Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) fernandezi
Basically this species is a typical member of the subgenus Curgia, however no close relatives have yet been described. The form of the eighth, ninth, and tenth terga is unique as is the internal armature of the aedeagus.
ADULT.—Length of forewing 6.5–7 mm. Uniformly fuscous; forewings of series mostly denuded, but remaining hairs give no indication of any color pattern. Male genitalia: Eighth tergum produced posteriad as a simple, mesal, hoodlike lobe. Ninth segment with ventromesal process about twice as long as wide; dorsal margin flattened, heavily sclerotized, and produced posteriad as a sharp mesal point. Tenth tergum produced into a bilobed dorsomesal lobe, and a distinct ventrolateral lobe. Cercus a small, rectanguloid lobe. Clasper, elongate, pointed apically, rounded ventrally and laterally. Aedeagus elongate, with two pairs of long spines, dorsalmost slightly fimbriate and curved, ventralmost very slender and united near base to a short mesal rod.
MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: VENEZUELA, ARAGUA, El Limón, 450 m, 31 Oct 1948, F. Fernandez Y., and L. Salas. (Maracay).
Paratypes: Same data as holotype, 4 5 (Maracay and USNM).
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1981. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXVIII: The Trichoptera of the RA-o Limón Basin, Venezuela." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-61.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) fernandezi Flint
Chimarra (Curgia) fernandezi Flint, 1981:11.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—VENEZUELA, EDO. ARAGUA, E1 Limón, 450 m, 31 Oct 1948, F. Fernandez Y. and L. Salas, 2, 2 paratypes. Tiara, 30 Jan 1983, O.S. Flint, Jr., 2, 1. Estación Experimental Cataurito, ∼32 km E Villa da Cura, 1100 m, 28 Jan-1 Feb 1983, O.S. Flint, Jr., 86, 20. EDO. CARABOBO, Río Borburata, 300 m, 20 Nov 1955, F. Fernandez Yepes, C.J. Rosales, 4, 2. EDO. GUARICO, Parque Nacional Guatopo, Quebrada Guatopo, 10.014°N, 66.363°W, 0.5 km Est. La Colina, 600 m, 22 Jan 1994, Holzenthal et al., 5, 4 (UMSP).
MAP 8.—Distributions of Chimarra (Curgia) costaricensis, new species, Chimarra (Curgia) fernandezi Flint, Chimarra (Curgia) straminea, new species, Chimarra (Curgia) canoaba, new species, and Chimarra (Curgia) paria, new species.
ETYMOLOGY.—Patronym, in honor of the late F. Fernandez Yepes, Venezuelan entomologist, who was very helpful during my visits to Venezuela.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131.