Брахипеза (латинокс Brachypeza) — Орхидея тъналста панчф касыкссь.
Брахипеза (лат. Brachypeza ) — орхидея котырись быдмас увтыр.
Брахипеза (латин Brachypeza ) — орхидея котырса быдмӧг увтыр.
Брахипеза (лат. Brachypeza ) – Орхидей-влак кушкыл-влакын тукымыш пура пеледыш.
Брахипеза (лат. Brachypeza ) — орхидея котырись быдмас увтыр.
Брахипеза (лат. Brachypeza ) – Орхидей-влак кушкыл-влакын тукымыш пура пеледыш.
Брахипеза (латин Brachypeza ) — орхидея котырса быдмӧг увтыр.
Brachypeza, commonly known as sage orchids, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. Orchids in this genus have short stems with fleshy leaves and arching flowering stems with short-lived flowers. The sepals and petals are similar in size and shape and the labellum is pouch-like and suspended at the base of the flower. Sage orchids occur in tropical areas from Indochina to New Guinea.[1][2]
The genus Brachypeza was first formally described in 1972 by Leslie Andrew Garay and the description was published in the Botanical Museum Leaflets of Harvard University.[1][3]
The following is a list of Brachypeza species accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as at December 2018.[1]
Brachypeza, commonly known as sage orchids, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. Orchids in this genus have short stems with fleshy leaves and arching flowering stems with short-lived flowers. The sepals and petals are similar in size and shape and the labellum is pouch-like and suspended at the base of the flower. Sage orchids occur in tropical areas from Indochina to New Guinea.
Brachypeza es un género de plantas que tiene asignadas unas siete especies de orquídeas. Es originario de Indochina hasta Nueva Guinea.[1]
Tiene 7 especies monopodiales de Indochina a Nueva Guinea que se separaron de Sarcochilus y tienen tallos cortos que llevan unas cuantas hojas carnosas y flores sobre pedúnculos largos con cortos raquis en forma de maza que tienen una apertura sucesiva, las flores son de corta duración con sépalos de extensión libre.
El género fue descrito por Leslie A. Garay y publicado en Botanical Museum Leaflets 23: 163. 1972.[2]
Brachypeza es un género de plantas que tiene asignadas unas siete especies de orquídeas. Es originario de Indochina hasta Nueva Guinea.
Brachypeza eat genus plantarum florentium familiae Orchidacearum.
Brachypeza eat genus plantarum florentium familiae Orchidacearum.
Brachypeza é um género botânico pertencente à família das orquídeas (Orchidaceae).[1]
Brachypeza là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ, Orchidaceae.
Brachypeza là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ, Orchidaceae.