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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Metallic Wood Boring Beetles
Winged Insects
Metallic Wood Boring Beetles
Metallic Wood Boring Beetles
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from The World of Jewel Beetles in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Buprestis mucronata
Klug 1825
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Polybothris mucronata
(Laporte & Gory 1836)
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Buprestis mucronata
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Polybothris mucronata
Species recognized by
iNaturalist data coverage
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Buprestis mucronata Laporte & Gory 1836
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from The World of Jewel Beetles in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Polybothris pseudopunctipennis Obenberger 1942
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from The World of Jewel Beetles in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Buprestis mucronata Laporte & Gory 1836
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Buprestis mucronata Laporte & Gory 1836
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Polybothris pseudopunctipennis Obenberger 1942
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Polybothris pseudopunctipennis Obenberger 1942
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
(this page)
Polybothris aeneicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug 1833)
Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris amorosa Obenberger 1942
Polybothris analis (Chevrolat ex Guérin 1833)
Polybothris angulosa (Théry 1905)
Polybothris angusta (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anniae (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris aureopilosa (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris auropicta (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris bernieri (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris bipustulata Fairmaire 1903
Polybothris blairi Théry 1930
Polybothris blucheaui Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris bothripyga (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris carinifrons (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris carreti (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris caudatula (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris chalybeopicta Kerremans 1898
Polybothris chloe (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris circularis (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris circulum (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris coccinella (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris coeruleiventris (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris coindardi Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris colliciata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris complanata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris cyanella (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris cyclopyga (Fairmaire 1889)
Polybothris deyrollei (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris diecki Théry 1905
Polybothris dilatata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris diversicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris errata (Théry 1905)
Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris faucherei Théry 1912
Polybothris flesa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris fulgidiventris (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris geminata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris goryi (Guérin 1833)
Polybothris gratiosa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris gueyraudi Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris indigna Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris infrasplendens (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris insignis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris klugii (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laticollis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris marginalis (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris mariae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris marmorata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris moesta (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris moralesi (Théry 1905)
Polybothris multiguttata (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris mystica (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris natalensis Théry 1930
Polybothris nossibiana (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris oberthurii (Fairmaire 1893)
Polybothris obesa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris obscura (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris ochreata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris ovularis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris penelope Obenberger 1942
Polybothris perrieri Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris petrequini (Théry 1910)
Polybothris peyrierasi (Descarpentries 1974)
Polybothris pfeifferae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris planula (Obenberger 1926)
Polybothris puncticollis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris punctipennis Kerremans 1894
Polybothris pygidialis Fairmaire 1904
Polybothris pyropyga Coquerel 1851
Polybothris quadricollis (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris quadrispilota (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris regalis Théry 1912
Polybothris rotundata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris ruficauda (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris rustica (Théry 1905)
Polybothris scenica (Gory 1840)
Polybothris sexmaculata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris silphoides (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris sodalis (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris spesivcevi (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris splendidiventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris staudingeri Théry 1912
Polybothris suarezina (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris sumptuosa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris tananarivensis (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris transversa Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris truncatella (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris violaceiventris (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris viridichalybea (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris wautersi (Théry 1905)
121 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
(this page)
Polybothris acripes Guérin 1925
Polybothris adspersipennis (Théry 1905)
Polybothris aeneicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug 1833)
Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris amorpha (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris ampliata (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris analis (Chevrolat ex Guérin 1833)
Polybothris angulosa (Théry 1905)
Polybothris angusta (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anniae (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris antiopa Obenberger 1942
Polybothris antiqua (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anulifer (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris artemis Obenberger 1942
Polybothris auberti Théry 1912
Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris auroclavata Coquerel 1851
Polybothris aurocyanea (Coquerel 1848)
Polybothris auropicta (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris azurea (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris bernieri (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris bilobata Kerremans 1894
Polybothris bipustulata Fairmaire 1903
Polybothris blairi Théry 1930
Polybothris blanchardi (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris bothripyga (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris calypso Obenberger 1942
Polybothris carinifrons (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris carreti (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris cassandra (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cassidioides (Guérin-Méneville 1832)
Polybothris caudatula (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris chalcochrysea (Klug 1833)
Polybothris chalybeoventralis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris chloe (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris circularis (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris circulum (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris circumdata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris coccinella (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris coeruleipes (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris coeruleiventris (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris colliciata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris complanata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris corinna (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris crassa (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris cribraria (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris cribripennis Théry 1912
Polybothris cupreonitens Kerremans 1894
Polybothris cupreovaria Kerremans 1894
Polybothris cuprifera (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris cyanella (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris cyclopyga (Fairmaire 1889)
Polybothris darwini Théry 1912
Polybothris deyrollei (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris diecki Théry 1905
Polybothris dilatata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris diversicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris dodone Obenberger 1942
Polybothris elliptica (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris eros Obenberger 1942
Polybothris errata (Théry 1905)
Polybothris eubrachea (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris fairmairei Saunders 1871
Polybothris faucherei Théry 1912
Polybothris flesa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris francoiseae Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris fulgidiventris (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris geminata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris goryi (Guérin 1833)
Polybothris grandidieri (Théry 1905)
Polybothris gratiosa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris gueyraudi Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris heliobia Obenberger 1942
Polybothris heydeni (Théry 1905)
Polybothris humblotii Fairmaire 1893
Polybothris hypocyana Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris impressipennis (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris indigna Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris indistincta (Gory 1840)
Polybothris indurata (Obenberger 1926)
Polybothris infrasplendens (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris inornata (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris insignis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris jansonii (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris klugii (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris lachesis (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laeviventris (Waterhouse 1882)
Polybothris lafertei (Gory 1840)
Polybothris lamina (Klug 1833)
Polybothris laportedeana Obenberger 1942
Polybothris lateralis (Waterhouse 1880)
121 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
(this page)
Polybothris aeneicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug 1833)
Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris amorosa Obenberger 1942
Polybothris analis (Chevrolat ex Guérin 1833)
Polybothris angulosa (Théry 1905)
Polybothris angusta (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anniae (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris aureopilosa (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris auropicta (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris bernieri (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris bipustulata Fairmaire 1903
Polybothris blairi Théry 1930
Polybothris blucheaui Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris bothripyga (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris carinifrons (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris carreti (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris caudatula (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris chalybeopicta Kerremans 1898
Polybothris chloe (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris circularis (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris circulum (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris coccinella (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris coeruleiventris (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris coindardi Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris colliciata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris complanata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris cyanella (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris cyclopyga (Fairmaire 1889)
Polybothris deyrollei (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris diecki Théry 1905
Polybothris dilatata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris diversicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris errata (Théry 1905)
Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris faucherei Théry 1912
Polybothris flesa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris fulgidiventris (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris geminata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris goryi (Guérin 1833)
Polybothris gratiosa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris gueyraudi Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris indigna Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris infrasplendens (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris insignis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris klugii (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laticollis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris marginalis (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris mariae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris marmorata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris moesta (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris moralesi (Théry 1905)
Polybothris multiguttata (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris mystica (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris natalensis Théry 1930
Polybothris nossibiana (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris oberthurii (Fairmaire 1893)
Polybothris obesa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris obscura (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris ochreata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris ovularis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris penelope Obenberger 1942
Polybothris perrieri Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris petrequini (Théry 1910)
Polybothris peyrierasi (Descarpentries 1974)
Polybothris pfeifferae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris planula (Obenberger 1926)
Polybothris puncticollis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris punctipennis Kerremans 1894
Polybothris pygidialis Fairmaire 1904
Polybothris pyropyga Coquerel 1851
Polybothris quadricollis (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris quadrispilota (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris regalis Théry 1912
Polybothris rotundata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris ruficauda (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris rustica (Théry 1905)
Polybothris scenica (Gory 1840)
Polybothris sexmaculata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris silphoides (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris sodalis (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris spesivcevi (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris splendidiventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris staudingeri Théry 1912
Polybothris suarezina (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris sumptuosa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris tananarivensis (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris transversa Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris truncatella (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris violaceiventris (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris viridichalybea (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris wautersi (Théry 1905)
121 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
(this page)
Polybothris aeneicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug 1833)
Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris amorosa Obenberger 1942
Polybothris analis (Chevrolat in Guérin 1833)
Polybothris angulosa (Théry 1905)
Polybothris angusta (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anniae (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris aureopilosa (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris auropicta (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris bernieri (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris bipustulata Fairmaire 1903
Polybothris blairi Théry 1930
Polybothris blucheaui Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris bothripyga (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris carinifrons (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris carreti (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris caudatula (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris chalybeopicta Kerremans 1898
Polybothris chloe (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris circularis (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris circulum (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris coccinella (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris coeruleiventris (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris coindardi Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris colliciata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris complanata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris cyanella (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris cyclopyga (Fairmaire 1889)
Polybothris deyrollei (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris diecki Théry 1905
Polybothris dilatata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris diversicollis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris errata (Théry 1905)
Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris faucherei Théry 1912
Polybothris flesa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris fulgidiventris (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris geminata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris goryi (Guérin 1833)
Polybothris gratiosa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris gueyraudi Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris indigna Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris infrasplendens (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris insignis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris klugii (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris laticollis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris marginalis (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris mariae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris marmorata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris moesta (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris moralesi (Théry 1905)
Polybothris multiguttata (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris mystica (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris natalensis Théry 1930
Polybothris nossibiana (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris oberthurii (Fairmaire 1893)
Polybothris obesa (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris obscura (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris ochreata (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris ovularis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris penelope Obenberger 1942
Polybothris perrieri Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris petrequini (Théry 1910)
Polybothris peyrierasi (Descarpentries 1974)
Polybothris pfeifferae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris planula (Obenberger 1926)
Polybothris puncticollis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris punctipennis Kerremans 1894
Polybothris pygidialis Fairmaire 1904
Polybothris pyropyga Coquerel 1851
Polybothris quadricollis (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris quadrispilota (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris regalis Théry 1912
Polybothris rotundata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris ruficauda (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris rustica (Théry 1905)
Polybothris scenica (Gory 1840)
Polybothris sexmaculata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris silphoides (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris sodalis (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris spesivcevi (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris splendidiventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris staudingeri Théry 1912
Polybothris suarezina (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris sumptuosa (Klug 1833)
Polybothris tananarivensis (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris transversa Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris truncatella (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris violaceiventris (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris viridichalybea (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris wautersi (Théry 1905)
121 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Buprestis Linnaeus 1758
Buprestis mucronata Klug 1825
(this page)
Buprestis adjecta (Le Conte 1854)
Buprestis aetnensis Baviera & Sparacio 2002
Buprestis alemanica (Heer 1879)
Buprestis apicipennis Reitter 1898
Buprestis apricans Herbst 1801
Buprestis atlas Szallies 1994
Buprestis auratostriata (Haupt 1950)
Buprestis aureoviridis Houttuyn 1787
Buprestis aurichalcea Houttuyn 1787
Buprestis aurora Bellamy 2011
Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus 1767
Buprestis bertheloti Laporte & Gory 1837
Buprestis biplagiata Waterhouse 1882
Buprestis biseta
Buprestis calignosa Casey
Buprestis carabuho Westcott 1998
Buprestis catoxantha Gory 1840
Buprestis concinna (Heer 1879)
Buprestis confluenta Say 1823
Buprestis connexa Horn 1875
Buprestis consularis Gory 1841
Buprestis cupressi Germar 1817
Buprestis dalmatina Mannerheim 1837
Buprestis decemspilota Hope 1831
Buprestis decipiens Fisher 1925
Buprestis decora Fabricius 1775
Buprestis deleta (Heer 1847)
Buprestis douei Lucas 1846
Buprestis dumonti (Théry 1942)
Buprestis esakii Kurosawa 1954
Buprestis fairmairei Théry 1911
Buprestis fasciata Fabricii 1787
Buprestis flavoangulata (Fairmaire 1856)
Buprestis florissantensis Wickham 1914
Buprestis fremontia Burke 1924
Buprestis fremontiae Burke 1924
Buprestis gibbsii (Le Conte 1857)
Buprestis graminea Houttuyn 1787
Buprestis griseomicans (Haupt 1950)
Buprestis haemorrhoidalis Herbst 1780
Buprestis hauboldi (Weidlich 1987)
Buprestis hauseri Obenberger 1928
Buprestis heydeni (Heer 1847)
Buprestis hilaris Klug 1829
Buprestis intercostata
Buprestis intricata Casey 1909
Buprestis kashimirensis Beeson 1919
Buprestis kudiensis Cockerell 1926
Buprestis laeviventris (Le Conte 1857)
Buprestis langii Mannerheim 1843
Buprestis lebisi Descarpentries 1956
Buprestis lyrata Casey 1909
Buprestis maculativentris Say 1825
Buprestis maculipennis Gory 1841
Buprestis magica Laporte & Gory 1837
Buprestis margineaurata Weidlich 1987
Buprestis maura Olivier 1790
Buprestis megistarche Cockerell 1926
Buprestis megistrache Cockerell 1926
Buprestis meyeri Heyden 1858
Buprestis mirabilis Kurosawa 1969
Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus 1767
Buprestis nutalli Kirby 1837
Buprestis octoguttata Linnaeus 1758
Buprestis parmaculativentris Knull 1958
Buprestis picta Waterhouse 1882
Buprestis pongraczi Weidlich 1987
Buprestis pristina (Heyden 1862)
Buprestis prospera Casey 1909
Buprestis punctulata Houttuyn 1787
Buprestis pustulata
Buprestis redempta (Heyden 1859)
Buprestis rufipes Olivier 1790
Buprestis rustica Linnaeus 1758
Buprestis rusticana (Heer 1847)
Buprestis salicis Lewis 1893
Buprestis salisburyensis Herbst 1801
Buprestis samanthae (Hattori & Tanaka 2007)
Buprestis sanguinea Fabricius 1798
Buprestis saxigena Scudder 1879
Buprestis scudderi Wickham 1914
Buprestis senecta Heyden 1858
Buprestis seorsus (Haupt 1950)
Buprestis sepulta Scudder 1879
Buprestis seyfriedi (Heer 1847)
Buprestis splendens Fabricius 1775
Buprestis sterbai Obenberger 1943
Buprestis striata Fabricius 1775
Buprestis strigosa Gebler 1830
Buprestis subornata (Le Conte 1860)
Buprestis sulcicollis (Le Conte 1860)
Buprestis tertiaria Scudder 1879
Buprestis tincta (Heer 1862)
Buprestis tradita Heyden 1859
Buprestis transversepicta Kerremans 1897
Buprestis ventralis Waterhouse 1882
Buprestis viridistriatus (Haupt 1950)
Buprestis viridisuturalis Nicolay & Weiss 1918
Buprestis zayasi Fisher 1953
Eurythyrea viridis (Piton 1940)
14 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Polybothris Spinola 1837
Polybothris mucronata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
(this page)
Polybothris acripes Guérin 1925
Polybothris aeneomaculata (Klug 1833)
Polybothris alboplagiata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris angusta (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris anniae (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris antiqua (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris antiquus Pongrácz 1935
Polybothris anulifer (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris auriventris (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris auroclavata Coquerel 1851
Polybothris aurocyanea (Coquerel 1848)
Polybothris blucheaui Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris bourgoini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris bouvieri Théry 1909
Polybothris calypso Obenberger 1942
Polybothris carreti (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris chalcochrysea (Klug 1833)
Polybothris chalybeopicta Kerremans 1898
Polybothris cicerini (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris coelestis (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris coindardi Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris colliciata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris cordiformis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris corinna (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris cribripennis Théry 1912
Polybothris cupreovaria Kerremans 1894
Polybothris cuprifera (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris darwini Théry 1912
Polybothris diecki Théry 1905
Polybothris dodone Obenberger 1942
Polybothris dujardini (Descarpentries 1974)
Polybothris errata (Théry 1905)
Polybothris expansicollis (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris faucherei Théry 1912
Polybothris francoiseae Neef de Sainval 2000
Polybothris grandidieri (Théry 1905)
Polybothris heydeni (Théry 1905)
Polybothris hova Künckel d'Herculais 1890
Polybothris hypocyana Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris incerticolor (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris inclyta Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris indigna Fairmaire 1899
Polybothris inornata (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris jansonii (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris lachesis (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris laeta (Laporte & Gory 1837)
Polybothris latissima Meyer-Darcis 1906
Polybothris lelieurii Buquet 1854
Polybothris madoni Théry 1912
Polybothris marginalis (Olivier 1790)
Polybothris mariae Obenberger 1942
Polybothris melitta Obenberger 1942
Polybothris molesta (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris muhlbergi (Kerremans 1893)
Polybothris multiguttata (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris mystica (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris natalensis Théry 1930
Polybothris nickerli (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris nivifera (Théry 1905)
Polybothris nossibiana (Fairmaire 1869)
Polybothris oberthurii (Fairmaire 1893)
Polybothris obscura (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris obsoleta (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris parallela (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris peyrierasi (Descarpentries 1974)
Polybothris primordialis Piton 1940
Polybothris pulvifera (Obenberger 1926)
Polybothris puncticollis (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris punctiventris (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris pygidialis Fairmaire 1904
Polybothris quadrimaculata (Waterhouse 1882)
Polybothris ranavalona (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris regalis Théry 1912
Polybothris renardi Théry 1912
Polybothris republicana (Théry 1905)
Polybothris rotundata (Guérin 1832)
Polybothris rubidipes (Théry 1905)
Polybothris ruficauda (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris salvazai (Obenberger 1924)
Polybothris sexmaculata (Laporte & Gory 1836)
Polybothris sobrina (Waterhouse 1882)
Polybothris sodalis (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris spesivcevi (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris squalus (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris staudingeri Théry 1912
Polybothris strigithorax (Obenberger 1928)
Polybothris subelongata (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris subpropinqua Théry 1912
Polybothris sulcicollis (Kerremans 1903)
Polybothris surcoufi Théry 1912
Polybothris tacens (Obenberger 1917)
Polybothris tetraleuca Fairmaire 1901
Polybothris thyris Obenberger 1942
Polybothris transversa Fairmaire 1902
Polybothris truncatella (Waterhouse 1880)
Polybothris vermiculata (Kerremans 1911)
Polybothris videns (Thomson 1878)
Polybothris villettei Théry 1926
Polybothris wautersi (Théry 1905)
Polybothris zoufali (Obenberger 1928)
123 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.