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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Tube Tailed Thrips
Winged Insects
Tube Tailed Thrips
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis
Johansen 1980
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
(this page)
Elaphrothrips acanthomerus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton 1929
Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips angusticeps (Crawford DL 1910)
Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth 1888)
Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips athletes (Karny 1923)
Elaphrothrips aztecus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips bilineatus Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood 1938
Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa 1909)
Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips brachyurus Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips brunneipennis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips capensis Faure 1942
Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande 1896)
Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo 1974
Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips defectus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips devius Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner 1927)
Elaphrothrips drepanifer (Faure 1925)
Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips faurei Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips femoralis (Bagnall 1918)
Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse 1934)
Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips gracilis Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips herculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips impensus Morison 1958
Elaphrothrips indigator Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips insignis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips laticeps Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips longispinis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips maya Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips medius Hartwig 1948
Elaphrothrips microacanthomerus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips niger Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips nigricornis (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips nigripes Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips oculatoides Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips palustris Hood 1952
Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood 1924
Elaphrothrips peruviensis Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips philippinensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips powelli Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips procer (Schmutz 1913)
Elaphrothrips propeherculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips pseudotuberculatus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips quirosi Johansen & Retana 1999
Elaphrothrips schotti (Heeger 1852)
Elaphrothrips schoutedeni Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips schultzei Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips sensitivus Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips separatus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips seychellensis Bagnall 1921
Elaphrothrips snodgrassi Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips spiniceps Bagnall 1932
Elaphrothrips spinosus Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips stenocephalus (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips sulawesiensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips surinamensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tener Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tepoztlanensis Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips unicolor Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips villai Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips zacualtipanensis Johansen 1983
43 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Thysanoptera Haliday 1836
Phlaeothripidae Uzel 1895
Idolothripinae Bagnall 1908
Elaphrothrips Buffa 1909
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
(this page)
Elaphrothrips addendus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips aethiopiae Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips affinis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips africanus (Trybom 1910)
Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton 1929
Elaphrothrips amazonicus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips andrapterus (Priesner 1932)
Elaphrothrips angustatus (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips angusticeps (D. L. Crawford 1910)
Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth 1888)
Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips aztecus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips bakeri (Karny 1920)
Elaphrothrips bilineatus Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood 1938
Elaphrothrips borgmeieri Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa 1909)
Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips brachyurus Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips brunneipennis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips bussingi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips capensis Faure 1942
Elaphrothrips carayoni Bournier 1971
Elaphrothrips cesari Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips cognatograndis Johansen 1978
Elaphrothrips congoensis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips coniger Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo 1974
Elaphrothrips costalimai Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips decipiens Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips defectus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips denticollis (Bagnall 1909)
Elaphrothrips devius Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner 1927)
Elaphrothrips drepanifer (Faure 1925)
Elaphrothrips edouardi Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips faurei Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips femoralis (Bagnall 1918)
Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips fournieri Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips fulmeki Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse 1934)
Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips gracilis Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips impensus Morison 1958
Elaphrothrips indigator Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips insignis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips insperatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips insularis Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips jacotguillarmodi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips laticornis Jacot-Guillarmod 1941
Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips longispinis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips macateei Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips magnus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips malayensis (Bagnall 1909)
Elaphrothrips maya Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips medius Hartwig 1948
Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips neoleonensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips neolongiceps Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips niger Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips nigricornis (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips nigripes Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips nitidus (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips orangiae Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips palustris Hood 1952
Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood 1924
Elaphrothrips parvus Priesner 1936
Elaphrothrips peruviensis Hood 1936
43 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
(this page)
Elaphrothrips acanthomerus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton 1929
Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips angusticeps (Crawford DL 1910)
Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth 1888)
Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips athletes (Karny 1923)
Elaphrothrips aztecus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips bilineatus Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood 1938
Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa 1909)
Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips brachyurus Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips brunneipennis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips capensis Faure 1942
Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande 1896)
Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo 1974
Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips defectus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips devius Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner 1927)
Elaphrothrips drepanifer (Faure 1925)
Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips faurei Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips femoralis (Bagnall 1918)
Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse 1934)
Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips gracilis Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips herculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips impensus Morison 1958
Elaphrothrips indigator Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips insignis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips laticeps Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips longispinis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips maya Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips medius Hartwig 1948
Elaphrothrips microacanthomerus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips niger Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips nigricornis (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips nigripes Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips oculatoides Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips palustris Hood 1952
Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood 1924
Elaphrothrips peruviensis Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips philippinensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips powelli Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips procer (Schmutz 1913)
Elaphrothrips propeherculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips pseudotuberculatus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips quirosi Johansen & Retana 1999
Elaphrothrips schotti (Heeger 1852)
Elaphrothrips schoutedeni Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips schultzei Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips sensitivus Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips separatus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips seychellensis Bagnall 1921
Elaphrothrips snodgrassi Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips spiniceps Bagnall 1932
Elaphrothrips spinosus Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips stenocephalus (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips sulawesiensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips surinamensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tener Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tepoztlanensis Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips unicolor Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips villai Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips zacualtipanensis Johansen 1983
43 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
(this page)
Elaphrothrips acanthomerus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton 1929
Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips angusticeps (Crawford DL 1910)
Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth 1888)
Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips athletes (Karny 1923)
Elaphrothrips aztecus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips bilineatus Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood 1938
Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa 1909)
Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips brachyurus Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips brunneipennis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips capensis Faure 1942
Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande 1896)
Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo 1974
Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips defectus Hood 1941
Elaphrothrips devius Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner 1927)
Elaphrothrips drepanifer (Faure 1925)
Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips faurei Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips femoralis (Bagnall 1918)
Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse 1934)
Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips gracilis Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips herculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips impensus Morison 1958
Elaphrothrips indigator Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips insignis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips laticeps Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips longispinis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips maya Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips medius Hartwig 1948
Elaphrothrips microacanthomerus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips niger Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips nigricornis (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips nigripes Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips oculatoides Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips palustris Hood 1952
Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood 1924
Elaphrothrips peruviensis Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips philippinensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips powelli Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips procer (Schmutz 1913)
Elaphrothrips propeherculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips pseudotuberculatus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips quirosi Johansen & Retana 1999
Elaphrothrips schotti (Heeger 1852)
Elaphrothrips schoutedeni Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips schultzei Priesner 1933
Elaphrothrips sensitivus Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips separatus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips seychellensis Bagnall 1921
Elaphrothrips snodgrassi Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips spiniceps Bagnall 1932
Elaphrothrips spinosus Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips stenocephalus (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips sulawesiensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips surinamensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tener Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips tepoztlanensis Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips unicolor Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips villai Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips zacualtipanensis Johansen 1983
43 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Elaphrothrips Buffa 1909
Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen 1980
(this page)
Elaphrothrips addendus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips aethiopiae Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips affinis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips africanus (Trybom 1910)
Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton 1929
Elaphrothrips amazonicus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips angustatus (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips angusticeps (D. L. Crawford 1910)
Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth 1888)
Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips bakeri (Karny 1920)
Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood 1938
Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa 1909)
Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips breviceps (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips bussingi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips carayoni Bournier 1971
Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips cognatograndis Johansen 1978
Elaphrothrips congoensis Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall 1934
Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande 1896)
Elaphrothrips coniger Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo 1974
Elaphrothrips costalimai Hood 1955
Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner 1929
Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips decipiens Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips denticollis (Bagnall 1909)
Elaphrothrips devius Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner 1927)
Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny 1912)
Elaphrothrips fallax Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips fournieri Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall 1936
Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse 1934)
Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta 2015
Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner 1952
Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips herculeus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips impensus Morison 1958
Elaphrothrips indigator Hood 1936
Elaphrothrips insperatus Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips insularis Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner 1935
Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips laticeps Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips laticornis Jacot-Guillarmod 1941
Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall 1908)
Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto 2002
Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner 1925
Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall 1935
Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall 1921)
Elaphrothrips malayensis (Bagnall 1909)
Elaphrothrips maya Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips maynei Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips neoleonensis Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips neolongiceps Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips nitidus (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan 1973
Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips oculatoides Priesner 1932
Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton 1928
Elaphrothrips palustris Hood 1952
Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen 1979
Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood 1924
Elaphrothrips parvus Priesner 1936
Elaphrothrips powelli Jacot-Guillarmod 1937
Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall 1926
Elaphrothrips procer (Schmutz 1913)
Elaphrothrips propinquus (Bagnall 1910)
Elaphrothrips pseudotuberculatus Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips quirosi Johansen & Retana 1999
Elaphrothrips separatus Priesner 1928
Elaphrothrips seychellensis Bagnall 1921
Elaphrothrips spiniceps Bagnall 1932
Elaphrothrips spinosus Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips stenocephalus (Bagnall 1914)
Elaphrothrips sulawesiensis Okajima 1989
Elaphrothrips tepoztlanensis Johansen 1986
Elaphrothrips transvaalensis Jacot-Guillarmod 1939
Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood 1908)
Elaphrothrips unicolor Moulton 1933
Elaphrothrips villai Johansen 1980
Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood 1940
Elaphrothrips zacualtipanensis Johansen 1983
44 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.