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Adult cicadas are on the wing from late May to early July, and this adult phase of the insect's life lasts from two to four weeks. Both sexes feed on sap from twigs with their stout, needle-like proboscis. After mating, females lay their eggs in the stems of herbaceous plants, small bushes and even bracken stems. The eggs hatch after 50 - 125 days, and the nymphs burrow into the soil. They stay underground for a period of six to ten years, feeding on the sap from the roots of various herbaceous plants and shrub. In their final spring, the nymphs construct a clay and leaf-litter turret on the surface of the soil above their burrows. This is thought to give the emerging insects an indication of the ambient air temperature. Adult male cicadas sing from low bushes and vegetation, the song being a high-pitched ringing buzz lasting for many minutes. The song is produced by a membrane within the thorax of the insect, which clicks to-and-fro at a rapid rate, and is inaudible to most people above the age of 40 years. It can, however, be received by a modified bat-detector. Singing is only performed in still air in temperatures above 20° Celsius.
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The New Forest cicada is listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plans (UK BAP) and is included in English Nature's Species Recovery Programme. The managers of the New Forest, Forest Enterprise, are working to create ideal habitat for this fascinating insect. Current research is aimed at discovering the exact details of its habitat requirements with the intention of creating the correct conditions in targeted areas of the Forest, and Bristol Zoo is beginning a captive breeding project, using stock from Belgium.
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Cicadas are usually associated with hot countries, so some might find it unusual to learn that Britain has one listed as a native species. It is one of the UK's larger insects too, and a spectacular sight. The large wings are transparent and held 'roofwise' over the body when the insect is at rest. They extend beyond the abdomen when folded. The body is mostly dark slate-grey or black but the segments of the abdomen are ringed with gold. The legs are marked with orange.
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The New Forest cicada is found in the habitat that lies between open grass or heathland and scrubby woodland. They require open sunny woodland rides and clearings bordered by scrub, or along woodland edges. These clearings need to be of sufficient size to remain open to full sunlight, whilst retaining a warm microclimate. South-facing, well drained slopes are ideal.
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This species is widely distributed geographically, being predominantly northern and Asiatic, but also found in the mountainous regions of southern Europe. In the UK, it is only known in recent times from the New Forest, Hampshire, with a few records from Surrey between 1864 and 1936.
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Classified as Endangered in the UK, and protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended.
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Although the New Forest cicada has probably never been common in this country, recent disappearances are linked to the loss of its favoured habitat. Most damaging is the constant year-round grazing pressure on the New Forest, resulting in a loss of the favoured scrub-edge habitat and the plants required for egg-laying and as food for the nymphs. The emergence turrets are prone to being destroyed by livestock trampling, which in turn leads to the nymphs being predated by ground beetles. An increase in bracken cover also lowers ground temperatures and shades out the ground where the nymphs develop.
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Cicadetta montana

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Cicadetta montana male

Cicadetta montana (also known as the New Forest cicada) is a species of Cicadetta found throughout Europe and in parts of Asia.[1]

It is regarded as endangered over large parts of Europe, and has vanished from several areas in Western Europe.[2] It is the only cicada species native to England and Finland (Åminneforss in Pohja).[3]

The adult females inject their eggs into the stems of food plants, and, when the larvae emerge, they burrow underground and as nymphs feeding on root sap. These underground cycles may last many years, differing for each species.

Females have a body measuring about 50 mm in length, with the males being much smaller. It has transparent wings with prominent veins, folded over the back when at rest, and a dark slate-grey or black body with dull orange rings around the abdomen. The legs are marked with dull orange as are the leading edges of the wings (costae).

As with all cicadas, the males produce the shrill, buzzing calls by rapidly flexing drumhead-like membranes, while the females are limited to producing clicks. The call of C montana sounds like static hiss to the unaided human ear and is sustained with relatively short lulls at irregular intervals.[4] Their shrilling was venerated by the ancient Greeks, but detested by Virgil.[5]

Food plants

Taxonomic history

In 1772, Scopoli described and named the type specimen from Slovenia as Melampsalta montana, and this was later changed to Cicadetta montana. It has turned out to be not a single taxon, but a complex of closely related species distinguishable by their songs. Using this method of differentiation, at least 10 species have been separated from the complex. Classification by calls has led to three main groups being proposed which largely correspond with the clades suggested by DNA analyses – one new species not fitting in the proposed scheme.[7][8][9]


  • Melampsalta montana Scopoli, 1772
  • Cicadetta flavofenestrata Goeze, 1778
  • C. schafferi Gmelin, 1780
  • C. pygmaea Olivier, 1790
  • C. dimidiata Fabricius, 1803
  • C. anglica Samouelle, 1819
  • C. parvula Walker, 1850
  • C. saxonica Hartwig, 1857
  • C. megerlei Fieber, 1876
  • C. longipennis Fieber, 1876 [10]

New Forest cicada project

C. montana has not been seen or heard anywhere in Britain since 2000. In 2013, in an attempt to locate remaining specimens, developers have written application software for smartphones, enabling users to listen to sound frequencies beyond the normal human range.[11] Up to December 2015, over 3,000 people have downloaded the ″Hunt for the New Forest Cicada app″ without success in Britain, although the app has recorded the insect in Slovenia. From 2016 onwards, 100 autonomous acoustic monitoring devices have been deployed each year throughout the New Forest.[12]

C. montana also disappeared between 1941 and 1961, so their current absence may be part of a cycle.[13]


  1. ^ "Cicadetta montana Scopoli, 1772 Distribution: AT, BE, BG, DK, FI, FR, DE, GB, GR, HU, IT, NO, IL, PL, ES, SE, SLO, TR, AZ, GG, KG, MD, N-RU, M-RU, S-RU, TJ, UA, YU." The Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha of Turkey - Emine Demir
  2. ^ An Encyclopedia of Natural History
  3. ^ The genus is also represented in Australia and New Zealand. Cicada sensations, behavior, song patterns
  4. ^ "Sound clip from Songs of Cicadas". Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 29 September 2012.
  5. ^ Taxonomy, distribution, biology and conservation status of Finnish Auchenorrhyncha - Guy Söderman Archived May 16, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ http://globalspecies.org/mtaxa/1000036612
  7. ^ "Present status of mountain cicadas Cicadetta montana (sensu lato) in Europe" Archived 2015-01-11 at the Wayback Machine - Matija Gogala, Sakis Drosopoulos, Tomi Trilar (Bulletin of Insectology 61 (1): 123-124, 2008)ISSN 1721-8861
  8. ^ Cicadetta montana complex in Greece – Matija Gogala, Sakis Drosopoulos, Tomi Trilar
  9. ^ Molecular systematics of the cryptic Cicadetta montana species complex - Elizabeth Wade
  10. ^ Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara
  11. ^ New Forest Cicada Project
  12. ^ Baraniuk, Chris (2 December 2015). "The search for Britain's only native species of cicada". BBC News. Retrieved 4 December 2015.
  13. ^ The Guardian

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Cicadetta montana: Brief Summary

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Cicadetta montana male

Cicadetta montana (also known as the New Forest cicada) is a species of Cicadetta found throughout Europe and in parts of Asia.

It is regarded as endangered over large parts of Europe, and has vanished from several areas in Western Europe. It is the only cicada species native to England and Finland (Åminneforss in Pohja).

The adult females inject their eggs into the stems of food plants, and, when the larvae emerge, they burrow underground and as nymphs feeding on root sap. These underground cycles may last many years, differing for each species.

Females have a body measuring about 50 mm in length, with the males being much smaller. It has transparent wings with prominent veins, folded over the back when at rest, and a dark slate-grey or black body with dull orange rings around the abdomen. The legs are marked with dull orange as are the leading edges of the wings (costae).

As with all cicadas, the males produce the shrill, buzzing calls by rapidly flexing drumhead-like membranes, while the females are limited to producing clicks. The call of C montana sounds like static hiss to the unaided human ear and is sustained with relatively short lulls at irregular intervals. Their shrilling was venerated by the ancient Greeks, but detested by Virgil.

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