
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Leucotrichia sarita Ross

Leucotrichia sarita Ross, 1944, p. 274.—Flint, 1968b, p. 38.

In the modifications of the head, this species occupies an intermediate position between imitator and pictipes. In sarita the central portion of the head is concave and bordered laterally by a row of setae, the anterior area bears a dense brush of setae which lies in the central depression. The genitalia of this species and fairchildi appear to be indistinguishable; however, the head of the latter is very differently structured.

The larvae of sarita and pictipes are almost inseparable. The anterolateral seta of the mesonotum and metanotum is distinctly enlarged and generally darkened in sarita, whereas it is pale and hardly enlarged in pictipes.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 3–4 mm. General color fuscus; bright green linear markings on the forewings, tegulae, and head; antenna with alternating series of white and fuscus segments. Ocelli 2; head centrally heavily sclerotized and concave, bounded laterally by a lightly sclerotized area bearing a linear cluster of setae, heavily sclerotized next to eye and bearing a slightly elevated ocellus, clypeal region densely hairy bearing a dorsal brush mostly covering dorsomesal sclerite; antenna simple. Male genitalia: Seventh sternum with an apicomesal brush of setae. Eighth sternum produced into acute lateral angles, posterior margin broadly U-shaped. Ninth segment strongly produced posteroventrally, anterior margin dorsally concave, with a row of strong setae posterolaterally. Tenth tergite typical; lateral penis sheath ovoid, lightly sclerotized. Subgenital plate extending as a narrow sclerite from ventral angle of tenth tergite, ventral arm elongate, inflated basally, pointed apically. Clasper in lateral aspect about 5 times as long as broad, with a dorsal subapical spine, apex produced into a small point dorsally. Aedeagus with a pair of apicolateral sclerites capping membranous lobes, subapically with several linear sclerites ventrally; midlength complex with a pair of basal rods, and a complete basal loop.

LARVA.—Length to 3.5 mm. Head yellow brown; posterior half of frontoclypeus coarsely rugose; anterior margin of frontoclypeus truncate. Thoracic nota yellow brown, darker laterally and posteriorly; anterolateral seta of mesonotum and metanotum enlarged and generally dark. Abdominal tergites brown. Dorsal seta of anal claw small and pale.

CASE.—Length to 4 mm. by 2.5 mm. Silken; oval in outline, slightly domed; with slightly rimmed anterior and posterior circular openings.

Material.—U.S.A.: Texas: Balmorhea, irrigation flume, 19 April 1939, H. H. and J. A. Ross, holotype, INHS; New Braunfels, Landa Park, 18 June 1960, Flint and Collette, larvae, pupa; Hays Co., Wimberly, Fern Bank Spring, 1 July 1960, O. S. Flint, Jr., 6 pupae; same, but 17 Sept. 1960, larvae, pupae. MEXICO: NUEVO LEON : Monterrey, Rio Elizondo, 19–20 June 1956, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 larva, pupa. VERA CRUZ: Plan del Rio Ver, Route 140, km. 368, 23 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 2 7 ; Fortin de las Flores, June 1964, F. S. Blanton, 1 ; Cuitlahuac, 10–12 Aug. 1964, P. J. Spangler, 2 5 ; El Encero, Route 140, km. 347, 22 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 5 ; Rio Tacolapan, Route 180, km. 551, 25–26 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . MORELOS: near Xochitepec, Route 95, km. 91, 1 Aug. 1965, O. S. Flint, Jr., 9 10 ; Xochitepec, 12–14 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 6 5 , larvae, pupae. MICHOACAN: San Lorenzo, Route 15, km. 206, 14–15 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 8 5 . OAXACA: Jaltepec. 21 May 1964, F. S. Blanton, 1 ; Tehauntepec, 23 July 1964, P. J. Spangler, 1 7 . CHIAPAS : east of Arriaga, Route 185, km. 135, 72013;8 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, larvae, pupae; near Pijijiapan, 5 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, 1 ; Puente Arroyo Viejo, near Mapastepec, 7 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 2 larvae, 1 pupa. GUATEMALA: SUCHITEPEQUEZ : Cuyotenango, 10–20 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 , larvae, pupae. RETALHULEU: Puente E1 Nino, 16 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . SAN MARCOS: Puente Ixben, 15 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 3 . EL SALVADOR: SANTA ANA: 2 miles north of Candelaria de la Frontera, 7 Aug. 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . COSTA RICA: GUANACASTE: Las Canas, 13 July 1965, P. J. Spangler, 4 23 . PUNTARENAS: Rio Seco, northwest of Esparta, 23 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . GRENADA: 2 miles west of Grand Etang, 4–8 Aug. 1963, O. S. Flint, Jr., 6 7 , pupa.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1970. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies X: Leucotrichia and Related Genera from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.60