Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) didyma
ADULT.—Length of forewing, and 6–7 mm. Color dark brown, body and appendages paler; forewing dark brown, with many small, golden flecks. Claws of male foreleg grossly asymmetrical.
Male Genitalia: Eighth sternum nearly parallel-sided; tergum produced posteriad, posterior margin nearly truncate in dorsal aspect, with a short posterolateral lobe bearing a brush of setae. Ninth sternum produced anteroventrally; with short, posteromesal keel; produced into a long dorsal extension, narrow in lateral aspect, in dorsal aspect very wide, wider than tenth tergum. Cercus long, slightly enlarged apicad. Tenth tergum short, tip entire, slightly arched dorsad (in Venezuelan specimens with a small basolateral projection, Figure 324), broadly rounded apically in dorsal aspect, with many sensillae. Clasper quadrate, with mesal tooth extending beyond tip in lateral aspect; in ventral aspect with tooth rounded apically, directed mesad. Phallus short, tubular, inflated basally; internally with a small rod-and-ring assembly and a pair of small, dark spines.
MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: PANAMA, PCIA. PANAMÁ, Cerro Azul, 7 Jul 1967, Flint and Ortiz. NMNH Type.
Paratypes: PANAMA, PCIA. COCLÉ, El Valle, 829 m, 25–27 May 1983, Spangler et al., 1, 1; same, but 7 Mar 1957, R.M. Altman, 8, 4 (INHS).
ECUADOR, PCIA. PICHINCHA, 14 km E Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 5 Jul 1975, Langley and Cohen, 6, 1. Nanegal, 1100 m, 19–20 Sep 1977, L.E. Peña G., 1, 1. Via Puerto Quito at km 113, 24 Jun 1976, J. Cohen, 2. PCIA. COTOPAXI, 133 km W Latacunga, 1080 ft [325 m], 2 Jul 1975, Langley and Cohen, 15, 6.
VENEZUELA, EDO. ZULIA, Parque Nacional Perijá, Río Negro in Toromo, 10.051°N, 72.712°W, 360 m, 15 Jan 1994, Holzenthal et al., 7, 11 (IZAM, NMNH, UMSP).
ETYMOLOGY.—From the Greek didymos (“double”), in allusion to the two spines of the phallus.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131.