Image of Lyalia curvata Alonso-Zarazaga & Perrin
Unresolved name

Lyalia curvata Alonso-Zarazaga & Perrin


provided by Zookeys
(holotype). Measurements (in µm): Body length (without rostrum): 3140; (standard): 2890. Rostrum: length: 1440; width (mesorostral and basal): 251, (apical): 272. Distance from antennal insertion to base: 880. Frons: width: 94. Eye: length: 356. Scape: length: 785; maximum width: 99. Desmomeres 1–6 (length × width): 157 × 79; 115 × 73; 94 × 73; 63 × 79; 63 × 84; 52 × 84. Club (length × width): 451 × 178; 3rd segment: length: 241. Pronotum: length: 980; width (basal): 1600, (apical): 620. Elytra: length: 2400; maximum width: 1920. Mesocoxal distance: 272. Mesocoxal diameter: 356. Metacoxal distance: 325. Integument. General colour reddish brown, club and apices of onychia and rostrum piceous brown, remainder of antennae and legs lighter testaceous brown, apices of femoral teeth blackened. Vestiture of yellowish piliform scales with golden reflections, in two dense parallel and separate rows on frons, on pronotum dense on sides and on a very narrow midline, separated from the lateral patches at base by dense brownish squamules and near apex by a region of dense mixed yellow and brown squamules, on elytra the yellow scales forming a band in the apical half of 1st interstria, with some mixed brownish scales, 2nd interstria with a basal patch and a band in the apical two thirds, 3rd as 2nd but with no basal patch, 4th completely covered of yellow scales, 5th as 4th but a brown basal patch and a line mixed with brown squamules on median third, 6th covered by yellow scales, except a short line of brown squamules on median third, 7th and 8th with brown scales on humeral calli, 7th also with brown scales on apical half, 9th and 11th also densely covered in yellow scales throughout. Ventral parts densely covered with yellow scales, legs sparsely so. Rostrum in dorsal view 5.29 × as long as wide at apex, 1.47 × as long as pronotum, metarostrum parallel-sided, prorostrum widening towards apex, 5-carinate, median keel hardly surpassing middle of prorostrum, finer and more convex than paramedian keels, these wider and less convex, surpassing a little apex of median keel, all three widening before disappearing, lateral keels fine and acute up to apex, keels separated by densely punctate and pubescent sulci, weakly and confusedly so on prorostrum; in side view, rostrum moderately curved, sublateral keel acute up to apex, except where interrupted by scrobe, prorostrum weakly tapering towards apex. Antennae inserted at basal 0.61 of rostrum, scape 7.93 × as long as wide and 3.13 × as long as mesorostral width, 1.44 as long as funicle, first 3 desmomeres clearly oblong, 4th subtransversal, 5th and 6th clearly transversal, club short, 0.83 × as long as funicle, shortly fusiform, 2.53 × as long as wide, last segment 1.15 × as long as the first two together, weakly asymmetrical. Head subconical, eyes slightly oblong and convex, frons 0.35 × as wide as rostral apex, with two dense longitudinal rows of scales on each side. Pronotum transversally troncoconical, 1.63 × as wide as long, sides almost straight, hardly constricted behind apex, base 2.58 × as wide as apex, basal crenulated keel interrupted at middle, with very dense teeth (7 in 100 μm), punctures very fine (6–7 μm in diameter) and denser in basal half, separated 1–3 diameters in apical half. Elytra very convex, very shortly oval, 1.25 × as long as wide, widest at humeral calli, sides rather parallel behind these and then arched to apex, basal keel teeth similar to the pronotal keel ones, striae deep, interstriae 3–4 × wider than striae, with 7–8 rows of scales, interstrial punctures as small as those on pronotum, but much denser, 2nd and 3rd striae strongly curved towards suture in basal third, 2nd interstria usually less than 1.4 × as wide as interstria 1 at same level. Legs. Profemora 2.13 × as long as wide, with 1+2 teeth on each femur, largest tooth 0.30 × as long as width of femur, protibiae straight, robust, 5.61 × as long as wide, inner margin weakly bisinuate, punctures longitudinally undulate, other legs similar, mucros short and robust. First protarsomere 1 1.25 × as long as wide, 2nd 1.1 ×, 3rd 0.83 ×, onychium 4.5 ×, surpassing lobes of 3rd by half its length. Ventral areas. Third ventrite without visible lateral fovea, 5th ventrite weakly trisinuate at apex (Fig 8). Pygidium moderately convex. Genitalia. Tegmen with dorsal plate oblong, tapering to apex, this widely rounded with a very small median notch, 18–19 very long macrochaetae on each side of it, some of these subapical, most apical, fenestrae medially continuous, well conspicuous, linea arquata marked, prostegium subtriangular, median projection with two shorter projections on each side ending paramedian longitudinal ventral keels. Penis in dorsal view with sides of pedon subparallel, a little wider near middle, 1.4 × as long as temones, apical plate roundly triangular with sides slightly concave, tectum hardly visible. Endophallus with two ill-defined frena and several teeth, and a subrectilinear flagellum 1.06 × as long as the whole penis.
Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga, Hélène Perrin
bibliographic citation
Alonso-Zarazaga M, Perrin H (2011) Two new genera of Nanophyidae with six desmomeres (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) ZooKeys 125: 35–50
Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga
Hélène Perrin
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
This species is known only from its type locality, Saigon (now Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh or Ho Chi Minh City) in Southern Vietnam. Nothing is known about its host plant, but it will probably be a species of Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae).
Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga, Hélène Perrin
bibliographic citation
Alonso-Zarazaga M, Perrin H (2011) Two new genera of Nanophyidae with six desmomeres (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) ZooKeys 125: 35–50
Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga
Hélène Perrin
visit source
partner site