
Thuidium furfurosum

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Thuidium furfurosum

Thuidium furfurosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Reichdt., Reise Oest. Freg. Novara Bot. 1(3):187, 1870.

Hypnum furfurosum Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2:107, 1854. [Original material: New Zealand, coll. Cunningham, Colenso, Lyall, etc.]

Hypnum sparsum Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2:109, 1854. [Original material: Wangerei, North Isl., New Zealand, coll. Bolton.]

Leskea fulvastra Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4:92, 1859. [Original material: New Zealand, coll. Bolton, Kerr, Knight, Milne, F. Müller; Tristan da Cunha, coll. Milne.]

Hypnum unguiculatum Hook. f. & Wils., Fl. Tasm. 2:208, 1859. [Original material: Tasmania, Yorktown, coll. Lawrence, Gunn nos. 1598, 37; North-West Bay, coll. Oldfield n. 313b.]

Hypnum suberectum Hampe, Linnaea 30:638, 1860. [Original material: Tarwin River, Victoria, Australia, coll. F. Müller.]

Hypnum denticulosum Mitt. in Hook. f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 472, 1867. [Original material: Auckland?, North Isl., New Zealand, coll. Sinclair.]

Thuidium corralense Broth. in Card. & Broth., K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 63 (10):62, 1923, nom. nud. in syn. [Original material: Corral, Chile, coll. Dusén n. 81.]

Thuidium valdiviae Broth. in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2:439, 1924. [Original material: Valdivia, Chile, coll. A. Hofmann (H).]

Stems to 10 cm long with branches ca. 0.5 cm long, bipinnately branched with leaves incurved-catenulate when dry. Main stems including leaves ca. 0.7 mm wide, with paraphyllia unbranched, ending in multipapillose, unenlarged cells. Stem leaves deltoid to 0.5 mm long, to 0.3 mm wide, narrowly subulate, margins broadly reflexed in basal half, costa subpercurrent; cells of lamina ca. 6 μm wide, mostly 6–7 μm long, 3–4 papillae on each surface, a few distal cells to 10 μm long with only 1–2 papillae, apical cells 2–4 papillose, no elongated basal cells. Primary branch leaves ovate, to 0.4 mm long, ca. 0.25 mm wide, slightly acuminate, secondary branch leaves 0.2 mm long, 0.1 mm wide, ovate, rather obtusely acute; branch leaf cells, including marginal and apical, 6–7 μm in diameter, multipapillose. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves long-filiform-acuminate, sparsely ciliate on margins. Setae 2–3 cm long, red, smooth. Capsule urn ca. 2 mm long, slightly curved; inner peristome with 2–3 cilia per segment; spores 10–12 μm. in diameter, smooth; operculum ca. 1 mm long. Calyptra bare.

MAS AFUERA: Q. Casas, H. & E. 163.

MAS A TIERRA: Wand Damajuana, K. 317/11d (B); trail to Portezuelo de Villagra, ca. 1800 ft, H. & E. 60.

The species is known from Central and South America, the West Indies, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, South Africa, and islands of the South Atlantic and South Pacific.
bibliographic citation
Robinson, Harold E. 1975. "The mosses of Juan Fernandez Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-88. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.27