
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Piper ponapense C. de Candolle

Piper ponapense C. de Candolle, Bot. Jahrb., 56:502, 1921 [type from Ponape, Ledermann 18429a, not seen by us].— Kanehira, Enum. Micr. Pl., S05, 1985.—Hosokawa, Jour. Jap. Bot., 13:199, 1937a; Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., 7:188, 1937b; Kudoa, 5:95, 1937c; Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 33:120, 1943.—Riesenberg, S. W. Jour. Anthrop., 4:428, 1948.—Glassman, Bish. Mus. Bull. 209:54–55, 1952; Pac. Sci. 7:303, 1953.—Yuncker, Occ. Pap. Bish. Mus., 22:93–95, 1959.—Stone, Pac. Sci., 13:100, 1959.

Piper kusaiense Hosokawa, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 25:118, 1935 [type from Kusaie, Hosokawa 6324].—Kanehira, Enum. Micr. Pl., 305, 1935.

Piper palauense Hosokawa, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 25:118, 1935 [type from Palau, Hosokawa 7361]—Okabe, Jour. Anthr. Soc. Nip., 56:426, 1941; Nankyô, 2:21, 1943 [as P. palawense].

Glabrous or subglabrous aromatic climber, rooting at nodes; leaves almost orbicular to broadly lanceolate, strongly acuminate, base rounded to cordate, petioles commonly about 1 cm long on mature plants, juvenile plants with generally broader, more cordate leaves and longer petioles, these and basal parts of nerves often slightly puberulent, nerves usually 7, diverging at base or almost so, outer pair somewhat weaker, rarely an extra very weak outer pair; flowers dioecious, in linear elongate pedicillate spikes, usually equaling or exceeding leaves; bracts of staminate spikes imbricate; stamens 2, anthers elliptic or oblong, bilocular; stigmas 3 or 4, spreading, pubescent, easily rubbed off in age; ovaries obconical, subtruncate at apex; fruit obovoid, red, fleshy, not greatly enlarging.

Extremely variable, but P. kusaiense and P. palauense do not appear to differ in any essential respect. Broad leafed or juvenile forms, when sterile, distinguished with difficulty from P. fragile. A slight trace of puberulence on the petiole and under sides of the veins at the base of the leaf in juvenile material seems confined to P. ponapense. The petioles are also generally shorter in P. ponapense, but there is some overlapping in young specimens.

Found throughout the Caroline Islands (Palau, Truk, many of the atolls, Ponape, Kusaie) from lowlands to middle altitudes, in forests, thickets, and openings, creeping on ground and climbing on rocks and tree trunks.

USES.—Plant parts are used to alleviate stomach aches (Ponape, Truk, Ant: Glassman, 1952:55).


kasibibui (Palau: Fosberg 47448)

ksebebui (Palau: Fosberg 25801)

kesibibui (Palau: Okabe, 1941:425)

keshbibbui (Palau: Okabe, 1943:21)

tolboy (Lamotrek: Fosberg & Evans 46786)

elek (Satawal: Fosberg 46897)

enes (Truk: Wong 152)

ennes (Truk: Pelzer 47)

eras (Truk: Fosberg 24554)

eresi (Truk: Hosokawa, 1937b: 188)

anek (Namoluk: Marshall 89)

anük (Etal: Anderson 2062)

anük (Lukunor: Anderson 2102)

anük (Satawan: Anderson 1107)

ahnuck (Ant: Glassman, 1953:303)

kon’ok (Ponape: Riesenberg 40)

ko’nok (Ponape: Yuncker, 1959:95)

konok (Ponape: Glassman, 1952:54, 55)

kai-fuhl (Kusaie: Glassman 2718)


CAROLINE ISLANDS.—Palau: Babeldaob: Aimiriik, Kanehira & Okamoto 18 (FU), Kanehira 285 (FU, BISH); Hosokawa 7207 (A); in a thicket along a valley near Mt. Unkeshiu, Hosokawa 7138 (cited by Hosokawa, 1935:118, not seen by us); Arumonogui, near Arumatan, Hosokawa 6748 (BISH, A); Malukyoku, Galdok (Ngardok) Kaisyalu I., Hosokawa 7361 (A, isotype of P. palauense); Garamiscan Colony, Fosberg 25763 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU, L); Kamsetsu, Takamatsu 1120 (BISH); Kasioru, Takamatsu 1507 (BISH); Kaiguru, Takamatsu 1590 (BISH). Koror: Kanehira 196 (FU); in a forest on coral at Almizu, Hosokawa 7407 (cited by Hosokawa, 1935:118, not seen by us). Ngarakabesang (Arakabesan): Takamatsu 1246 (BISH); south side of west peninsula of island, 20–30 m, Fosberg 32132 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU). Aulupse’el: Ngar Malk, 1–10 m, Fosberg 32616 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU), Fosberg 32617 (US, BISH, DPU); Du’ebachel beach, east end of island, 2 m, Fosberg 47448 (US, UH, Fo, MO, K, NY); Ngeremengii, Trail from bauxite mining area to school, Falanruw, Fosberg, et al. 1058 (US). Ngeanges (Gaiangas): Island west of south point of Urukthapel, Fosberg 25801 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU). Peliliu: Takamatsu 1788 (BISH); Kanehira & Hatusima 4779 (FU). Angaur: East side, Fosberg 31989 (US).

Lamotrek Atoll, Lamotrek Islet, interior of island, 1–3 m, Fosberg & Evans 46786 (US).

Satawal: interior of island, 2 m, Fosberg 46897 (US, BISH, Fo).

Puluwat Atoll: 1–3 m, Niering 768 (US).

Namonuito: Ulul I., Stone 2078 (BISH).

Murilo: Murilo I., 3–5 m, Evans 1241 (US), 1240 (US); Ruo I., interior of island, 3–5 m, Evans 1193 (juvenile) (US), 7202 (US); main taro pit, 1176 (US, UH, Fo, K, MO); observed, not collected (Stone, 1959:100).

Nomwin: Nomwin I., observed, not collected (Stone, 1959:100).

Truk: Wong 152 (US); Tadiu, Hosokawa 8401 (BISH, A, US); Akisima, Kanehira 3872 (FU), 3877 (FU); Uoala, H. F. Moore 114 (US). Moen: Kanehira 1716 (FU); Pelzer 47 (US); 48 (US); near Baker Dock, 3 m, Fosberg 24704 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU), Fosberg 24697 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU); south slope of Mt. Tonaachau, Fosberg 26053 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU, NY, L); Daniells 100 (US); track leading to highest point on island, 100–400 m, Evans 1265 (US, BISH, Fo); 1284 (US, BISH). Dublon (Trowasi, Natusima): Hosokawa 8362 (BISH); Mt. Tolomen (Tolowan), 200–360 m, Fosberg 24554 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU); Mt. Tumuital (Uiniboet), 200–460 m, Fosberg 24444 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU). Tol: Hosokawa 8327 (A, BISH); 300 m, Kanehira 1288 (FU); Uriribot, Hosokawa 8269 (BISH, A), 8292 (BISH, A).

Losap: Seen but not collected by Anderson in 1949; Losap I., interior of island, 3–5 m, Evans 1342 (US, UH).

Namoluk: Seen but not collected by Anderson in 1949; Namoluk Islet, 2–3 m, Marshall 89 (US).

Etal: Etal I., Anderson 2062 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU).

Lukunor: Lukunor I., Anderson 2167 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU); Oneop I., Anderson 2102 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L).

Satawan: Moch I., Anderson 1107 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L, DPU).

Ant: observed as an epiphyte by Glassman (1953: 303).

Ngatik (Natik): Kanehira 4120 (FU).

Ponape: Ledermann 13266 (BISH); Kanehira 672 (BISH); Hosokawa 5472, 5538, 5585, 5598, 5721, 5858, 5919, 6032, 6148 (all cited by Hosokawa, 1943: 120, not seen by us); Lederman 13429a, type (cited by de Candolle, 1921:502, not seen by us); Riesenberg 40 (BISH); H. F. Moore 108 (US), 107 (US); Colonia, Kanehira 672 (US, NY, BM, FU); Palikir, Kanehira 721 (NY); Kiti, Kanehira 1539 (US, NY, FU); outlet of Tawensokola River, Glassman 2444 (US, BISH); Parkier, Kanehira 706 (FU); Mt. Kankauzan, Hosokawa 5505 (A); Nanipiru, 200 ft [60 m], Hosaka 3539 (US, BISH, Fo, DPU); Mt. Tolotom, Takamatsu 1059 (BISH); Param, Takamatsu 633 (BISH); Net Village, along river bank, Salomon, S. & T. George 57 (US).

Kusaie: Kanehira 1350 (FU, P); Matante, Kanehira 4199 (FU); Mt. Matante (Mt. Buache), Takamatsu 496 (BISH); lowest slope and foot of south side, 1–50 m, Fosberg 26566 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, DPU); Mt. Buache, Hosokawa 6261 (A), Taonsakku, Hosokawa 6324 (BISH, A, isotypes of P. kusaiense); Yasibayasi-Taontakku, Hosokawa 6215 (A); Lele I.: Fosberg 26543 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L, DPU), Glassman 2718 (US, BISH); south slopes and ridges of Mt. Tafeyet, south of the Lele Harbor, Fosberg 26668 (US); Hill 541, 500 ft [150 m], J. F. G. Clarke s.n. (US); Mt. Fenkol (Mt. Crozer, Mt. Hinkorn, Hinkoln), 100 m, Takamatsu 385 (BISH); Kanehira 1388 (FU), 4193 (FU).

Synonyms and Excluded or Misapplied Names

Chavica Miquel. See Piper L.

Chavica betle (L.) Miquel. See Piper betle L.

Macropiper Miquel. See Piper L.

Macropiper potamogetonifolium (Opiz) Miquel. See Piper betle f. marianum (Opiz) Fosberg

Macropiper latifolium (Forster f.) Miquel. See Piper guahamense C. de Candolle for Marianas records

Macropiper methysticum (Forster f.) Miquel. See Piper methysticum Forster f., but see Piper guahamense C. de Candolle for Marianas records

Micropiper Miquel. See Peperomia Ruiz & Pavón

Peperomia bilineata (Blume) Miquel. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth, at least for Yap record

Peperomia gibbonsii C. de Candolle. See Peperomia ponapensis C. de Candolle var. ponapensis

Peperomia guamana C. de Candolle. See Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle f. mariannensis

Peperomia guamana var. saipana (C. de Candolle) Yuncker. See P. mariannensis f. saipana (C. de Candolle) Fosberg

Peperomia hoeferi C. de Candolle. See P. mariannensis C. de Candolle f. mariannensis

Peperomia ladronica Hosokawa. See P. mariannensis C. de Candolle f. mariannensis

Peperomia lineata Miquel ex Yuncker. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth

Peperomia membranacea Hooker & Arnott. See Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle for Micronesian record

Peperomia pacifica Hosakawa. See Peperomia mariannensis f. saipana (C. de Candolle) Fosberg

Peperomia pacificicola Hosokawa. See Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle f. saipana (C. de Candolle) Fosberg

Peperomia pallida (Forster f.) A. Dietrich. See Peperomia ponapensis C. de Candolle f. ponapensis for Marshall Islands record

Peperomia pellucida var. obtusifolia Koidzumi. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth

Peperomia pellucidopunctulata C. de Candolle. See Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle for Marianas record

Peperomia saipana C. de Candolle. See Peperomia mariannensis f. saipana (C. de Candolle) Fosberg

Peperomia tinianensis Hosokawa. See Peperomia mariannensis C. de Candolle f. mariannensis

Peperomia trukensis Yuncker. See Peperomia ponapensis var. trukensis (Yuncker) Fosberg

Peperomia volkensii C. de Candolle. See Peperomia ponapensis C. de Candolle var. ponapensis

Peperomia yapensis C. de Candolle. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth

Piper betel L. ex Endlicher. See Piper betle L.

Piper betle var. densum (Blume) C. de Candolle. See Piper betle f. densum (Blume) Fosberg

Piper betle var. mariannum C. de Candolle. See Piper betle L. f. marianum (Opiz) Fosberg

Piper bilineata Miquel ex Kanehira. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth

Piper carolinense Hosokawa. See Piper fragile Bentham

Piper decumanum var. palauense Hosokawa. See Piper hosokawae Fosberg

Piper densum Blume. See Piper betle f. densum (Blume) Fosberg

Piper guahamense var. glabrum Yuncker. See Piper guahamense f. glabrum (Yuncker) Fosberg

Piper kusaiense Hosokawa. See Piper ponapense C. de Candolle

Piper latifolium Gaudichaud ex Kunth. See Piper guahamense C. de Candolle

Piper macgillivrayi C. de Candolle ex Seemann. See Piper guahamense for Marianas records

Piper majusculum Blume. See Piper hosokawae Fosberg for Micronesian records

Piper mariannum Opiz. See Piper betle f. marianum (Opiz) Fosberg

Piper marianum Opiz. See Piper betle f. marianum (Opiz) Fosberg

Piper micronesiacum Hosokawa. See Piper latifolium L. f.

Piper obtusifolium. L. See Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietrich

Piper palauense Hosokawa. See Piper ponapense C. de Candolle

Piper palawense Okabe. See Piper ponapense C. de Candolle

Piper pellucidum L. See Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth

Piper potamogetonifolium Opiz. See Piper betle f. marianum (Opiz) Fosberg

Piper trukense Hosokawa. See Piper fragile Bentham.
bibliographic citation
Fosberg, F. Raymond and Sachet, Marie-Hélène. 1975. "Flora of Micronesia, 2: Casuarinaceae, Piperaceae, and Myricaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-32. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.24