
Description of Telomyxa

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The type species is T. glugeiformis LÚger and Hesse, 1910, in the fat body of nymphs of Ephemera vulgata (Ephemeroptera, Ephemeridae). The following description is based on ultrastructural studies by Codreanu and V1/2vra (1970) and Larsson (1981,b) of the same species in another host (E. danica). Monomorphic, monokaryotic, involving meiosis in sporogony. Transmission unknown. Merogony: only solitary uninucleate merogonial stages are known. Sporogony: disporoblastic in sporophorous vesicles. Nucleus of the late meront/early sporont reveals synaptonemal complexes indicating meiosis. Sporont is a uninucleate cell, which secretes a sporophorous vesicle membrane and which, after one division, gives rise to two sporoblasts and later spores, permanently joined together inside the sporophorous vesicle by electron dense secretions, homologous with the exospore material. The sporophorous vesicle, with the two spores inside is a rigid, persistent oval structure, about 6 x 4 µm in size, resembles a single spore (diplospore). Spores, 4 x 2.5 µm, are ovoid and uninucleate, the two spores usually arranged in the same plane in the diplospore, with their axes at 50o - 900 the long axis of the diplospore. Polaroplast has two lamellar regions. Polar tube is isofilar forming 814 coils arranged in one, sometimes two, layers.
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