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Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Basidiomycete Fungi
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Dendrothele papillata
B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Dendrothele papillata
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele alba Viégas 1940
Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele americana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam 1987
Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem 2010
Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1975
Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts 2009
Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone 2008
Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele duthiei P. H. B. Talbot 1956
Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone 2009
Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin 1913
Dendrothele incrustans (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw. 1985
Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel 2007
Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón 2011
Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele mexicana (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele microspora (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele minima Duhem 2007
Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K. H. Larss. & Saaren. 2011
Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem 2012
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel 2001
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele ornata Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele syspora C. L. M. Rodr. & Guerrero 2013
Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. 2016
Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar 2001
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele alba Viégas
Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele americana Nakasone
Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam
Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone
Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq.
Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl.
Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele candida (Schwein.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq.
Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts
Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone
Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele duthiei P. H. B. Talbot
Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone
Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin
Dendrothele incrustans (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw.
Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel
Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón
Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele mexicana (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele microspora (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele minima Duhem
Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K. H. Larss. & Saaren.
Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón
Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele ornata Gorjón
Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele rajchenbergii A. L. Gallo, Robledo & Gorjón
Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl.
Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds.
Dendrothele syspora C. L. M. Rodrigues & Guerrero
Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone
Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele alba Viégas 1940
Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele americana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam 1987
Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem 2010
Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1975
Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts 2009
Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone 2008
Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele duthiei P. H. B. Talbot 1956
Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone 2009
Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin 1913
Dendrothele incrustans (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw. 1985
Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel 2007
Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón 2011
Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele mexicana (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele microspora (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele minima Duhem 2007
Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K. H. Larss. & Saaren. 2011
Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem 2012
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel 2001
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele ornata Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele syspora C. L. M. Rodr. & Guerrero 2013
Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. 2016
Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar 2001
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele alba Viégas 1940
Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele americana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam 1987
Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq. 1996
Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem 2010
Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1975
Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers 1985
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts 2009
Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone 2008
Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele duthiei P. H. B. Talbot 1956
Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone 2009
Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin 1913
Dendrothele incrustans (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw. 1985
Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel 2007
Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón 2011
Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele mexicana (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele microspora (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele minima Duhem 2007
Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K. H. Larss. & Saaren. 2011
Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem 2012
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel 2001
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele ornata Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P. A. Lemke 1965
Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele syspora C. L. M. Rodr. & Guerrero 2013
Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone 2006
Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem 1996
Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. 2016
Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1998
Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar 2001
GBIF classification
Dendrothele Höhn. & Litsch.
Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds 2015
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele alba Viégas
Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele americana Nakasone
Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam
Dendrothele amygdalospora Hjortstam
Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone
Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq.
Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele bicornis Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq.
Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts 2009
Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone
Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele duthiei P. H. B. Talbot 1956
Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone 2009
Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin
Dendrothele incrustans (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw.
Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel
Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón 2011
Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele mexicana (P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele microspora (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele minima Duhem
Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K. H. Larss. & Saaren. 2011
Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem 2012
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele ornata Gorjón 2012
Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H. S. Jacks. & P. A. Lemke) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl. 2010
Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P. A. Lemke
Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds. 2011
Dendrothele syspora C. L. M. Rodr. & Guerrero 2013
Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone
Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem
Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. 2016
Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb.
Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Dendrothele papillata
(this page)
Dendrothele acerina
Dendrothele alba
Dendrothele alliacea
Dendrothele americana
Dendrothele ampullospora
Dendrothele amygdalispora
Dendrothele andina
Dendrothele andinopatagonica
Dendrothele arachispora
Dendrothele asterospora
Dendrothele aucklandica
Dendrothele australis
Dendrothele biapiculata
Dendrothele bispora
Dendrothele bisporigera
Dendrothele boidinii
Dendrothele canariensis
Dendrothele candida
Dendrothele capitulata
Dendrothele citrisporella
Dendrothele commixta
Dendrothele corniculata
Dendrothele cornivesiculosa
Dendrothele corticola
Dendrothele crustulina
Dendrothele cyatheae
Dendrothele cymbiformis
Dendrothele dryina
Dendrothele duthiei
Dendrothele fasciculata
Dendrothele gilbertsonii
Dendrothele globulispora
Dendrothele griseocana
Dendrothele incrustans
Dendrothele itihummensis
Dendrothele jacobi
Dendrothele latenavicularis
Dendrothele lemkei
Dendrothele lepra
Dendrothele leptostachys
Dendrothele macrodens
Dendrothele macrospora
Dendrothele maculata
Dendrothele malenconii
Dendrothele mangiferae
Dendrothele mexicana
Dendrothele microspora
Dendrothele minima
Dendrothele minutissima
Dendrothele moquiniarum
Dendrothele nakasoneae
Dendrothele navicularis
Dendrothele naviculoefibulata
Dendrothele nivosa
Dendrothele nivosoides
Dendrothele novae-zelandiae
Dendrothele ornata
Dendrothele pachysterigmata
Dendrothele papillosa
Dendrothele pitrae
Dendrothele pulvinata
Dendrothele salicicola
Dendrothele sasae
Dendrothele seriata
Dendrothele strumosa
Dendrothele subellipsoidea
Dendrothele subfusispora
Dendrothele syspora
Dendrothele tanzaniana
Dendrothele tetracornis
Dendrothele triangulispora
Dendrothele tsugae
Dendrothele tuberculata
Dendrothele wojewodae