Visborg, Himmerland, Danmark
Visborg, Himmerland, Danmark
This moss is commoner further east in California but is known from near Highway 20 in Lake County, California. This specimen was obtained there by B. Mishler and photographed by me soon after collection.
This moss formed mats on the trunk of an oak tree near Mariah Meadows Resort (in hills Near Cobb). This photograph was taken at home later from a collected piece to show a young capsule with its calyptra and a mature capsule with its peristome
The plant was observed on March 29 2012. This photograph was obtained at home later. Note the clustered green structures at the top of the stem on the right. These are known as 'brood leaves' or 'brood bodies' and are a means of vegetative propagation (B. Mishler, personal communication).
This was collected by Brent Mishler from Near Highway 20 in Lake County and photographed by me nearby and soon after its collection.
Collected by B. Mishler from near Highway 20 in Lake County and photographed by me nearby soon after its collection.
This moss formed mats on the trunk of an oak tree near Mariah Meadows Resort (in hills Near Cobb) and is here seen photographed later from a collected piece. The small green specks seen on the upper leaf surfaces are gemmae that enable vegetative propagation.