Amastigomonas bermudensis Molina and Nerad, 1991. Biflagellate heterotrophic protists with a ventral groove whose marginal folds extend anteriorly forming a sleeve that encloses the anterior locomotory flagellum. Flagella smooth and not acronematic (tapered at the tip), originating at the base of the sleeve. Beating of anterior flagellum lateral antero-sinistral, tracing an acute arc. Cells gliding on the substrate and feeding on bacteria. Recurrent flagellum located in the left side of the ventral groove and held close to the cell surface. Cell dorso-ventrally flattened. Dorsal surface convex, covered by a five-layered membrane. Ventral groove used for ingestion of bacteria and marginal folds firmly appressed to the substratum. Mitochondria with tubular cristae. Golgi apparatus present. Three bands of microtubules associated with the kinetosomes. One of these, the" MLS", shows an adjacent electron-dense, rod-like body. Single cells 3.0-5.5 microns wide x 8.0-11.5 microns long. Flagellar sheath 3.5-4.5 microns