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Wood Horsetail

Equisetum sylvaticum L.


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Aerial stems dimorphic; vegetative stems brownish to green, branched, 25--70 cm; hollow center 1/6--1/3 stem diam. Sheaths squarish in face view, 3--6 × 2.5--6 mm; teeth reddish, 8--18, papery, 3--10 mm, coherent in 3--4 large groups. Branches in regular whorls, delicate, arching, branched, solid; ridges 3--4; valleys channeled; 1st internode of each branch longer than subtending stem sheath; sheath teeth attenuate. Fertile stems brown, with stomates, initially unbranched, persisting and becoming branched and green after spore discharge. 2 n =216.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Greenland; St. Pierre and Miquelon; Alta., B.C., Man., N.B., Nfld., N.W.T., N.S., Ont., P.E.I., Que., Sask., Yukon; Alaska, Conn., Del., Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., N.H., N.J., N.Y., N.Dak., Ohio, Pa., R.I., S.Dak., Vt., Va., Wash., W.Va., Wis.; Europe; n Asia to ne China, Japan in Hokkaido.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Cones maturing in late spring. Moist forests; 0--2800m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 2 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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partner site

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: prescribed fire

Hamilton's Research Papers (Hamilton 2006a, Hamilton 2006b) provide information on prescribed fire and postfire response of many plant species, including wood horsetail, that was not available when this species review was originally written.
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: woodland

wood horsetail
woodland horsetail
sylvan horsetail
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Conservation Status

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More info for the term: natural

Wood horsetail is included on Virginia's rare and endangered vascular plants list [31]. It is listed as threatened in Ohio by the Natural Heritage Program [47].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: gametophyte

Wood horsetail is a perennial, deciduous, homosporous pteridophyte [1,9].  Sterile stems are green with lacy branches and grow up to 28 inches (70 cm) tall.  Fertile stems are at first unbranched and lack chlorophyll but become branched and green after spores are released. Strobili are usually 1 inch (3 cm) long and are borne on short stalks at the apices of fertile stems [5,18,39].  The spores germinate to produce a distinct gametophytic generation.  The unisexual gametophyte is very small, generally from 0.002 to 0.008 inch (0.5-2.0 mm) in height [9]. Wood horsetail often forms large stands [24].  It has extensive creeping rhizomes which may outweigh aerial shoots by a ratio of 100 to 1 [1].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Wood horsetail is a circumboreal species [18,19,21,28].  In North America it is distributed throughout Alaska and Canada south to the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes states, New England, and North Carolina [5,14,33,36].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology

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More info for the terms: fire regime, herb, phenotypic plasticity, rhizome, succession

Wood horsetail survives repeated fires by means of deeply buried rhizomes that are apparently almost indestructible [1].  The extensive rhizome system penetrates well into mineral soil or clay, allowing revegetation even after severe fire [1,12,45].  Wood horsetail may be the most abundant herb species after fires in black spruce stands in Alaska.  It sprouts after fire in any stage of succession [45]. Wood horsetail also colonizes recently burned areas by wind-dispersed spores [23].  Its phenotypic plasticity enables it to survive the environmental changes associated with postfire succession [1]. FIRE REGIMES: Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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More info for the term: geophyte

bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics

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More info for the term: forest

Wood horsetail most commonly occurs in cool, moist, shaded to somewhat open forests [5,18,21,39].  It also occurs on streambanks, and in bogs, swamps, and forest openings [5,25,30,33].  Wood horsetail is an indicator of boreal and cool-temperate climates, and very moist to wet, nitrogen-poor soils [25].  Soils may be poorly drained to moderately well drained [6,27].  Wood horsetail is found from lowlands to subalpine regions [22].  In the Adirondack Mountains of New York, it occurs from 1,460 to 2,200 feet (438-660 m) in elevation [27].  Gametophytes of wood horsetail are found on substrates with a lower pH than are gametophytes of other horesetail species [10].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

     1  Jack pine
     5  Balsam fir
    12  Black spruce
    13  Black spruce - tamarack
    15  Red pine
    16  Aspen
    17  Pin cherry
    18  Paper birch
    20  White pine - northern red oak - red maple
    21  Eastern white pine
    22  White pine - hemlock
    23  Eastern hemlock
    24  Hemlock - yellow birch
    25  Sugar maple - beech - yellow birch
    26  Sugar maple - basswood
    27  Sugar maple
    28  Black cherry - maple
    30  Red spruce - yellow birch
    31  Red spruce - sugar maple - beech
    32  Red spruce
    33  Red spruce - balsam fir
    35  Paper birch - red spruce - balsam fir
    37  Northern white-cedar
    38  Tamarack
    39  Black ash - American elm - red maple
    60  Beech - sugar maple
    63  Cottonwood
   107  White spruce
   108  Red maple
   201  White spruce
   202  White spruce - paper birch
   203  Balsam poplar
   204  Black spruce
   205  Mountain hemlock
   206  Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir
   210  Interior Douglas-fir
   212  Western larch
   213  Grand fir
   215  Western white pine
   217  Aspen
   218  Lodgepole pine
   221  Red alder
   222  Black cottonwood - willow
   223  Sitka spruce
   224  Western hemlock
   225  Western hemlock - Sitka spruce
   226  Coastal true fir - hemlock
   227  Western redcedar - western hemlock
   228  Western redcedar
   229  Pacific Douglas-fir
   230  Douglas-fir - western hemlock
   235  Cottonwood - willow
   251  White spruce - aspen
   252  Paper birch
   253  Black spruce - white spruce
   254  Black spruce -  paper birch
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

   FRES10  White - red - jack pine
   FRES11  Spruce - fir
   FRES17  Elm - ash - cottonwood
   FRES18  Maple - beech - birch
   FRES19  Aspen - birch
   FRES20  Douglas-fir
   FRES22  Western white pine
   FRES23  Fir - spruce
   FRES24  Hemlock - Sitka spruce
   FRES25  Larch
   FRES26  Lodgepole pine
   FRES28  Western hardwoods
   FRES37  Mountain meadows
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: bog, forest

   K001  Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest
   K002  Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
   K003  Silver fir - Douglas-fir forest
   K004  Fir - hemlock forest
   K008  Lodgepole pine - subalpine forest
   K012  Douglas-fir forest
   K013  Cedar - hemlock - pine forest
   K014  Grand fir - Douglas-fir forest
   K015  Western spruce - fir forest
   K025  Alder - ash forest
   K093  Great Lakes spruce - fir forest
   K094  Conifer bog
   K095  Great Lakes pine forest
   K096  Northeastern spruce - fir forest
   K097  Southeastern spruce - fir forest
   K098  Northern floodplain forest
   K099  Maple - basswood forest
   K101  Elm - ash forest
   K102  Beech - maple forest
   K103  Mixed mesophytic forest
   K106  Northern hardwoods
   K107  Northern hardwoods - fir forest
   K108  Northern hardwoods - spruce forest
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire

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Aboveground stems of wood horsetail are killed by fire [1].  Rhizomes are resistant to fire because they are buried deep in mineral soil [12,45].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
In interior Alaska, horsetails (Equisetum spp.) comprise the largest component of the spring diet of black bears.  Horsetails and blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) are the two most important plant genera to black bears in the region [20].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: bog, forest, herbaceous, taiga

Wood horsetail is most prevalent in lowland wet conifer forests but is
also common in mixed upland, dry conifer, and deciduous forest habitats
[3].  In addition, it is found in meadows, bogs, swamps, and along
streambanks [5,19,34,46].

The following publications classify wood horsetail as a dominant
herbaceous layer component:

Field guide to forest ecosystems of west-central Alberta [6]
Classification, description, and dynamics of plant communities after
  fire in the taiga of interior Alaska [15]
The Alaska vegetation classification [44]

Species commonly associated with wood horsetail in jack pine (Pinus
banksiana), white spruce (Picea glauca), or black spruce (P. mariana)
habitats include alder (Alnus spp.), willows (Salix spp.), highbush
cranberry (Viburnum edule), bunchberry (Cornus canadensis), bog Labrador
tea (Ledum groenlandicum), twinflower (Linnaea borealis), blueberry
(Vaccinium spp.), red raspberry (Rubus idaeus), gooseberry (Ribes spp.),
honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata), leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne
calyculata), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), wild lily-of-the-valley
(Maianthemum canadense), naked miterwort (Mitella nuda), coltsfoot
(Petasites spp.), common yarrow (Achillea millefolium), fireweed
(Epilobium angustifolium), bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis
canadensis), sedges (Carex spp.), fire moss (Ceratodon purpurea),
feathermosses (Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi), and sphagnum
mosses (Sphagnum spp.) [1,4,6,11,29].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form

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More info for the terms: fern, fern ally

Fern or Fern Ally
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Wood horsetail is poisonous to humans [8].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Nutritional Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Dry matter nutrient content values of wood horsetail collected in the
Wallace-Aikens Lake area, Manitoba, were:  6.7 percent crude protein,
1.36 percent calcium, and 0.09 percent phosphorus.  Dry matter
digestibility was 27.9 percent [35].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America

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     AK  CT  DE  ID  IL  IN  IA  KY  ME  MD
     MA  MI  MN  MT  NH  NJ  NY  NC  ND  OH
     OR  PA  RI  SD  TN  VT  VA  WA  WV  WI
     WY  AB  BC  MB  NB  NF  NT  NS  ON  PE
     PQ  SK  YT
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


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In the Northern Clay Belt Region, Ontario, fertile shoots of wood horsetail appear before sterile shoots, liberate their spores, and die before sterile shoots complete their growth.  Most fertile shoots die by the end of June, and sterile shoots begin to die in August [1].  In most areas within its distributional range, wood horsetail spores are shed from April through May [5,9,18].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire

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More info for the terms: cover, frequency, mesic, succession

In the Northern Clay Belt Region of Ontario, wood horsetail recovers rapidly after fire and is one of the most prominent postfire species. It becomes less abundant in the later stages of postfire succession, but is still present under mature spruce (Picea spp.) stands up to 240 years old.  Shoots that appear immediately after fire are sterile, but up to 20 percent of the stems that appear in postfire year 1 are fertile [1]. In central Saskatchewan, wood horsetail was present 4 years after fires on moist and moderately moist sites in jack pine clearcuts [4]. Wood horsetail regenerates rapidly following fire in black spruce/feathermoss forests in southeastern Newfoundland, and its abundance may exceed prefire levels.  Its frequency was 27.8 percent in unburned areas and 21.1 percent in areas that had been burned 5 years previously [16]. On mesic black spruce sites in interior Alaska, wood horsetail is present throughout all stages of postfire succession.  The following cover and frequency percentages were reported [15]: Stage        Years since fireCover  Frequency __________________________________________________________________________ Newly burned        0-1       less than 0.5      10.0 Moss-herb           1-5       4.0      65.0 Tall shrub-sapling  5-30      2.0      13.0 Dense Tree         30-55      less than 0.5      11.0 Mixed hardwood-spruce     56-90      less than 0.5       5.0 Spruce             90-200+    4.0      49.0 After the 1971 Wickersham Dome Fire near Fairbanks Alaska, wood horsetail had the following cover and frequency percentages in lightly burned and severely burned black spruce stands (control plot cover and frequency was 1.25 and 60.0 percent, respectively) [43]:         1971     1972      1973     1974     Light  Severe   Light   Severe   Light  Severe   Light   Severe ___________________________________________________________________________ Cover0.1     02.65     3.35    2.6    3.65.7     8.95 Frequency  10.0     0      95.0     80.0    95.0   80.0      85.0    90.0 In this same study area, wood horsetail had cover values on fireline sites of 4, 40, and 12 percent in 1972, 1975, and 1980, respectively [42].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: geophyte, ground residual colonizer, herb, rhizome

   Rhizomatous herb, rhizome in soil    Geophyte, growing points deep in soil    Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)    Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: rhizome

Wood horsetail primarily reproduces by vegetative means; the majority of shoots arise from rhizomes [1,12].  Rhizome systems are extensive, deeply buried, and extremely long-lived (perhaps several thousand years old) [1]. The establishment of gametophytes and subsequent sexual reproduction is rare in the wild due to an extremely narrow habitat tolerance.  The most critical factor for sexual reproduction appears to be the initial establishment of spores.  Gametophytes only establish on recently exposed bare mud, such as around resevoirs or streambanks following flooding.  Wood horsetail has a very limited spore dispersal period, and spores are short-lived.  Male gametophytes grow at a much slower rate than females.  There is also evidence of early male mortality. Gametophytes reach sexual maturity at 3 to 5 weeks and then produce a constant supply of gametes until death.  The sex ratio of a population is determined by environmental conditions; female gametophytes are more likely to be produced under favorable conditions [9].  The frequent occurence of Equisetum hybrids suggests, however, that sexual reproduction is a common occurrence in this genus [10].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

    1  Northern Pacific Border
    2  Cascade Mountains
    8  Northern Rocky Mountains
    9  Middle Rocky Mountains
   15  Black Hills Uplift
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Successional Status

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More info for the terms: climax, succession

Facultative Seral Species Wood horsetail is shade tolerant [25]. It is found throughout all successional stages to climax forests [45].  Wood horsetail colonizes newly exposed mud on streambanks and floodplains [9], and it invades recently burned areas [25].  In floodplain succession in interior Alaska, wood horsetail is common in 200-year-old white spruce-black spruce and climax black spruce/sphagnum forests [41].  It is also widespread in black spruce stands from 26 to 120 years old in Ontario [38].  Wood horsetail is common in stable, mature forests in west-central Alberta [6].
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: fern

The currently accepted scientific name of wood horsetail is Equisetum
sylvaticum L. [5,14,22,33]. The following varieties and form are
recognized [7,14,33,36]:

Equisetum sylvaticum var. sylvaticum -- with scabrous branches
E. sylvaticum var. pauciramosum Milde. -- smooth branches, slightly branched
E. sylvaticum f. multiramosum Fern. -- smooth branches, copiously branched

Wood horsetail is a highly variable species; many varieties and forms
have been described that have little taxonomic significance [5].

Wood horsetail apparently hybridizes with meadow horsetail (E. pratense)
bibliographic citation
Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Equisetum sylvaticum. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Marchrawnen y coed ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Coeden fechan gollddail sy'n dwyn ffrwyth ac yn blodeuo yw Marchrawnen y coed sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Equisetaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Equisetum sylvaticum a'r enw Saesneg yw Wood horsetail.[1] Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Marchrawn y Coed, Rhawn y Coed, Rhawn-y-march Coediog, Rhawn March y Coed.

Yn aml, ceir drain pigog ar y brigau; mae'r dail yn syml ac mae arnynt flew mân.

Gweler hefyd


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Marchrawnen y coed: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

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Coeden fechan gollddail sy'n dwyn ffrwyth ac yn blodeuo yw Marchrawnen y coed sy'n enw benywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Equisetaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Equisetum sylvaticum a'r enw Saesneg yw Wood horsetail. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Marchrawn y Coed, Rhawn y Coed, Rhawn-y-march Coediog, Rhawn March y Coed.

Yn aml, ceir drain pigog ar y brigau; mae'r dail yn syml ac mae arnynt flew mân.

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Přeslička lesní ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Přeslička lesní (Equisetum sylvaticum L.) je rostlina z oddělení přesličky, jehož jediným recentním rodem je rod přeslička v širším pojetí (Equisetum s.l.).


Přeslička lesní je vytrvalá, výtrusná bylina vysoká nejčastěji 10–60 cm, vyrůstající z článkovitého oddenku. U přesličky lesní se projevuje sezónní dimorfismus. Na jaře vyrůstá fertilní lodyha, která je zpočátku nevětvená, nezelená, červenohnědé barvy. Později však vyrostou přesleny větví a lodyha zezelená. Kromě toho z oddenků vyrážejí letní sterilní lodyhy, které jsou od počátku zelené a větvené. Lodyhy se přeslenitě větví, a to dokonce vícenásobně (typický znak), větve jsou tenké a celá rostlina působí jemným a hebkým dojmem. Střední dutina zabírá 1/2–2/3 průměru stonku. Jako u ostatních přesliček se v každém uzlině nachází pochva, což jsou vlastně bočně srostlé přeslenitě uspořádané listy, nahoře mají listy volné konce a tvoří zuby pochvy. U přesličky lesní se několik zubů vždy spojuje v jednolitý lalok nápadně rezaté barvy. Výtrusnicový klas je solitérní, vrcholový, s tupou špičkou. O životním cyklu přesliček viz přeslička.


Jedná se spíše o stínomilnou vlhkomilnou lesní rostlinu, najdeme ji v podmáčených smrčinách (Equiseto-Piceetum) a některých typech luhů (např. Piceo-Alnetum). Vzácněji ji uvidíme mimo les na rašelinných nekosených loukách.

Areál rozšíření

Roste v Evropě, Asii a v Severní Americe.

Výskyt v ČR

Hojný druh od nížin do hor, ale v suchých teplých nížinách je vzácná a tam kde nemá vhodná stanoviště, může lokálně i chybět.


  • Hrouda L. (1988), In Slavík B. et Hejný S.: Květena České republiky, vol. 1.
  • Klíč ke Květeně České republiky, Kubát K. et al. (eds.), Academia, Praha

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Přeslička lesní: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Přeslička lesní (Equisetum sylvaticum L.) je rostlina z oddělení přesličky, jehož jediným recentním rodem je rod přeslička v širším pojetí (Equisetum s.l.).

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Skovpadderok ( Danish )

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Skovpadderok (Equisetum sylvaticum), ofte skrevet skov-padderok, er en 20-60 cm høj sporeplante, der vokser på fugtig bund i skove og krat. Arten kan kendes på grønne sommerskuds regelmæssigt frogrenede sidegrene.

Hele planten indeholder kiselsyre i form af små, skarpe krystaller, der udskilles på ydersiden af cellerne.


Skovpadderok er en flerårig plante med en opret vækst. Planten danner to slags oprette eller opstigende skud: Forårsskud, som er brunlige til rosa, fordi de mangler klorofyl, og som danner sporer. På disse op til 60 cm høje skud sidder de endestillede, kogleagtige sporehuse. Disse skud grønnes efterhånden.

Sommerskuddene er derimod grønne og har fotosyntese i både skud og blade. Alle skud er furede, leddelte og hule (undtagen ved leddene). Fra hovedskuddets led dannes der kransstillede sideskud, der er bygget ganske som hovedskuddet. Bladene er bittesmå og skælformede, og de sidder i kranse ved leddene enten på hovedskuddet eller på sideskuddene.

Rodnettet består af et dybtliggende og vidt forgrenet netværk af jordstængler og nogle spinkle trævlerødder.

Højde x bredde: 0,60 x 0,30 m.


Arten hører hjemme overalt i Europa, Nordamerika og Asien, hvor den foretrækker fugtige områder i skove og på enge.

I Danmark er den temmelig almindelig undtagen i Nord- og Vestjylland.

Et forårsskud med de endestillede sporehuse


  • Signe Frederiksen et al., Dansk flora, 2. udgave, Gyldendal 2012. ISBN 8702112191.

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Skovpadderok: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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Skovpadderok (Equisetum sylvaticum), ofte skrevet skov-padderok, er en 20-60 cm høj sporeplante, der vokser på fugtig bund i skove og krat. Arten kan kendes på grønne sommerskuds regelmæssigt frogrenede sidegrene.

Hele planten indeholder kiselsyre i form af små, skarpe krystaller, der udskilles på ydersiden af cellerne.

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Wald-Schachtelhalm ( German )

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Der Wald-Schachtelhalm (Equisetum sylvaticum) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Schachtelhalme (Equisetum) innerhalb der Familie der Schachtelhalmgewächse (Equisetaceae). Er ist auf der Nordhalbkugel im warmgemäßigten bis kühlen Eurasien und Nordamerika weitverbreitet.


Sporenähre auf anfänglich bleichem und unverzweigtem Spross
Stängelquerschnitt mit Zentralhöhle
Stängel mit Scheide: die Zähne sind zu zweit bis siebent zu Lappen verwachsen.
Der Stängel ist auf der Oberfläche mit hohen Papillen besetzt.

Der Wald-Schachtelhalm ist eine ausdauernde krautige Pflanze, die Wuchshöhen von 15 bis 50 Zentimetern erreicht. Sie bildet unterirdische Ausläufer aus. An den ährenlosen Stängeln befinden sich mehrfach verzweigte Äste. Sie sind sehr fein und dünn, waagrecht abstehend, in einer Ebene liegend und am Ende leicht bogenförmig überhängend und ergeben insgesamt einen deutlich stockwerkartigen Aufbau. Die Internodien des Stängels sind 2,5 bis 6,5 Zentimeter lang und meist ziemlich gleich lang. Die 5 bis 18 Scheidenzähne sind gruppenweise zu drei bis vier, selten bis zu sechs stumpfen Lappen verwachsen.

Die Sporenreife erfolgt von April bis Juni.[1] Beim Wald-Schachtelhalm befindet sich die Sporenähre auf anfänglich bleichen und astlosen Sprossen. Nach der Sporenreife fällt die Sporenähre meist ab, die bleichen Sprosse ergrünen und verzweigen sich, ebenso wie die unfruchtbaren Sprosse.[1]

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 216.


Der Wald-Schachtelhalm ist auf der Nordhalbkugel im warmgemäßigten bis kühlen Eurasien und Nordamerika weitverbreitet. Das Verbreitungsgebiet reicht nach Norden in der Arktis bis Island, Nowaja Semlja und Grönland, in Europa südlich bis ins nördliche Spanien und nördliche Griechenland.

Der Wald-Schachtelhalm gedeiht in feuchten Wäldern, auf Bergwiesen und auf Bergäckern. Er steigt in den Alpen bis in Höhenlagen von 1850 Metern. In den Allgäuer Alpen steigt er im Tiroler Teil zwischen Hahnenkamm und Schneidspitze bei Reutte bis zu einer Höhenlage von 1700 Metern auf.[2]

Der Wald-Schachtelhalm zeigt Versauerung und Vernässung an. Er ist kalkmeidend und eine Schatten- bis Halbschattenpflanze. Der Wald-Schachtelhalm ist Kennart des Alno-Ulmion-Verbands, kommt auch in feuchten Vaccinio-Piceion-Gesellschaften und in Galio-Abietenion-Beständen vor.

Die ökologischen Zeigerwerte nach Landolt et al. 2010 sind in der Schweiz: Feuchtezahl F = 4w+ (sehr feucht aber stark wechselnd), Lichtzahl L = 2 (schattig), Reaktionszahl R = 2 (sauer), Temperaturzahl T = 3 (montan), Nährstoffzahl N = 3 (mäßig nährstoffarm bis mäßig nährstoffreich), Kontinentalitätszahl K = 3 (subozeanisch bis subkontinental).[3]


Die Erstveröffentlichung von Equisetum sylvaticum erfolgte 1753 durch Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum, Tomus II, S. 1061. Das Artepitheton sylvaticum bedeutet „im Wald wachsend“.


Der Wald-Schachtelhalm wird selten als Zierpflanze in feuchten Gehölzgruppen genutzt.


Für die Region Pommern ist als Trivialname auch Purpatsch belegt.[4]



  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (Hrsg.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Band 5: Krautige Zier- und Nutzpflanzen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.
  • Josef Dostál: Equisetaceae. In: Gustav Hegi: Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Band 1, Teil I. 3. Aufl., Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin, Hamburg 1984. ISBN 3-489-50020-2.
  • Jaakko Jalas, Juha Suominen: Atlas Florae Europaeae. Band 1, Pteridophyta. Helsinki 1972.


  1. a b Dietmar Aichele, Heinz-Werner Schwegler: Unsere Moos- und Farnpflanzen. 10. Auflage, Franckh-Kosmos-Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-440-06700-9.
  2. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 1, IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 3-930167-50-6.
  3. Equisetum sylvaticum L. In: Info Flora, dem nationalen Daten- und Informationszentrum der Schweizer Flora. Abgerufen am 19. Februar 2022.
  4. Georg August Pritzel, Carl Jessen: Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen. Neuer Beitrag zum deutschen Sprachschatze. Philipp Cohen, Hannover 1882, S. 142. (eingescannt).


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Wald-Schachtelhalm: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Wald-Schachtelhalm (Equisetum sylvaticum) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Schachtelhalme (Equisetum) innerhalb der Familie der Schachtelhalmgewächse (Equisetaceae). Er ist auf der Nordhalbkugel im warmgemäßigten bis kühlen Eurasien und Nordamerika weitverbreitet.

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Equisetum sylvaticum

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Equisetum sylvaticum, the wood horsetail, is a horsetail (family Equisetaceae) native to the Northern Hemisphere, occurring in North America and Eurasia. Because of its lacy appearance, it is considered among the most attractive of the horsetails.

Botanical description

This perennial horsetail has erect, hollow stems that grow from 30 to 60 cm in length and from 1–4 mm thick. The branches themselves are compound and delicate, occurring in whorls and drooping downward. There are generally 12 or more branches per whorl. Fertile stems are at first tan-to-brown and unbranched, but later become like the sterile stems, which are more highly branched and green. All the stems have 10-18 spiny vertical ridges that contain silica spicules. The leaves are scales fused into sheaths that cover the stems and branches. These spiny leaves are larger and looser on the fertile stems.

The fertile stems are shorter than the others; on these develop the cones that bear the spore casings. The leaves develop on the fertile stems and the stems lengthen; then the cones open to release their spores. The cones then drop off. This process takes a few weeks. All the stems may continue to grow until fall and generally die back over winter.


This plant reproduces by spores, but its primary means of reproduction is done vegetatively by rhizomes. These rhizome systems are deep and extensive, as well as extremely long-lived. These creeping rhizomes occasionally produce tubers, and often outweigh the above-ground growth by 100 to 1.


These horsetails are commonly found in wet or swampy forest, open woodlands, and meadow areas. The species name sylvaticum is Latin for "of the forests", emphasizing that the wood horsetail is most commonly found in forested habitats. The plant is an indicator of boreal and cool-temperate climates, and very moist to wet, nitrogen-poor soils.


Linnaeus was the first to describe wood horsetail with the binomial Equisetum sylvaticum in his Species Plantarum of 1753.[1]


  1. ^ Linnaeus, C. (1753). Species Plantarum. Vol. II (1st ed.). Stockholm: Laurentii Salvii. p. 1061.
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Equisetum sylvaticum: Brief Summary

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Equisetum sylvaticum, the wood horsetail, is a horsetail (family Equisetaceae) native to the Northern Hemisphere, occurring in North America and Eurasia. Because of its lacy appearance, it is considered among the most attractive of the horsetails.

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Equisetum sylvaticum ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La cola de caballo (Equisetum sylvaticum) es una planta de la familia de las equisetáceas.

Detalle de la planta


Nace en primavera a partir de un rizoma rastrero subterráneo, produciéndose brotes de dos tipos: unos estériles, verdes, con verticilos de ramillas más largas en la parte inferior del tallo; otros fértiles, marrones en un principio reverdeciendo tras la maduración, con ramillas más largas en los verticilos superiores. Ramillas colgantes. Las vainas foliares presentan 3-6 lóbulos romos.[1]


Se encuentra en suelos turbosos y taludes húmedos de los bosques; a una altitud de 1200-1600 metros en zonas templadas y frías del Hemisferio Norte. En la península ibérica aparece en la Cordillera Cantábrica y Pirineos.


Equisetum sylvaticum fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 1061. 1753.[2]


Equisetum: nombre genérico que proviene del latín: equus = (caballo) y seta (cerda).

sylvaticum: epíteto latíno que significa "que crece en los bosques, silvestre".[3]

  • Equisetum capillare Hoffm.[4]

Véase también


  1. Penas, A.; Diez J., Llamas F., Rodríguez M. (1991). Plantas Silvestres de Castilla y León. Valladolid:Ámbito. ISBN 84-86770-40-8. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  2. «Equisetum sylvaticum». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 6 de marzo de 2014.
  3. En Epítetos Botánicos
  4. en PlantList


  1. Böcher, T. W. 1978. Greenlands Flora 326 pp.
  2. Böcher, T. W., K. Holmen & K. Jacobsen. 1968. Fl. Greenland (ed. 2) 312 pp.
  3. Cody, W. J. 1996. Fl. Yukon Terr. i–xvii, 1–669. NRC Research Press, Ottawa.
  4. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  5. Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2013. Flora of China (Lycopodiaceae through Polypodiaceae). 2–3:. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
  6. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, e. 1993. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Fl. N. Amer. 2: i–xvi, 1–475.
  7. Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Fl. Great Plains i–vii, 1–1392. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence.
  8. Hitchcock, C. H., A.J. Cronquist, F. M. Ownbey & J. W. Thompson. 1969. Vascular Cryptogams, Gymnosperms, and Monocotyledons. 1: 1–914. In C. L. Hitchcock Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N.W.. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
  9. Hultén, E. 1968. Fl. Alaska i–xxi, 1–1008. Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  10. Lellinger, D. B. 1985. A Field Manual of the Ferns and Fern Allies of the United States and Canada. 389 pp.
  11. Moss, E. H. 1983. Fl. Alberta (ed. 2) i–xii, 1–687. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
  12. Scoggan, H. J. 1978 [1979]. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Monocotyledoneae. 2: 93–545. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
  13. Welsh, S. L. 1974. Anderson's Fl. Alaska Adj. Parts Canada i–xvi, 1–724. Brigham Young University Press, Provo.

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Equisetum sylvaticum: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La cola de caballo (Equisetum sylvaticum) es una planta de la familia de las equisetáceas.

 src= Detalle de la planta
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Metsosi ( Estonian )

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Metsosi (Equisetum sylvaticum) on taimeliik osjaliste sugukonna osja perekonnast.

Metsosi kasvab metsades, raiesmikel, puisniitudel. Taim on Eestis tavaline.[1]


  1. Eesti taimede määraja. Toimetaja Malle Leht. Tartu, EPMÜ ZBI, Eesti Loodusfoto, 1999. Lk 64


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Metsosi: Brief Summary ( Estonian )

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Metsosi (Equisetum sylvaticum) on taimeliik osjaliste sugukonna osja perekonnast.

Metsosi kasvab metsades, raiesmikel, puisniitudel. Taim on Eestis tavaline.

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Metsäkorte ( Finnish )

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Metsäkorte (Equisetum sylvaticum) on monivuotinen, yhtäläisitiöinen sanikkainen, jota tavataan yleisenä lähes koko pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla.[1] Se on noin 30–50 cm korkea ja kasvaa monilla erilaisilla kasvupaikoilla. Se on hyvin yleinen Suomessa.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Metsäkortteen haarovia kesäversoja.
Metsäkortteiden kesäversojen kasvusto.

Metsäkorte tekee kaksi versoa, kevät- ja kesäverson. Punaruskeiden kevätversojen latvaan muodostuu käpymäinen itiötähkä, jossa itiöpesäkkeet ovat perällisten kuusikulmaisten kilpien alapuolella. Itiöt valmistuvat Suomessa touko-kesäkuussa, jonka jälkeen tähkä perineen kuihtuu. Pian kevätversoihin alkaa kasvaa haarakiehkuroita, ja ne muuttuvat vähitelleen latvattomien kesäversojen kaltaisiksi.[2]

Metsäkortteen kesäversojen varret ovat vaaleanvihreitä, tähkättömiä ja kasvavat 30–50 cm korkeiksi. Varsi on pysty mutta usein viistolatvainen, karhea, nivelikäs ja uurteinen. Varressa on matalia harjuja 10–18 kappaletta. Onton, 1–4 mm paksun varren keskiontelo on noin puolet koko varren läpimitasta, ja sitä ympäröivät pienet sivuontelot. Kiehkuroina kasvavat lehdet ovat vaatimattomat, yhdiskasvuiset ja muodostavat hammaslaitaisen tupen. Tupet ovat väljiä ja vihertäviä. Osin yhdyskasvuisia hampaita on 3–6, ja ne kasvavat leveähkönä, punaruskeana liuskana. Kesäversoon kasvaa runsaasti ohuita, runsashaaraisia haaroja. Haarakiehkurat ovat tiheitä ja muodostavat varteen vaakasuoria, reunoilta alaspainuneita kerroksia. Kasvin alkeisvarsikko on kaksikotinen, maanpäällinen, liuskainen ja väriltään vihreä.[2][3] Metsäkorte lisääntyy itiöiden avulla, mutta pääasiallisesti se käyttää leviämiseen laajaa juurakkoaan, joka saattaa painaa jopa 100 kertaa enemmän kuin maanpäällinen kasvusto.[4]

Metsäkorte muistuttaa lehtokortetta (E. pratense). Helpoin tapa erottaa lajit toisistaan on kesäversojen haarat. Metsäkortteella on runsaasti haaroja ja ne ovat runsashaaraisia, kun taas lehtokortteella haarat ovat haarattomia.[2][5]


Metsäkortetta tavataan Britteinsaarilta ja Ranskasta itään läpi Keski- ja Pohjois-Euroopan. Eteläisimmät esiintymät ovat Pohjois-Espanjassa ja Pohjois-Balkanilla. Levinneisyysalue jatkuu yhtenäisenä Siperian läpi Tyynellemerelle saakka. Pohjois-Amerikassa lajia tavataan Alaskassa, Kanadassa ja Yhdysvaltojen pohjoisosissa.[1] Suomessa metsäkorte on hyvin yleinen laji koko maassa.[6]


Metsäkorte viihtyy karuissa ja rehevissä korvissa, kosteissa ja soistuvissa metsissä ja niityillä, tienvarsilla ja -penkereillä, pellonojissa sekä pelloissa.[2][7] Lajia tavataan tuntureillakin vielä alapaljakan korkeudella.[3]


  • Halkka, Antti ym.: Kotimaan luonto-opas. WSOY, 1994. ISBN 951-0-19804-8.
  • Oulun kasvit. Piimäperältä Pilpasuolle. Toim. Kalleinen, Lassi & Ulvinen, Tauno & Vilpa, Erkki & Väre, Henry. Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo, Norrlinia 11 / Oulun kaupunki, Oulun seudun ympäristövirasto, julkaisu 2/2005. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki 2005.
  • Retkeilykasvio. Toim. Hämet-Ahti, Leena & Suominen, Juha & Ulvinen, Tauno & Uotila, Pertti. Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo, Helsinki 1998.


  1. a b Arne Anderberg: Den virtuella floran: Skogsfräken Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Viitattu 14.9.2011. (ruotsiksi)
  2. a b c d Retkeilykasvio 1998, s. 41, 43.
  3. a b Oulun kasvit 2005, s. 149.
  4. Equisetum sylvaticum
  5. Lahokallion luontopolku (Lohja), s. 26 Viitattu 14.9.2011.
  6. Lampinen, R. & Lahti, T. 2011: Kasviatlas 2010: Metsäkortteen levinneisyys Suomessa. Helsingin Yliopisto, Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Kasvimuseo, Helsinki. Viitattu 14.9.2011.
  7. Kotimaan luonto-opas 1994, s. 17.

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Metsäkorte: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Metsäkorte (Equisetum sylvaticum) on monivuotinen, yhtäläisitiöinen sanikkainen, jota tavataan yleisenä lähes koko pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla. Se on noin 30–50 cm korkea ja kasvaa monilla erilaisilla kasvupaikoilla. Se on hyvin yleinen Suomessa.

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Equisetum sylvaticum ( French )

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La Prêle des bois (Equisetum sylvaticum) est une espèce de prêles (plantes alliées des fougères) des zones tempérées de l'hémisphère nord.


La Prêle des bois présente des tiges de deux sortes. Les tiges stériles, de couleur verte à brun pâle, peuvent atteindre 70 cm, et portent des verticilles de branches assez longues, souvent retombantes, ramifiées. Les tiges fertiles, portent de courts rameaux chlorophylliens à leur base, et se terminent par des sporanges abrités par des écailles. Les gaines des tiges végétatives portent des dents prolongées par 3 à 6 appendices membraneux.

Equisetum sylvaticum 180607.jpg


La Prêle des bois est une espèce acidophile, que l'on rencontre principalement dans les tourbières de plaine et de moyenne montagne des régions tempérées, par exemple en compagnie, en Europe, des joncs à fleurs aiguës (Juncus acutiflorus) et des Carex noirs (Carex nigra ssp. nigra).


La Prêle des bois est présente au Groenland, sur une majeure partie du Canada, dans le Nord des États-Unis (de la côte est à la côte ouest), en Chine, Corée, Japon, dans la partie nord de la Fédération de Russie, et en Europe de l'Ouest.

Concernant la France, la Prêle des bois est présente dans la plupart des départements à l'Est d'une ligne allant du Pas-de-Calais au Roussillon, ainsi qu'en Bretagne et en Basse-Normandie. Elle est également présente à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon[1].


Conséquence de la disparition des tourbières, la prêle des bois a fortement régressé sur une grande partie de son aire de répartition initiale.

Elle est protégée au niveau régional dans les régions Bourgogne, Picardie, Basse-Normandie et Limousin[2]. Elle est également incluse dans la Liste rouge de la région Champagne-Ardenne.

Aux États-Unis, elle est considérée comme menacée dans les États de l'Illinois, de l'Iowa, du Maryland et de Rhode Island.


Equisetum ramosum Gilib. Equisetum umbrosum Lapeyr.


  1. donnée USDA Plant Database, voir liens externes
  2. liste des statuts de protection pour Equisetum sylvaticum, données Eflore

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Equisetum sylvaticum: Brief Summary ( French )

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La Prêle des bois (Equisetum sylvaticum) est une espèce de prêles (plantes alliées des fougères) des zones tempérées de l'hémisphère nord.

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Scuab eich choille ( Irish )

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Is planda í an scuab eich choille.

Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Skógelfting ( Icelandic )

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Skógelfting (Equisetum sylvaticum) er fjölær jurt. Hún verður um hálfs meters há og skilur sig frá öðrum elftingum með að vera með mjög greindan stöngul.


Ættarheitið Equisetum kemur úr latneska equus = hestur og seta = hár eða burst sem hefur gefið elftingum nafnið horsetail á ensku sem jurtin líkist (með góðu ímyndunarafli).

Tegundarheitið sylvaticum kemur úr latínu; sylva = skógur, sem vísar á búsvæðið.


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Skógelfting: Brief Summary ( Icelandic )

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Skógelfting (Equisetum sylvaticum) er fjölær jurt. Hún verður um hálfs meters há og skilur sig frá öðrum elftingum með að vera með mjög greindan stöngul.

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Miškinis asiūklis ( Lithuanian )

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Miškinis asiūklis (lot. Equisetum sylvaticum, angl. Wood Horsetail, vok. Wald-Schachtelhalm) – asiūklūnų (Equisetophyta) skyriaus augalas. Auga apydrėgniuose miškuose, miškų pievose, krūmynuose. Augalas išauga iki 60 cm aukščio. Pavasarį tuo pačiu metu išauga ir vegetatyviniai, ir sporifikuojantieji stiebai. Vegetatyviniai stiebai nuo viršūnės iki pusės gausiai menturiškai šakoti. Stiebo makštys viršutinėje dalyje raudonai rudos. Varpa ruda, cilindriška. Sporifikuoja gegužėsbirželio mėn.

Liaudis naudoja medžiagoms dažyti geltonai ruda spalva, liaudies medicinoje – šlapimui varyti. Vikiteka

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Bospaardenstaart ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De bospaardenstaart (Equisetum sylvaticum) is een vaste plant die behoort tot de paardenstaartenfamilie. De plant komt van nature voor in Noord-Amerika, Eurazië en Azië. In Vlaanderen is de soort zeer zeldzaam. In Nederland komt de oorspronkelijk inheemse plant in zeldzame mate voor op de hogere zandgronden in het oosten, midden en zuiden. Bospaardenstaart is er sinds 1950 matig afgenomen, op de Rode Lijst van 2012 wordt hij vermeld als 'kwetsbaar'.


De plant wordt 15 tot 75 cm hoog en vormt wortelstokken. Aan de wortelstokken worden meestal knollen gevormd. De holle stengel is 3 tot 5 mm dik en heeft dichte kransen van overhangende, onvertakte groene zijtakken. De holte is ongeveer de helft van de doorsnee van de stengel. Later in het jaar kunnen wel 1 tot 2 maal vertakte, groene zijtakken gevormd worden. Op de stengel zitten 10 tot 18 ribbendie voor versterking van de stengel zorgen. Met name in het bovenste deel van de stengel zijn opvallede, lange spiculae van silicium zichtbaar. De bladeren staan in kransen. De bladscheden zijn grotendeels met elkaar vergroeid tot een stengelschede. De stengelscheden en tanden zijn naar boven toe bleek roodbruin.

In april en mei verschijnen er bladgroenloze stengels met sporenaren op de top. Tijdens de rijping ontstaan er groene zijtakjes, waarna de stengel zelf ook groen wordt. De aren zijn 15 tot 25 mm lang en als ze rijp zijn verdrogen ze en vallen daarna af. Als de planten in sterke schaduw groeien worden meestal geen aren gevormd.


De plant komt voor op droge tot natte, vrij zure grond in houtwallen, loofbossen, bronbossen en aan waterkanten. Vaak onderaan hellingen op plaatsen waar enigszins basenrijk grondwater aan de oppervlakte komt.


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Bospaardenstaart: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De bospaardenstaart (Equisetum sylvaticum) is een vaste plant die behoort tot de paardenstaartenfamilie. De plant komt van nature voor in Noord-Amerika, Eurazië en Azië. In Vlaanderen is de soort zeer zeldzaam. In Nederland komt de oorspronkelijk inheemse plant in zeldzame mate voor op de hogere zandgronden in het oosten, midden en zuiden. Bospaardenstaart is er sinds 1950 matig afgenomen, op de Rode Lijst van 2012 wordt hij vermeld als 'kwetsbaar'.

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Skogsnelle ( Norwegian )

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Skogsnelle (Equisetum sylvaticum) er en av i alt 18 arter av sneller (Equisetum), stråliknende, leddede planter som er eneste gjenværende slekt av Sphenopsida, som i karbontiden dominerte jorden med arter opp til 30 meter høye. Rester av karbontidens arter utgjør store deler av jordens kullreserver.

Detalj av skogsnelle sett ovenfra sent i juli, Hurum.
Skogsnelle i mai, Sørkedalen, Oslo.
Bestand av skogsnelle.

Den blir inntil 50 cm høy, normalt over 30 cm. Først er de fruktbærende stenglene gul-brune uten blader, deretter vokser nedoverhengende kranser av blader ut i hvert "ledd" av stengelen, og blomsten er gul-brun til hvit-gul med sporekapsler.

Skogsnelle er lysgrønn eller blek grønn. Vårstilken kjennes ved at den har en del grønne, nedover-pekende blader fra den brunaktige stilken, og dette skiller den fra engsnelle. Vårstengelen har grove, rødbrune skjell-blad som står sammen i grupper ved leddene i hver krans.

Arten er om sommeren lett kjennelig på at de luftige bladstenglene er mange ganger greinet, dette er et unikt trekk ved denne snelle-arten. De andre artene har ingen eller bare én gangs forgreining av bladstilkene. Skogsnelle står grønn hele sommeren, og den grønne sommerstilken er 20-50 cm høy, noe større enn engsnellen.

Planten har spore-formering. Kromosomtallet (2n) er 216.

Skogsnelle er nokså vanlig i Norge, og har utbredelse på den nordlige halvkule. I Tynset når den opp i 1.300 moh. I Norden vokser den nesten overalt, bare på Island og i kyststrøkene av øst-Finnmark er den sjelden.

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Skogsnelle: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Skogsnelle (Equisetum sylvaticum) er en av i alt 18 arter av sneller (Equisetum), stråliknende, leddede planter som er eneste gjenværende slekt av Sphenopsida, som i karbontiden dominerte jorden med arter opp til 30 meter høye. Rester av karbontidens arter utgjør store deler av jordens kullreserver.

 src= Detalj av skogsnelle sett ovenfra sent i juli, Hurum.  src= Skogsnelle i mai, Sørkedalen, Oslo.  src= Bestand av skogsnelle.

Den blir inntil 50 cm høy, normalt over 30 cm. Først er de fruktbærende stenglene gul-brune uten blader, deretter vokser nedoverhengende kranser av blader ut i hvert "ledd" av stengelen, og blomsten er gul-brun til hvit-gul med sporekapsler.

Skogsnelle er lysgrønn eller blek grønn. Vårstilken kjennes ved at den har en del grønne, nedover-pekende blader fra den brunaktige stilken, og dette skiller den fra engsnelle. Vårstengelen har grove, rødbrune skjell-blad som står sammen i grupper ved leddene i hver krans.

Arten er om sommeren lett kjennelig på at de luftige bladstenglene er mange ganger greinet, dette er et unikt trekk ved denne snelle-arten. De andre artene har ingen eller bare én gangs forgreining av bladstilkene. Skogsnelle står grønn hele sommeren, og den grønne sommerstilken er 20-50 cm høy, noe større enn engsnellen.

Planten har spore-formering. Kromosomtallet (2n) er 216.

Skogsnelle er nokså vanlig i Norge, og har utbredelse på den nordlige halvkule. I Tynset når den opp i 1.300 moh. I Norden vokser den nesten overalt, bare på Island og i kyststrøkene av øst-Finnmark er den sjelden.

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Skrzyp leśny ( Polish )

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Skrzyp leśny (Equisetum sylvaticum L.) – gatunek rośliny wieloletniej należący do rodziny skrzypowatych. Rozpowszechniony w lasach całej Polski po regiel górny w górach.

Pokrój pędów płonnych.


Pęd zarodnikowy początkowo różny od pędu płonnego – niezielony i niski, po dojrzeniu zarodników (co następuje w miesiącach kwiecień-maj) zielenieje, wydłuża się i rozgałęzia. Po dojrzeniu i rozsypaniu zarodników kłos zarodnionośny odpada. Pędy płonne są jasnozielone, wiotkie. Zamierają zimą i nowe pędy nadziemne wyrastają ponownie wiosną z kłączy.
Osiąga 20-30 (40) cm wysokości, 1-5 mm grubości. Rynienkowata, o 10-18 żeberkach opatrzonych w dwa szeregi brodawek. Gałązki na pędach płonnych liczne (ok. 12 lub więcej w okółku), rozgałęzione, na końcach zwisające w dół, z 4-5 żeberkami.
Silnie i głęboko rosnące, mocno rozgałęzione i długo żyjące odgrywa istotną rolę w rozmnażaniu wegetatywnym. Wytwarza niewielkie bulwy spichrzowe, służące także jako organ rozmnażania wegetatywnego. Masa podziemnej części roślin może 100-krotnie przewyższać masę organów nadziemnych.
Zrośnięte w szerokie, duże pochwy, dołem zielone, górą brunatne, do połowy rozcięte. Na pędach zarodnikowych ząbki są trójkątne, tępe, zlepione w 3-6 łatek. Na pędach płonnych liście są lancetowate i ostre. Ząbki są biało obrzeżone.
Rośnie w żyznych, cienistych lasach liściastych, rzadko w przyległych uprawach. Wymaga gleb gliniastych, nieprzepuszczalnych.


Tworzy następujące mieszańce:

  • Equisetum ×bowmanii C. Page [1989, Watsonia, 17 : 273] (E. sylvaticum × telmateia)
  • Equisetum ×mildeanum Rothm. [1944, Feddes Repert., 54 : 78] (E. pratense × sylvaticum)



  1. Jakub Mowszowicz: Krajowe chwasty polne i ogrodowe. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1986. ISBN 83-09-00771-X.
  2. Szafer W., Kulczyński S., Pawłowski B.: Rośliny polskie. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1967.
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Skrzyp leśny: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Skrzyp leśny (Equisetum sylvaticum L.) – gatunek rośliny wieloletniej należący do rodziny skrzypowatych. Rozpowszechniony w lasach całej Polski po regiel górny w górach.

 src= Pokrój pędów płonnych.
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Skogsfräken ( Swedish )

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Skogsfräken (Equisetum sylvaticum) är en flerårig ört. Den kan bli omkring en halvmeter hög och skiljer sig från de flesta andra arterna i släktet fräken genom sin starkt förgrenade stjälk.


Släktnamnet Equisetum härleds från latin equus = häst och seta = hår, borst vilket också givit upphov till det engelska folkliga namnet horsetail = hästsvans som växten med någon fantasi kan liknas vid. En motsvarande liknelse på svenska är rävrumpa för andra fräkenarter.

Artepitetet sylvaticum kommer från latin sylva = skog, vilket syftar på växtplatsen.

Dialektala namn

I Västerbotten kallas denna växt enfötinggräs.[1]

I bl a Medelpad kallas den grangräs.[2]


  • ^ Johan Ernst Rietz: Svenskt dialektlexikon, Gleerups, Lund 1862-1867, faksimilutgåva Malmö 1962, sida 118 [1]
  • ^ Johan Ernst Rietz: Svenskt dialektlexikon, Gleerups, Lund 1862-1867, faksimilutgåva Malmö 1962, sida 214 [2]
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    Skogsfräken: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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    Skogsfräken (Equisetum sylvaticum) är en flerårig ört. Den kan bli omkring en halvmeter hög och skiljer sig från de flesta andra arterna i släktet fräken genom sin starkt förgrenade stjälk.

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    Хвощ лісовий ( Ukrainian )

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    Це багаторічна тіньовитривала трав'яниста рослина родини хвощевих заввишки 10-15 см, з тонким темно-бурим розгалуженим кореневищем. Спороносні й безплідні пагони розвиваються одночасно, навесні, але різко відрізняються один від одного.

    Спороносні — червонувато-бурі, нерозгалужені, з гладенькими ребрами. Спороносні колоски (10-40 мм завдовжки) довгасто-яйцевидні або майже циліндричні. Піхви (до 25 мм завдовжки) віддалені одна від одної; зісподу — зелені, зверху — рудовато-бурі, дзвониковидні, 2-6 лопатеві, зубці їх зростаються по 2-3. У вузлах спороносних пагонів після дозрівання спор розвиваються кільця довгих розгалужених горизонтальних або відігнутих униз гілок. Гілки яскраво-зелені, розміщені більш-менш в одній площині.

    Буруваті спороносні стебла з’являються майже одночасно з безплідними і спочатку дуже відрізняються від них. Після спороношення на стеблі розвиваються такі самі гілки, як і на безплідних пагонах: двічі-тричі розгалужені, горизонтальні або похилені донизу. Спори дозрівають наприкінці весни — на початку літа.

    Безплідні пагони дуже розгалужені (15-90 см заввишки), часто на верхівці пониклі, з тонкими гілочками і 10-18 ребрами. Піхви вегетативних пагонів циліндрично-бокаловидні; зубці піхов незрослі, відхилені назовні.


    Росте в листяних і мішаних лісах на вирубках, у заростях чагарників, на лісових луках, окраїнах боліт. Тіньовитривала рослина; на території України поширена переважно на Поліссі, рідше в Лісостепу. У багатьох районах України хвощ є рідкістю, тому занесений до регіональних списків рідкісних рослин. [1]

    Практичне використання

    Хвощ лісовий — лікарська (сечогінна), фарбувальна рослина. [1]


    1. а б Гамуля Ю. Г. Рослини України / за ред. О. М. Утєвської. — X.: Фактор, 2011. — 208 с. — C.90


    • Єлін Ю. Я., Зерова М. Я., Лушпа В. І., Шаброва С. І. Дари лісів. — К.: «Урожай», 1979
    • Єлін Ю. Я., Оляніцька Л. Г., Івченко С. Г. Шкільний визначник рослин. — К.: «Радянська школа», 1988

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    Equisetum sylvaticum ( Vietnamese )

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    Equisetum sylvaticum là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Equisetaceae. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]

    Hình ảnh

    Chú thích

    1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Equisetum sylvaticum. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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    Equisetum sylvaticum: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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    Equisetum sylvaticum là một loài dương xỉ trong họ Equisetaceae. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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    Хвощ лесной ( Russian )

    provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Царство: Растения
    Подцарство: Зелёные растения
    Подотдел: Хвощовые
    Класс: Хвощовые (Equisetopsida C.Agardh, 1825)
    Подкласс: Хвощовые (Equisetidae Warm., 1883)
    Порядок: Хвощовые (Equisetales DC. ex Bercht. & J.Presl, 1820)
    Семейство: Хвощовые (Equisetaceae Michx. ex DC., 1804)
    Род: Хвощ
    Вид: Хвощ лесной
    Международное научное название

    Equisetum sylvaticum L., 1753

    на Викивидах
    на Викискладе
    ITIS 17161NCBI 231679EOL 596757GRIN t:409915IPNI 303325-2TPL tro-26602013

    Хвощ лесно́й (лат. Equisétum sylváticum) — вид многолетних травянистых растений рода Хвощ семейства Хвощёвые (Equisetaceae).

    Биологическое описание

    Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги Яна Копса Flora Batava, 1800—1934

    Многолетнее растение до 50 см высотой. Корневища короткие, чёрно-бурые.

    Весенние спороносные побеги простые с рыжевато-бурыми мутовками, после спороношения становятся неотличимы от вегетативных. Вегетативные побеги обычно 15—40 см высотой и 1,5—4 мм в диаметре. Дифференцированы на стебли и всегда ветвистые боковые побеги. Число, длина, густота и направление роста веточек сильно варьируют. Эпидермис стеблей покрыт шипиками.

    Листовые зубцы на стебле собраны в мутовки по 6—12, как правило, срастаются по два—три до самой вершины в три—шесть лопастей. Листовые зубцы на веточках по три—четыре в мутовке.

    Колоски 20—30, иногда до 40 мм длиной, почти цилиндрические.

    Химический состав

    В растении обнаружены углеводы и родственные им соединения (галактоза, глюкоза, манноза, арабиноза, ксилоза, галактуроновые кислоты), каротиноиды (в том числе α-каротин, β- каротин, γ-каротин), лигнин, флавоноиды (в том числе кемпферол, кверцетин, госсипитрин, рутин)[1].

    Спороносный побег хвоща лесного весной

    Распространение и экология

    Произрастает в лесах, кустарниковых зарослях, тундрах, на опушках, берегах водоёмов, болотах.

    Распространён на территориях российского Дальнего Востока, Европейской части СНГ, Кавказе, Западной и Восточной Сибири, Средней Азии, Скандинавии, Атлантической и Средней Европе, Монголии, в Японо-Китайском районе, в Северной Америке.

    Хозяйственное значение и применение

    Применяется как мочегонное в народной медицине; можно использовать для окрашивания тканей[2].

    Надземная часть применяется как диуретическое, гемостатическое, противосудорожное, при ревматизме, подагре, энтероколитах, гематурии, при гонорее, туберкулёзе лёгких, болезнях печени, почек, асците, эпилепсии; наружно в виде порошка — как ранозаживляющее, гемостатическое[1].

    Молодые спороносные побеги пригодны в пищу[1].

    Сведения о кормовых качествах противоречивы[1].


    1. 1 2 3 4 Часть I — Семейства Lycopodiaceae — Ephedraceae, часть II — Дополнения к 1—7-му томам // Растительные ресурсы России и сопредельных государств / отв. ред. А. Л. Буданцев; Бот. ин-т им. В. Л. Комарова РАН. — СПб.: Мир и семья-95, 1996. — С. 14. — 571 с. — ISBN 5-90016-25-5.
    2. Губанов И. А. и др. Дикорастущие полезные растения СССР / отв. ред. Т. А. Работнов. — М.: Мысль, 1976. — С. 31. — 360 с. — (Справочники-определители географа и путешественника).
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Хвощ лесной: Brief Summary ( Russian )

    provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

    Хвощ лесно́й (лат. Equisétum sylváticum) — вид многолетних травянистых растений рода Хвощ семейства Хвощёвые (Equisetaceae).

    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    林木贼 ( Chinese )

    provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
    二名法 Equisetum sylvaticum

    林木贼学名Equisetum sylvaticum)为木贼科木贼属下的一个种。




    林木贼: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

    provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

    林木贼(学名:Equisetum sylvaticum)为木贼科木贼属下的一个种。
