provided by INOTAXA archive
Hab.MEXICO, Parada (Sallé), Oaxaca (Höge).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Latin Diagnosis
provided by INOTAXA archive
Niger, nitidus, parce hispidus; elytris cyaneis, seriatim haud fortiter punctatis.
Mas antennis articulis 9° et 10° longioribus, articulo ultimo parvo, asymmetrice sito.
Long. cum rostro 4 millim.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Physical description
provided by INOTAXA archive
Eyes moderately distant, the space between them punctate-rugose. Thorax narrow, nearly as long as broad, sparingly punctate. Elytra with series of moderately distant, not coarse punctures, and with the interstices sparingly and finely seriate-punctate. The construction of the club of the antennæ in the male is very peculiar: the ninth joint is quite as long as broad, the tenth is rather longer, and oblique at its extremity, while the terminal joint is small and placed on the oblique truncature, so that in certain positions it has the appearance of being inserted on the posterior aspect of the preceding joint (fig. 17 a). Four examples, three males and one female.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana