Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) centralis Ross
Chimarra (Curgia) centralis Ross, 1959:178.—Fischer, 1971:221.—McElravy et al., 1981:152.—Holzenthal, 1988:57.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—COSTA RICA, PCIA. ALAJUELA, Cerro Campana, ~6 km (air) NW Dos Ríos, 10.9°N, 85.4°W, 640 m, 15–16 Mar 1986, Holzenthal and Fasth, 1 (UMSP). PCIA. GUANACASTE, Quebrada Garcia, 10.6 km ENE Quebrada Grande, 10.862°N, 85.428°W, 470 m, 8 Mar 1986, Holzenthal and Fasth, 2 (UMSP). PCIA. HEREDIA, P.N. Braulio Carillo, Est. El Ceibo, Río Peje, 10.327°N, 84.078°W, 460 m, 29–31 May 1990, Holzenthal et al., 3, 2 (NMNH, UMSP); same, but Est. Magsasay, Río Peje, 10.402°N, 84.050°W, 130 m, 25–26 Aug 1990, 2, 4 (NMNH, UMSP). PCIA. LIMÓN, P.N. Braulio Carillo, Quebrada Gonzalez, 10.160°N, 83.939°W, 480 m, 12–14 May 1990, Holzenthal and Blahnik, 2, 2 (UMSP). PCIA. PUNTARENAS, Río Guineal, ~1 km (air) E Finca Helechales, 9.076°N, 83.092°W, 840 m, 22 Feb 1986, Holzenthal et al., 2 (UMSP). Río Singri, ~2 km (air) S Finca Helechales, 9.057°N, 83.082°W, 720 m, 21 Feb 1986, Holzenthal et al., 17 (UMSP). Río Jaba at rock quarry, 1.4 km (air) W Las Cruces, 8.79°N, 82.97°W, 1150 m, 15 Mar 1991, Holzenthal et al., 2 (NMNH, UMSP). PCIA. SAN JOSÉ, P.N. Braulio Carillo, Est. Carillo, Q. Sanguijuela, 10.160°N, 83.963°W, 800 m, 27 Mar 1987, Holzenthal et al., 2, 1 (UMSP).
MAP 19.—Distribution of Chimarra (Curgia) centralis Ross.
PANAMA, PCIA. CHIRIQUI, Fortuna Dam Site, nr. Hornitos, 1050 m, 8°55′N, 82°16′W, 11–24 May 1977, H. Wolda, 5; same, but 10–16 Aug 1977, 1. PCIA. COCLÉ, El Potroso, 10 km NE El Copé, 4 Nov 1980, University of Panama student collection, 1.
ECUADOR, PCIA. PICHINCHA, via Puerto Quito (at km 113), 24 Jun 1976, J. Cohen at blacklight, 6.
ETYMOLOGY.—Probably from the Latin centrum (“midpoint”), of unknown connotation.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131.