Jong, PJ; Hrdy, I; Horvathova, L; Zubacova, Z; Dolezal, P; Malik, SB; Logsdon JM, Jr; Henze, K; Gupta, A; Wang, CC; Dunne, RL; Upcroft, JA; Upcroft, P; White, O; Salzberg, SL; Tang, P; Chiu, CH; Lee, YS; Embley, TM; Coombs, GH; Mottram, JC; Tachezy, J; Fraser-Liggett, CM; Johnson, PJ (12 January 2007). "Draft genome sequence of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis". Science. 315 (5809): 207–12. Bibcode:2007Sci...315..207C. doi:10.1126/science.1132894. PMC 2080659. PMID 17218520.
  13. ^ Ribeiro, Karla C.; Monteiro-Leal, Luiz Henrique; Benchimol, Marlene (2000). "Contributions of the axostyle and flagella to closed mitosis in the protists Tritrichomonas foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis". The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 47 (5): 481–92. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2000.tb00077.x. PMID 11001145. S2CID 5852015.
  14. ^ a b c Girard, Yvette A.; Rogers, Krysta H.; Gerhold, Richard; Land, Kirkwood M.; Lenaghan, Scott C.; Woods, Leslie W.; Haberkern, Nathan; Hopper, Melissa; Cann, Jeff D.; Johnson, Christine K. (April 2014). "Trichomonas stableri n. sp., an agent of trichomonosis in Pacific Coast band-tailed pigeons (Patagioenas fasciata monilis)". International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 3 (1): 32–40. doi:10.1016/j.ijppaw.2013.12.002. PMC 4047957. PMID 24918075.
  15. ^ a b c Martínez-Díaz, Rafael Alberto; Ponce-Gordo, Francisco; Rodríguez-Arce, Irene; del Martínez-Herrero, María Carmen; González, Fernando González; Molina-López, Rafael Ángel; Gómez-Muñoz, María Teresa (2 October 2014). "Trichomonas gypaetinii n. sp., a new trichomonad from the upper gastrointestinal tract of scavenging birds of prey". Parasitology Research. 114 (1): 101–112. doi:10.1007/s00436-014-4165-5. PMID 25273632. S2CID 18438912.
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Trichomonas: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Trichomonas is a genus of anaerobic excavate parasites of vertebrates. It was first discovered by Alfred François Donné in 1836 when he found these parasites in the pus of a patient suffering from vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina. Donné named the genus from its morphological characteristics. The prefix tricho- originates from the Ancient Greek word θρίξ (thrix) meaning hair, describing Trichomonas’s flagella. The suffix -monas (μονάς – single unit), describes its similarity to unicellular organisms from the genus Monas.

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Trichomonas ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Trichomonas es un género de protistas flagelados clasificados en Parabasalia. Presentan cinco o seis flagelos, de los cuales los anteriores son libres, mientras que el restante se dirige hacia atrás, adhiriéndose al borde de la célula y formando una membrana ondulante.[1]​ Incluye T. vaginalis causante de la tricomoniasis urogenital y T. tenax que parasita exclusivamente la cavidad bucal de los seres humanos.


  1. Adl et al. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 59(5), 429-514.
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Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Trichomonas es un género de protistas flagelados clasificados en Parabasalia. Presentan cinco o seis flagelos, de los cuales los anteriores son libres, mientras que el restante se dirige hacia atrás, adhiriéndose al borde de la célula y formando una membrana ondulante.​ Incluye T. vaginalis causante de la tricomoniasis urogenital y T. tenax que parasita exclusivamente la cavidad bucal de los seres humanos.

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Trichomonas ( Basque )

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Trichomonas edo trikomona protozoo bizkarroi flajelodunen generoa da, digestio aparatuko eta sexu organoetako muki ehunetan bizi dena. Bi mota aurkitu dira gizakiarengan: Trichomonas hominis (hesteetako muki ehunean) eta Trichomonas vaginalis (gernu hodietan eta sexu organoetako muki ehunean). Uretritisa eta baginitisa eragin dezakete. Emakumearena sexu harreman bidez kutsatzen da.

Beste espezie


  1. Wolff, E.D.S., Salisbury, S.W., Horner J.R., & Varricchio D.J. (2009) «Common Avian Infection Plagued the Tyrant Dinosaurs» PLoS ONE 4 (9): e7288 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007288 PMID 19789646 PMC 2748709.
  2. Biology 1AL Laboratory Manual UC Berkeley 42. or..

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Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Trichomonas edo trikomona protozoo bizkarroi flajelodunen generoa da, digestio aparatuko eta sexu organoetako muki ehunetan bizi dena. Bi mota aurkitu dira gizakiarengan: Trichomonas hominis (hesteetako muki ehunean) eta Trichomonas vaginalis (gernu hodietan eta sexu organoetako muki ehunean). Uretritisa eta baginitisa eragin dezakete. Emakumearena sexu harreman bidez kutsatzen da.

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Trichomonas ( French )

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Trichomonas est un genre d'excavata anaérobies de la famille des Trichomonadidae, dont il est le genre type, qui parasitent les animaux vertébrés. Ce genre est découvert par le bactériologiste et médecin français Alfred Donné en 1836, remarquant ces parasites dans le pus d'une patiente souffrant de vaginite, une inflammation du vagin. Le préfixe tricho provient du mot grec ancien θρίξ signifiant « poil », qui décrit les flagelles de Trichomonas. Le suffixe -monas provient du grec μονάς, « une seule unité », et décrit sa similarité avec les organismes monocellulaires du genre Monas.

Liste des espèces

Selon AlgaeBase (19 novembre 2021)[1] :

Publication originale

  • A. Donné, « Animalcules observés dans les matières purulentes et le produit des sécrétions des organes génitaux de l'homme et de la femme », Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 3,‎ 1836, p. 385-386 (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le 19 novembre 2021)

Notes et références

  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  1. Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org, consulté le 19 novembre 2021
  2. (en) Pavlína Kellerová et Jan Tachezy, « Zoonotic Trichomonas tenax and a new trichomonad species, Trichomonas brixi n. sp., from the oral cavities of dogs and cats », International Journal for Parasitology, vol. 47, no 5,‎ avril 2017, p. 247–255 (DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 19 novembre 2021)
  3. (en) Aziza Amin, Ivana Bilic, Dieter Liebhart et Michael Hess, « Trichomonads in birds – a review », Parasitology, vol. 141, no 6,‎ mai 2014, p. 733–747 (ISSN et , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 19 novembre 2021)
  4. (en) Rafael Alberto Martínez-Díaz, Francisco Ponce-Gordo, Irene Rodríguez-Arce et María Carmen del Martínez-Herrero, « Trichomonas gypaetinii n. sp., a new trichomonad from the upper gastrointestinal tract of scavenging birds of prey », Parasitology Research, vol. 114, no 1,‎ janvier 2015, p. 101–112 (ISSN et , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 19 novembre 2021)
  5. (en) Yvette A. Girard, Krysta H. Rogers, Richard Gerhold et Kirkwood M. Land, « Trichomonas stableri n. sp., an agent of trichomonosis in Pacific Coast band-tailed pigeons (Patagioenas fasciata monilis) », International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, vol. 3, no 1,‎ avril 2014, p. 32–40 (PMID , PMCID , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 19 novembre 2021)

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Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Trichomonas est un genre d'excavata anaérobies de la famille des Trichomonadidae, dont il est le genre type, qui parasitent les animaux vertébrés. Ce genre est découvert par le bactériologiste et médecin français Alfred Donné en 1836, remarquant ces parasites dans le pus d'une patiente souffrant de vaginite, une inflammation du vagin. Le préfixe tricho provient du mot grec ancien θρίξ signifiant « poil », qui décrit les flagelles de Trichomonas. Le suffixe -monas provient du grec μονάς, « une seule unité », et décrit sa similarité avec les organismes monocellulaires du genre Monas.

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Trichomonas ( Indonesian )

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Trichomonas adalah genus protista anaerobik yang merupakan parasit pada vertebrata. Mereka termasuk dalam Parabasalids.

Spesies Trichomonas mencakup:

  • Trichomonas vaginalis, organisme yang umumnya hidup di dalam saluran urinogenital manusia.
  • Trichomonas gallinae, yang menginfeksi burung, menyebabkan canker pada merpati dan burung dara, dan frounce pada raptor. Lesion seperti-frounce yang ditemukan di fosil rahang dinosaurus tyrannosaurid seperti Tyrannosaurus rex mungkin disebabkan oleh parasit yang mirip dengan Trichomonas gallinae.[1]
  • Trichomonas tenax, organisme yang ditemukan di rongga mulut manusia, kucing, dan anjing
  • Trichomonas termopsidis, ditemukan di usus rayap[2]
Restorasi Tyrannosaurus dengan infeksi seperti-Trichomonas.


  1. ^ Wolff, E.D.S., Salisbury, S.W., Horner J.R., & Varricchio D.J. (2009). Hansen, Dennis Marinus, ed. "Common Avian Infection Plagued the Tyrant Dinosaurs". PLoS ONE. 4 (9): e7288. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007288. PMC 2748709alt=Dapat diakses gratis. PMID 19789646.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  2. ^ "Kingdom Protista". Biology 1AL Laboratory Manual. UC Berkeley. Fall 2011. hlm. 42.

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Blue morpho butterfly.jpg Artikel bertopik biologi ini adalah sebuah rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia dengan mengembangkannya.
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Trichomonas: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Trichomonas adalah genus protista anaerobik yang merupakan parasit pada vertebrata. Mereka termasuk dalam Parabasalids.

Spesies Trichomonas mencakup:

Trichomonas vaginalis, organisme yang umumnya hidup di dalam saluran urinogenital manusia. Trichomonas gallinae, yang menginfeksi burung, menyebabkan canker pada merpati dan burung dara, dan frounce pada raptor. Lesion seperti-frounce yang ditemukan di fosil rahang dinosaurus tyrannosaurid seperti Tyrannosaurus rex mungkin disebabkan oleh parasit yang mirip dengan Trichomonas gallinae. Trichomonas tenax, organisme yang ditemukan di rongga mulut manusia, kucing, dan anjing Trichomonas termopsidis, ditemukan di usus rayap  src= Restorasi Tyrannosaurus dengan infeksi seperti-Trichomonas.
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Trichomonas ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Trichomonas è un genere di protisti anaerobi, parassiti dei vertebrati.

Il 2-acetilammino-5-nitrotiazolo è un farmaco utilizzato nel trattamento di tali infezioni.

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Trichomonas ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Trichomonas é um gênero protista de seres anaeróbicos capazes de parasitar animais vertebrados.

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세모편모충속 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

세모편모충속(Trichomonas)은 파라바살리아강에 속하는 혐기성 원생생물 속의 일종이다. 동물의 몸에 기생한다.

주요 종은 다음과 같다.

  • 질편모충 또는 질트리코모나스 (Trichomonas vaginalis) - 사람의 몸에 기생(여성의 질, 남성의 전립선, 요도, 방광)
  • 비둘기세모편모충 또는 트리코모나스 갈리나이 (Trichomonas gallinae) - 조류를 감염시키는 병원체
  • Trichomonas termopsidis - 흰개미의 장에서 발견[1]
  • 쇠세모편모충 (Tritrichomonas foetus)

공룡의 턱

세모편모충과 유사한 편모충에 감염되었던 것으로 추정되는 티라노사우루스의 가상 복원도

티라노사우루스 렉스와 같은 멸종된 공룡의 턱에서 발견되는 손상은 트리코모나스 갈리나이(Trichomonas gallinae)와 유사한 편모충에 감염되었기 때문으로 추정되고 있다.[2]


  1. 〈Kingdom Protista〉. 《Biology 1AL Laboratory Manual》. UC Berkeley. Fall 2011. 42쪽.
  2. Wolff, E.D.S., Salisbury, S.W., Horner J.R., & Varricchio D.J. (2009). Hansen, Dennis Marinus, 편집. “Common Avian Infection Plagued the Tyrant Dinosaurs”. 《PLoS ONE》 4 (9): e7288. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007288. PMC 2748709. PMID 19789646.
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세모편모충속: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

세모편모충속(Trichomonas)은 파라바살리아강에 속하는 혐기성 원생생물 속의 일종이다. 동물의 몸에 기생한다.

주요 종은 다음과 같다.

질편모충 또는 질트리코모나스 (Trichomonas vaginalis) - 사람의 몸에 기생(여성의 질, 남성의 전립선, 요도, 방광) 비둘기세모편모충 또는 트리코모나스 갈리나이 (Trichomonas gallinae) - 조류를 감염시키는 병원체 Trichomonas termopsidis - 흰개미의 장에서 발견 쇠세모편모충 (Tritrichomonas foetus)
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