Århus Botaniske Have
Århus Botaniske Have
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Botanisk Have Århus
Kværkeby, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Have, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Rheum ribes (rhubarb) reaches its southern border at this point in Mt Hermon. It grows in a scree under a cliff in a remote place. In the past several years it did not bloom, but this rainy year almost all plants bloom and we were lucky to see them. I hope to return and see them in fruit in a month.
Have, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Hobro Skov, Jylland, Danmark
Habit, Linzhi, Xizang, China, 2009
Kværkeby, haven
Kielstrup Sø
Habitat, Linzhi, Xizang, China, 2009