Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Rubus bernardinus (Greene) Rydberg
Melanobatus bernardinus Greene, Leaflets 1: 244. 1906.
Stems biennial, recurved or decumbent, glabrous or nearly so, the second year yellowish or purplish, glacuous, armed with rather stout, reflexed and flattened prickles; leaves of the floral branches 3-foliolate; stipules small, setaceous; petioles, petiolules, and midveins prickly; terminal leaflet broadly ovate, deltoidor rhombic-ovate, sometimes 3-lobed, 2-5 cm. long, coarsely double-serrate with ovate teeth, acute at the apex, usually rounded at the base, darkgreen and sparingly pubescent above, densely and finely white-tomentose beneath; petiolule 1-2 cm. long; lateral leaflets more rounded, decidedly oblique, somewhat smaller, subsessile; inflorescence few-flowered, terminal, short-tomentose, glandular and with a few prickles; sepals lance-ovate, densely tomentose, short-acuminate; petals white, oval, shorter than the sepals; fruit hemispheric, 1 cm. high; drupelets numerous, pubescent.
Type locality: Mill Creek Falls. San Bernardino Mountains, California. Distribution: Southern California; apparently also New Mexico.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1913. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Rubus nigerrimus (Greene) Rydberg
Rubus hesperius Piper, Erythea 5: 103. 1897. Not R. hesperius Rogers. 1896.
Malanobatus nigerrimus Greene, Leaflets 1: 244. 1906.
Rubus transmontanus Focke, Bibl. Bot, 17 72 : 27, in part, as to synonym. 1910.
Stem biennial, 1-2 m. high, at first glaucous, when older brownish and shining, strongly armed with straight flat prickles 4-8 mm. long; floral branches 1-3 dm. long, armed with more or less recurved prickles; leaves 3-foliolate or on more vigorous turions pedately 5-foliolate; stipules setaceous, adnate to the petioles, about 1 cm. long; petiole, rachis, and ribs armed with recurved flat prickles; leaflets 5-8 cm. long, ovate, acuminate, thickish, coarsely and doubly serrate, green and glabrous on both sides; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 1-2 mm. long, that of the terminal one 2-5 cm. long; flowers in terminal corymbs or a few in the upper leaf-axils; peduncle and pedicels armed with recurved prickles; hypanthium and calyx glabrous or sparingly glandular; sepals lanceolate, long-acuminate, about 12 mm. long; petals spatulate, white, 3-4 mm. long, erect; fruit nearly black, without bloom; drupelets numerous, tomentose; putamen 2 mm. long, strongly faveolate-reticulate.
Type locality: Snake River Canyon at Wawawai and Alamota, Whitman County, Washington. Distribution: Eastern and central Washington.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1913. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY