Description of Cristigera phoenix
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(PENARD,1922). Cell outline is ovoid to elongate with a broadly rounded posterior and transversely truncate anterior end. The pellicle is relatively inflexible. This species has a distinct longitudinal cleft along its entire length on the ventral surface. The cytostome lies in the anterior 1/4 of this cleft. Somatic kineties are bipolar. There is a paraoral membrane along the right edge of the cytostome. This membrane curves around the posterior end of the cytostome to form a pouch-like structure. The adoral polykinetids are located along the right wall of the cytostome.The single long caudal cilium arises slightly eccentrically near a small tooth-like projection from the right margin of the ventral cleft. There is an unciliated slightly flattened anterior apical area, the "frontal plate". The single spherical macronucleus is centrally located. The contractile vacuole is located posteriorly on the right side. Found in sapropelic habitats.