Image of Canby's Lobelia
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Canby's Lobelia

Lobelia canbyi A. Gray

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Lobelia canbyi A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 284. 1867
Dorltnannia Canbyi Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 972. 1891.
Stem erect, tall and slender, mostly 1.5-3.5 mm. in diameter at base, unbranched or with few-several short racemose branches (sometimes much-branched), 30-100 cm. high, glabrous or sparsely pubescent and reddish below, becoming glabrous and deep green above; leaves cauline, 20-40, linear or narrowly lanceolate, 0.05-0.4 cm. wide by 0.9-5 cm. long, often closely appressed, giving the plant a very slender appearance, the blades rather thin, nearly glabrous, obscurely callose-denticulate, but subentire in outline, the upper often merging gradually into the bracts of the raceme; roots fibrous; inflorescence 10-30 cm. long, never prominently secund, (10-) 15-20(30-) flowered; branches, if present, bearing 2-10 flowers each; pedicels somewhat angular, 7-1 1 mm. long in fruit, more or less upright, usually minutely upwardly-barbed, each with a pair of inconspicuous bracteoles near the base; flower-bracts linear, about as long as the pedicels, or longer, up to 10-20 mm. long, glabrous or ciliate, callosedenticulate; flower 9-14 mm. long, including hypanthium (averaging 11-12 mm.); corolla purplish-blue, glabrous without, the lower lip pubescent at base within, the tube 3.5-4 mm. long, entire except for the dorsal fissiu-e, the lobes of the lower lip ovate, slightly shorter than the tube, the two upper lobes lanceolate, about the same length; filament-tube about 3.5 mm. long (3-4 mm), nearly glabrous, the filaments connate more than half their length; anthertube 1.9-2. 1 mm. long, light bluish-gray, the two smaller anthers tufted, the three larger nearly glabrous or pubescent on the backs; hypanthium in anthesis long-campanulate, rough-puberulent, becoming oval or oblong-oval in fruit, 2.5-4 mm. wide by 4-7 mm. long; capsule more or less upright, about three-foiu-ths inferior; calyx-lobes narrowly lance-linear, acute, 2.5-6 mm. long, obscurely callose-denticulate, glabrous or somewhat ciHate; auricles none; seeds oblong, 0.5-0.7 mm. long.
Type locality: Pine barrens of New Jersey (Quaker Bridge), Canby (Gray!). DisTRmuTiON: Central Tennessee and central North Carolina; Coastal Plain from Georgia to New Jersey.
bibliographic citation
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora