Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus inconspicuus Brock, 1887
DIAGNOSIS.—Animal moderate-sized (280 mm TL; 40 mm VML). Mantle oval. Arms moderately long (ALI 78.6). Right arm III hectocotylized; ligula small (LLI 2.0). Three supraocular cirri on each side of head, 2 posterior, 1 anterior to each eye. Mantle with 6 papillae on mantle organized in 2 rows, of 2 and 4 papillae, across anterior of mantle. Additional papillae in longitudinal row along aboral surfaces of arms.
ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Brock, 1887:603, pi. 16: fig. 4.
TYPE LOCALITY.—Western tropical Pacific Ocean, Banda Sea, Amboina (= Ambon).
TYPE.—Holotype: ZMUG, male, 40 mm VML, not extant (see “Discussion”).
DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type locality.
- bibliographic citation
- Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599.