Brief Summary
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis A slender northern form of the gargola group, having a larger snout, webs of the toes shared, a smoother skin and tarsal fold reduced.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Known only for the volcanic tableland west of Zapala, towards the Aluminé-Moquehue lakes, Neuquén province, Argentina.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Description of the holotype Snout-vent 52 mm. Head wide and flattened. Snout shorter, but large than in the nominal form, length of the snout equal to the ocular diameter. Interocular distance larger than the wide of the upper eyelid and the internarial interval. Maxillary and vomerine teeth well developed, the later in two oval patches between the choanae. Canthus rostralis obtuse, rounded. Eyes prominent, laterally located. Tongue subcircular and free behind. Tympanum not evident. Supratympanic fold weak. Forearm stout, strong in the males. Fingers free, unfringed. Progressive increasing of the length of the fingers: II - I - IV - III. Metacarpal and subarticular tubercles moderate. Toes two-thirds webbed. Inner metatarsal tubercle strong and enlarged; outer metatarsal tubercle small and round. Tarsal fold short and weak. Hind legs large and slender. When they are adpressed the heels reach the tip of the snout in males, or go beyond the eyes in the females. When the femurs are bent at right angles with the body, the tibio-tarsal articulations overlap. Pectoral girdle similar to that of the nominal form. Skin smooth, scantly glandulous on the back, coarsely granular on the lower surface of thighs. Lateral dermal folds present. Greenish or yellowish on the dorsum, with a faintly interocular band and many irregular dark spots, smaller posteriorly. Ventrally yellowish-gray, speckled with close, minute white dots. Prominent thorny nuptial excrescences on the fingers, and rounded patches of black spines on the chest; they are secondary sex characters of the males. Measurements of the holotype (in mm): head length 13.5; head width 18; forearm 28; hindleg 95; foot 45; tibia 30; femur 29; ocular diameter6.2; nostrils interval 5. Variation Paratypes similar to the holotype. Females smaller, without lateral dermal fold evident. Length of the females, snout-vent 41 - 39.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Conservation Status
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
NE. Not evaluated. Listed how "V" (Vulnerable) in Argentina (Lavilla et al., 2000).
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta