Species: Sesuvium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç. Date: 2008-02-01 Location: Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in) Habitat: Open disturbed ground
Species: Sesuvium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç. Date: 2008-02-01 Location: Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in) Habitat: Open disturbed ground
Species: Sesuvium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç. Date: 2008-02-01 Location: Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in) Habitat: Open disturbed ground
Species: Sesuvium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç. Date: 2008-02-01 Location: Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in) Habitat: Open disturbed ground