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Broom Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca uncinata R. Br.

Melaleuca uncinata

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Melaleuca uncinata, commonly known as broombush, broom honeymyrtle or brushwood, is a plant in the paperbark family native to southern Australia. It is harvested from the wild, and grown in plantations, for broombush fencing. The Noongar names for the plant are kwytyat and yilbarra.[2]


Broombush is a multistemmed evergreen shrub usually less than 2 m (6 ft 7 in) in height, occasionally growing as a small tree to less than 5 m (16 ft). It is often found in association with mallee eucalypts. It has spreading or ascending leaves, 19–56 mm (0.75–2.20 in) long and 0.8–1.2 mm (0.031–0.047 in) wide, linear in shape, almost circular in cross-section, and tapering to a distinctly curved hook. The leaves have large oil glands along their edges.[3][4][5]

The flowers are white, cream or yellow, and are attractive to birds. They are arranged in dense almost spherical heads, 15–17 mm (0.59–0.67 in) in diameter in the leaf axils. Each head contains 4 to 19 groups of flowers, each group with 3 flowers. The stamens are arranged in five bundles around the flower, each bundle with 3 to 5 stamens which are cream, white or pale greenish-cream. Flowers appear from August to December and the fruit which follow are closely packed together forming a group with a diameter of 7–13 mm (0.3–0.5 in).[3][4][5]

Leaves and fruit
Habit 90 km (56 mi) west of Esperance
Illustration from Curtis's Botanical Magazine[6]


Melaleuca uncinata was first described in 1812 by Robert Brown in Hortus Kewensis.[7] The specific epithet (uncinatus) is a Latin word meaning "bearing hooks" or "barbed"[8] "in reference to the shape of the leaf apex".[4]

A review of the species was undertaken by Lyndley Craven in 1994 and some populations have been identified as new species. The populations in Queensland and New South Wales may also represent another taxon.[4]

Distribution and habitat

This melaleuca occurs in the Coolgardie-Esperance region of Western Australia as well as on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, extending eastwards to western Victoria and south-western New South Wales.[5]


Melaleuca uncinata is the only known host of the critically endangered Rhizanthella gardneri, the "underground orchid".[9][10]


Building material

Ornamental brushwood fencing comprising the grey stems, twigs and dry foliage of Melaleuca uncinata has been in use in Australia for more than 80 years. It is an important market for melaleucas although representing only 1% of the fencing market in Western Australia. Other uses include the manufacture of garden furniture, gazebos and hanging baskets. About 600,000 bundles of brushwood, each about 25 kilograms (55 lb) were used in Australia in 1994 with a predicted annual market growth of 5.5%.[4]

Essential oils

The leaves of this species have been analysed for their oil content. There appears to be different types of oil collected from two groups of plants. One group contained 1,8-cineole as its major component and the other terpinen-4-ol.[4]


  1. ^ a b "Melaleuca uncinata". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 14 September 2021.
  2. ^ "Noongar names for plants". kippleonline.net. Archived from the original on 20 November 2016. Retrieved 11 December 2016.
  3. ^ a b Holliday, Ivan (2004). Melaleucas : a field and garden guide (2nd ed.). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Reed New Holland Publishers. pp. 300–301. ISBN 978-1876334987.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Brophy, Joseph J.; Craven, Lyndley A.; Doran, John C. (2013). Melaleucas : their botany, essential oils and uses. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. pp. 371–372. ISBN 9781922137517.
  5. ^ a b c "Melaleuca uncinata". FloraBase. Western Australian Government Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
  6. ^ Hooker, Joseph Dalton; Hemsley, William B. (1904). Curtis & Hooker's Botanical Magazine. London: Lovell Reeve & Co. p. 7941. Retrieved 27 November 2021.
  7. ^ "Melaleuca uncinata". APNI. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  8. ^ Brown, Roland Wilbur (1956). The Composition of Scientific Words. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 826.
  9. ^ Dixon, K.W. (1990). "The Western Australian fully subterranean orchid Rhizanthella gardneri". Orchid Biology; Reviews and Perspectives. 5: 37–63.
  10. ^ Warcup, J. H. (February 1985). "Rhizanthella gardneri (Orchidaceae), its Rhizoctonia endophyte and close association with Melaleuca uncinata (Myrtaceae) in Western Australia". New Phytologist. 99 (2): 273–280. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1985.tb03656.x.

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Melaleuca uncinata: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Melaleuca uncinata, commonly known as broombush, broom honeymyrtle or brushwood, is a plant in the paperbark family native to southern Australia. It is harvested from the wild, and grown in plantations, for broombush fencing. The Noongar names for the plant are kwytyat and yilbarra.

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Melaleuca uncinata ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Melaleuca uncinata est une espèce d'arbustes de la famille des Myrtaceae originaire du sud de l'Australie.


Melaleuca uncinata est un petit arbuste au feuillage persistant qui mesure généralement moins de 2 m de large, mais peut occasionnellement former de petits arbres de 5 m de haut. On le trouve fréquemment en association avec des eucalyptus. Ses fleurs sont blanches, crème ou jaune, et attirent les oiseaux. Cette plante est également le seul hôte connu pour l'espèce rare et menacée Rhizanthella gardneri[1].

Notes et références

  1. Dixon, K. W., et al. (1990). The Western Australian fully subterranean orchid Rhizanthella gardneri. Orchid Biology, Reviews and Perspectives. V. J. Arditti. Portland, Oregon, Timber Press. 5: 37-62

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Melaleuca uncinata: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Melaleuca uncinata est une espèce d'arbustes de la famille des Myrtaceae originaire du sud de l'Australie.

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Melaleuca uncinata ( Indonesian )

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Melaleuca uncinata, umumnya dikenal sebagai broombush, broom honeymyrtle atau brushwood, suatu tumbuhan dalam keluarga Melaleuca (bahasa Inggris: paperbark) yang aslinya tumbuh di bagian selatan Australia. Dipanen dari alam, dan ditanam pada perkebunan, untuk pagar broombush. Nama Noongar tumbuhan ini adalah kwytyat dan yilbarra.[1]


Broombush adalah semak selalu hijau bercabang biasanya setinggi kurang dari 2 m (6 ft 7 in), kadang-kadang tumbuh sebagai pohon kecil kurang dari 5 m (16 ft). Sering ditemukan terkait mallee eukaliptus. Daunnya menyebar atau bertumbuh ke atas, panjangnya 19–56 mm (0,75–2,20 in) dan lebarnya 0,8–1,2 mm (0,031–0,047 in), berbentuk linear, hampir melingkar di potongan silang, dan meruncing sampai berbentuk kait melengkung di ujungnya. Daun memiliki kelenjar minyak besar di sepanjang tepinya.

Bunganya berwarna putih, krem atau kuning, yang menarik bagi burung-burung.[2][3] Tersusun rapat hampir berkepala bulat, berdiameter 15–17 mm (0,59–0,67 in) pada aksil daun. Masing-masing kepala berisi 4 untuk 19 kelompok bunga, masing-masing kelompok dengan 3 bunga. Benang sari (stamen) tersusun dalam lima bundel di sekeliling bunga, masing-masing bundel dengan 3 sampai 5 benang sari berwarna krim, putih atau kehijauan-krim pucat. Bunga muncul dari bulan Agustus sampai Desember, sedangkan buah yang mengikutinya dikemas erat bersama-sama membentuk sebuah kelompok dengan diameter 7–13 mm (0,3–0,5 in).[4][5]

Daun dan buah M. uncinata
Bunga M. uncinata


Melaleuca uncinata pertama kali dideskripsikan pada tahun 1812 oleh Robert Brown dalam Hortus Kewensis.[6] Nama khusus (specific epithet) (uncinatus) dari kata Latin yang berarti "mengandung kait-kait" ("bearing hooks") atau "berkawat duri" ("barbed")[7] "sebagai rujukan kepada bentuk apeks daun".

Suatu tinjauan spesies ini dilakukan oleh Lyndley Craven pada tahun 1994 dan sejumlah populasi telah diidentifikasi sebagai spesies baru. Populasi di Queensland dan New South Wales, Australia, mungkin juga termasuk takson lain.

Distribusi dan habitat

Melaleuca ini tumbuh di daerah Coolgardie-Esperance region, Australia Barat, serta di Semenanjung Eyre Peninsula, Australia Selatan, berkembang ke arah timur ke Victoria barat dan bagian barat daya New South Wales.


Melaleuca uncinata adalah satu-satunya tumbuhan induk (tuan rumah) bagi 'anggrek bawah tanah' Rhizanthella gardneri yang langka dan terancam.[8][9]


Bahan bangunan

Pagar hias brushwood yang terbuat dari cabang abu-abu, ranting dan dedaunan kering Melaleuca uncinata telah digunakan di Australia selama lebih dari 80 tahun. Merupakan pasar penting bagi tumbuhan Melaleuca meskipun hanya mewakili 1% dari pasar pembuatan pagar di Australia Barat. Kegunaan lain mencakup pembuatan furnitur taman, gazebo dan keranjang gantung. Sekitar 600.000 bundel brushwood, masing-masing sekitar 25 kilogram (55 lb),telah digunakan di Australia pada tahun 1994 dengan prediksi pertumbuhan pasar tahunan sebesar 5,5%.

Tingkat kerapatan Melaleuca yang lebih tinggi pada panel-panel dilaporkan lebih meningkatkan kualitas produk.[10]

Minyak atsiri

Dedaunan spesies ini telah dianalisis kandungan minyaknya. Tampaknya ada jenis-jenis minyak berbeda yang dikumpulkan dari dua kelompok tumbuhan. Satu kelompok mengandung 1,8-sineol sebagai komponen utama, sedangkan yang lain mengandung terpinen-4-ol.

Lihat pula


  1. ^ "Noongar names for plants". kippleonline.net. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 20 November 2016. Diakses tanggal 11 December 2016.
  2. ^ "Melaleuca uncinata". Florabase. Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia. Diakses tanggal 2011-04-19.
  3. ^ "Melaleuca uncinata". Florabank. Diakses tanggal 2011-04-19.
  4. ^ Holliday, Ivan (2004). Melaleucas : a field and garden guide (edisi ke-2nd). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Reed New Holland Publishers. hlm. 300–301. ISBN 1876334983.
  5. ^ Brophy, Joseph J.; Craven, Lyndley A.; Doran, John C. (2013). Melaleucas : their botany, essential oils and uses. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. hlm. 371–372. ISBN 9781922137517.
  6. ^ "Melaleuca uncinata". APNI. Diakses tanggal 14 March 2015.
  7. ^ Brown, Roland Wilbur (1956). The Composition of Scientific Words. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. hlm. 826.
  8. ^ Dixon, K.W. (1990). "The Western Australian fully subterranean orchid Rhizanthella gardneri". Orchid biology; reviews and perspectives. 5: 37–63.
  9. ^ Warcup, J. H. (February 1985). "Rhiznthella gardneri (Orchidaceae), its Rhizoctonia endophyte and close association with Melaleuca uncinata (Myrtaceae) in Western Australia". New Phytologist. 99 (2): 273–280. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1985.tb03656.x. Diakses tanggal 14 March 2015.
  10. ^ "Davey Brushwood Fencing".
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Melaleuca uncinata: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Melaleuca uncinata, umumnya dikenal sebagai broombush, broom honeymyrtle atau brushwood, suatu tumbuhan dalam keluarga Melaleuca (bahasa Inggris: paperbark) yang aslinya tumbuh di bagian selatan Australia. Dipanen dari alam, dan ditanam pada perkebunan, untuk pagar broombush. Nama Noongar tumbuhan ini adalah kwytyat dan yilbarra.

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Melaleuca uncinata ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
  1. Melaleuca uncinata. Florabase. Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia. Процитовано 2011-04-19.
  2. Melaleuca uncinata. Florabank. Процитовано 2011-04-19.

Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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Melaleuca uncinata: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
Melaleuca uncinata. Florabase. Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia. Процитовано 2011-04-19. Melaleuca uncinata. Florabank. Процитовано 2011-04-19.

Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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Melaleuca uncinata ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Melaleuca uncinata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Đào kim nương. Loài này được R.Br. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1812.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Melaleuca uncinata. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Melaleuca uncinata: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Melaleuca uncinata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Đào kim nương. Loài này được R.Br. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1812.

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