HleiApocynaceae (Dogbane family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Oahu, Molokai, Maui)RareUpper Waimea Valley, OahuFlowers smell like a mild plumeria or frangipani. The early Hawaiians used the nuts as a wild food source.
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/4831991187/Medicinally, an infusion of bark and leaves were for steam in a sweat bath. The nuts with other plants were chewed and given to infants for general debility.Early Hawaiians used the wood for gunwales on canoes. The bark of the stems and roots produced a yellow dye for kapa (tapa).EtymologyThe generic name Ochrosia is derived from the Greek ochros, pale yellow, in reference to the color of the fruit.Latin specific name compta meaning elegant.