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Sinclairia liebmannii Klatt ex Sch. Bip.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Sinclairia liebmannii Schultz-Bip. (; Klatt, L-eopoldina 23: 146, as synonym. 1887.)
Liabum Liebmannii Klatt, Leopoldina 23: 146. 1887.
A shrub; branches of the inflorescence sparsely floceose; involucre turbinate, 6 mm. high, 8 mm. broad; bracts in 4 series, acute, slightly floceose and puberulent, the outer ovate, the inner lance-linear; disk-corollas 7 mm. long; lobes nearly 2 mm. long; achenes 10-ribbed, pilose; pappus sordid or somewhat fuscous; bristles 7 mm. long, scabrous; outer squamellae subulate.
Type locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel Rydberg. 1927. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; LIABEAE, NEUROLAENEAE, SENECIONEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 34(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora