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Bull Horn Acacia

Vachellia collinsii (Saff.) Seigler & Ebinger

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Acacia collinsii Safford

Acacia collinsii Safford, 1910:677.

Acacia yucatanensis Schenck, 1913:361.

Acacia nelsonii Safford, 1914:363.

Acacia costaricensis Schenck, 1913:361.

Acacia penonomensis Safford, 1914:363.

Acacia panamensis Schenck, 1913:362.

Myrmecodendron collinsii (Safford) Britton and Rose, 1928:92.

Myrmecodendron costaricense (Schenck) Britton and Rose, 1928:93.

Acacia collinsii is easily distinguished from all other swollen-thorn acacias by its unique broadly dome-shaped petiolar nectaries. It has elongated inflorescences and fully dehiscent pods (which it has in common only with A. hindsii). A. hindsii and A. collinsii may be distinguished at almost all localities by their thorns, since type A thorns from mature A. hindsii are always strongly flattened while type A thorns of A. collinsii are round in cross section. Of all the swollen-thorn acacias, A. collinsii and A. cornigera have the widest geographical and ecological distributions (Figure 87).

Safford’s type specimen of A. collinsii offers a classic example of the inadequacy of type specimens at representing an entire population. While Safford’s type specimen is representative of the population of A. collinsii at site 1, the Chicoasen population of A. collinsii is quite different from A. collinsii over the remainder of its range. The type specimen appears to have been taken from a large adult tree in a partially shaded riparian site. Its leaves are as long as any found on A. collinsii (up to 16 cm long with the 10 pinnae spaced up to 3 cm apart). The leaves have the unusually large number of 5 to 6 petiolar nectaries with the distal ones being as far as 2 mm apart (this makes one suspect a bit of introgression with A. globulifera, which also occurs at this site). The sexual branchlets are up to 8 cm long (normal maximum) and the peduncles of the mature inflorescences range up to the exceptional length of 33 mm. The peduncles are also nearly 2 mm thick, while on most A. collinsii they are 1 mm or less thick. The thin type A thorns are round in cross section but twisted around the branch; this is characteristic of the A. collinsii population only in Chiapas, Mexico.

Schenck’s type of A. yucatanensis (site 2) is representative of most of the population of A. collinsii in drier habitats, and especially the Yucatan portion of the population. The small leaves are specially characteristic of A. collinsii. His type of A. costaricensis is not available (apparently destroyed in Berlin) but a paratype from Costa Rica (site 66) is clearly drawn from that portion of the A. collinsii population at dry intermediate elevations in Costa Rica. If it were useful to designate a lectotype, this

would be the appropriate specimen. Schenck’s description of A. costaricensis applies unmistakably to A. collinsii and is very different from the other Costa Rican swollen-thorn acacias (A. cornigera, A. allenii, A. ruddiae). Britton and Rose (1928) refer to the type locality of A. costaricensis as “Lagarto, Costa Rica” but do not give the source of these data; there is a “Lagarto” in Puntarenas Province and A. collinsii is abundant there (sites 67 and 75).

Acacia panamensis is clearly based on two species of plants. The description of the thorn and leaf-bearing branch clearly applies to A. collinsii (not to A. melanoceras, the only other central Panamanian species of swollen-thorn acacia). Schenck (1913) notes that he is not sure that the inflorescences belong to the sterile branch; the globular inflorescences could be from A. melanoceras (unlikely owing to their very thin peduncle) or, more likely, from one of the other nonant-acacias that grow commonly in the drier parts of Panama along with A. collinsii. A final complication is that the exact locality is given as “Aljahuela” and I cannot locate such a site in Panama. This site most likely represents Alajuela in Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, which was a favorite collection site for German collectors around the turn of the century. A. collinsii is the only swollen-thorn acacia in the Alajuela region (sites 68, 69, 74).

Safford’s type of A. nelsonii (site 3) is representative of the A. collinsii population in the area north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, but differs from more southerly populations in having large pinnules (up to 11 mm long and 3 mm wide) and somewhat flattened thorns (2 to 3 times as wide as deep in cross section). Flattened thorns are, however, even better developed in the A. collinsii population from central Costa Rica to Panama. The inflorescences of the type of A. nelsonii are normal, but the thorns on the same branch have been weathered gray rather than being the usual beige color of younger thorns from western Mexico. Safford’s type of A. penonomensis (site 76) differs from the remainder of the A. collinsii population on the dry Pacific side of Panama in that its type A thorns are not quite as flattened as are those on many A. collinsii at sites 82 to 84. The seed pods on the type of A. penonomensis are representative of those found in the drier parts of the range of A. collinsii; these pods have stiff woody valves that only curl a slight amount during dehiscion.



1. Type of A. collinsii: (between San Fernandino and) Chicoasen, Chiapas, Mexico (320 m). I–13–1907, G. N. Collins and C. B, Doyle, no. 180 (US 692159).

2. Type of A. yucatanensis: Yucatan, Mexico. 1895, G. F. Gaumer, no. 353 (US 571618).

3. Type of A. nelsonii: Acapulco, Guererro, Mexico (sea level). IV–30–1903, E. W. Nelson, no. 7024 (US 399366).

4. 3.6 mi NW, border station between Mexico and Guatemala (La Mesilla) to 8.4 mi S La Trinitaria on Hgy. 190, Chiapas (680–720–600–1060 m). VIII–7–1966, DHJ, nos. 441, 443; VIII–17–1967, DHJ, no. 1713 (very common to occasional).

5. 11.8 mi E (near turnoff to Villa Hermosa) Chiapa de Corzo to 13.8 mi SW Tuxtla Gutierrez on Hgy. 190, Chiapas (1090–450–1090 m). VIII–17–1967, DHJ, nos. 424, 435 (common to occasional).

6. 13.8 mi SW, Tuxtla Gutierrez to 17.9 mi SW Las Cruces (turnoff to Arriaga) on Hgy. 190 (1090–530–820 m), Chiapas. VIII–18–1967, DHJ, nc (common to exceedingly rare).

7. 1–2 mi N Gabriel Zamora on Hgy. 37, Michoacan (820 m). VI–10–20–1968, DHJ, nc (very common).

8. 13.4 to 23.5 mi E Zanatepec on Hgy. 190, Oaxaca (50 m). VIII–18–1968, DHJ, nc (very rare to common), fl.

9. 42.1 mi E Zanatepec on Hgy. 190, Oaxaca (60 m). VIII–18–1967, DHJ, nc (1 plant).

10. 3 mi N Soyalo on Tuxtla Gutierrez-Villa Hermosa Hgy., Chiapas (≈ 1100 m). VII–10–1966, DHJ, nc (common), fl.

11. 10 to 14 W Tehuantepec (Hgy. 190), Oaxaca (100 m). I–10–1965, DHJ, nos. 1845, 1950. IX–3–1965, DHJ, nos. 1779, 1780, 1783 (common).

12. Puerto Escondido to 3.5 mi N on road to Oaxaca, Oaxaca (10–120 m). VI–19–1967, DHJ, nc (common to very rare).

13. Puerto Escondido to 18.4 mi NW (Hgy. 200), Oaxaca (10–80 m). VI–19–1967, DHJ, nc (common to very rare).

14. Hills in and around Acapulco, Guerrero (0–100 m). VI–18–1967, DHJ, nc (occasional).

15. Acapulco to 1.3 mi SE Papanoa, Guerrero (0–30 m). VI–16–1967, DHJ, nc (common on dry hillsides, absent from swamps).

16. 48 mi NE Isla Aguada (across from Puerto Real, Campeche) to Merida (Yucatan), on Hgy. 180 (0–30 m), VI–22–1966, DHJ, nos. 428, 431, 433, 438, 606 (occasional to very abundant.)

17. Ruinas Edzna north to Hgy. 180 (east of Campeche), Campeche (15–40 m). VI–25–1966, DHJ, nc (rare to occasional).

18. Becal south to Hgy. 180, Campeche (15–40 m). VI–26–1967, DHJ, nc (rare to occasional).

19. Merida to 14.2 mi E (Hgy. 180), Yucatan (10–20 m). VI–28–1966, DHJ, no. 455 (rare).

20. Muna (Yucatan) to Felipe Carillo Puerto (road to Cd. Chetumal), Quintana Roo (10–20 m). VI–29–1966, DHJ, nc (very rare).

21. Felipe Carillo Puerto to Cd. Chetumal, Quintana Roo (20–0 m). VI–30–1966, DHJ, no. 453 (very rare to occasional).

22. 9.6 mi E San Marcos on Hgy. 200, Oaxaca (50 m). VI–18–1967, DHJ, nc (1 plant).

23. La Ventosa, 7 km E Salina Cruz, Oaxaca (sea level). VII–3–1959, R.M. King, no. 1302 (US 2362102), fl.

24. Petatlan, Montes de Oca, Guerrero. VI–17–1937, G. B. Hinton, no. 10333 (US 1805541, F 959109).

25. Tuxpena, Campeche. II–2–1932, C. L. Lundell, no. 1279 (US 1494445), mp.

26. Sudzal, Yucatan. IV–21–1956, O. G. Enriquez, no. 564 (US 2448079).

27. Chichen Itza, Yucatan. V–30–1929, J. Bequaert, no. 2 (US 1477467), fl., mp.
bibliographic citation
Janzen, Daniel H. 1974. "Swollen-Thorn Acacias of Central America." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.13

Vachellia collinsii

provided by wikipedia EN

Vachellia collinsii, previously Acacia collinsii, is a species of flowering plant native to Central America and parts of Africa.[2]


Vachellia collinsii is native to Central America and parts of Africa. In southern Central America, where there are seasonally dry ecosystems, this tree grows in secondary succession, preferring Savanna-like climates. Acacias like full sun and are rarely found in the trophic understory of many jungles. Acacias can thrive in climates with higher humidity, above 70% humidity. The Vachellia collinsii has a wide distribution across the world compared to other acacias, as well as a wide ecological distribution, considering it can grow from sea level to 1000 meters elevation.[2]


The Vachellia collinsii can grow upwards of 40 feet tall. The tree grows relatively straight with thorns generously distributed across the branches. The small, pinnate leaves grow opposite from each other similar to a Mimosa. Since this species has a diverse geological and ecological distribution, it has a wider range of morphological traits. Nonetheless, differences between other ant-acacias can be seen through elongated cylindrical inflorescences, somewhat small stipular spines, terete—cylindrical—spines that wrap around a cross section, 3-5 often dome-shaped petiolar glands, a lack of rachis glands, and leaflets with lateral veins.[2] On the petioles, are green bumps called extrafloral nectaries that create sugar for symbiotic ants. From top to bottom of these trees, there is less suppression of lateral growth, thus, allowing for more numerous and full branches near the base of the tree, creating a pyramid shape with a strong central trunk. While most tree species typically have auxin that grow downward, suppressing branch growth on the sides, this is not the case for Vachellia Collinsii, as it lacks a strong apical meristem. This results in branching throughout the entire length of the tree. They are extrafloral because the true, yellow flowers produce a different kind of nectar. The tips of leaflets may produce Beltian bodies, food bodies which are rich in protien and lipids. These are also created as part of their symbiotic relationship with ants.[3]


Vachellia collinsii exhibits a symbiotic relationship with several species of ants. Some noted species include Pseudomyrmex spinicola and Pseudomyrmex ferruginea. The ant-Vachellia system involving this species has been studied by ecologists like Daniel Janzen in Palo Verde National Park and Santa Rosa National Park, which are both located in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The ants chew holes in the tips of the hollow stipular thorns, known as domatia, so that they can enter and create their colony inside. A single ant colony may span several V. collinsii trees. Medium sized herbivores are often deterred by the thorns alone, but the ants help protect the trees from other potentially threatening animals. Smaller animals such as caterpillars have no issue avoiding the thorns, and larger animals like elephants are less affected by these thorns. When a predator brushes and shakes the plant’s thorns in an attempt to feed, the ants will become disturbed, run outside, and release alarm pheromones to alert other ants. All ants that come in contact with the alarm pheromones become aggressive and attack the animal by biting and stinging. Beyond defending the trees from herbivores, ants occupying V. collinsii trees may even cut down surrounding vegetation and trim the encroaching branches of other plants. This provides V. collinsii with valuable space and unimpacted access to sunlight, allowing the trees to thrive. In exchange, V. collinsii not only provides the ants with hollow thorns in which to live, but also produces lipid- and protein-rich food bodies, known as Beltian bodies, on the tips of new leaflets. These bodies are consumed by the ants, providing critical nutrients for the colony. When starved of nutrients, V. collinsii produces more Beltian bodies to encourage the presence of ants. When the tree has enough extra nutrients, it will create less Beltian bodies. This behaviour suggests a feedback loop. Vachellia collinsii also provides the ants with sugar-rich nectar from extrafloral nectaries located at the leaf petiole. Since there are several species of ants that may occupy a V. collinsii, there has been observations of intraspecific interactions between these species of ants, especially between Pseudomyrmex spinicola and Crematogaster brevispinosa. C. brevispinosa may take over trees occupied by Pseudomyrmex spinicola or Pseudomyrmex nigrocinctus. C. brevispinosa will also occupy trees that are dying or heavily damaged, or trees that were previously inhabited.[4] Furthermore, a hypothesized benefit to hosting ant colonies is that the acacia may have receptors within the domatia for ant feces that triggers absorption pathways for additional nutrient uptake at the extremities of the plant's stem tissue. When ants defecate in the domatia, their feces contain nutrients from their food which could be good for the plant. This allows the plant to obtain additional nutrients and in a shorter period of time as the nutrients do not need to travel all the way up starting from the roots.


Diving deeper into why the acacia collinsii produce traits of the “swollen thorn syndrome,” the mechanism and pathways are still unknown but there have been experiments and strong evidence related to a change in gene expression of miR156/miR157 and SPL transcription factors, in different environmental conditions. The production of food bodies that are high in proteins and lipids as well as extrafloral nectaries is very costly so the plant must have some indication of when to start producing those traits. Generally, an acacia will not produce these traits immediately after germinating so it is age dependent and the extrafloral nectaries will be produced first around 50–75 days of age, then swollen and elongated stipules, followed by full beltian bodies. Along with the production of these traits, are declines in miR156/miR157 genes.[5] The miR156-SPL pathway has been known in many plants to coordinate when the plant flowers as well as plant development combined with stress tolerance. In an Arabidopsis, the miR156 will keep the plant juvenile, then become suppressed when it is in the right conditions in order to further develop adult traits.[6] When put in low light conditions, there is higher miR156/miR157 as well as a delay in swollen thorn syndrome traits. The other way around is also true in that when put in well lit conditions such as the natural environment, there is a low expression of miR156/miR157 genes when the plant is producing extrafloral nectaries, swollen stipules, and beltian bodies. Although it is unknown how the expression of the traits are linked to the miR156/miR157 genes, hypotheses include temporal coordination or regulation where the miR156/157 turn on and off in a pattern in order to turn on those genes for the swollen thorn syndrome(which are still unknown). There is also evidence that these traits are part of their defense mechanism and that nectar secretion from the extrafloral nectaries depend on jasmonic acid but the mechanism is unknown as jasmonic acid could have a different function here than in a typical plant. The developmental timing of the “Swollen Thorn Syndrome” can also be influenced by natural selection as well. More research needs to be done on what developmental constraints and factors that may have influenced the later development of these traits.[5]

Vachellia collinsii Thorns (domatia)


  1. ^ Seigler DS, Ebinger JE. (2005). "New combinations in the genus Vachellia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) from the New World". Phytologia. 87 (3): 139–78.
  2. ^ a b c Seigler, David S.; Ebinger, John E. (1995). "Taxonomic Revision of the Ant-Acacias (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae, Acacia, Series Gummiferae) of the New World". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 82 (1): 117. doi:10.2307/2399983. ISSN 0026-6493. JSTOR 2399983.
  3. ^ Ewing, Doug. UW Greenhouse (Redmond Location) Excursion Communication, 23 May 2021.
  4. ^ Suarez, Andrew V.; Moraes, Consuelo; Ippolito, Anthony (September 1998). "Defense of Acacia collinsii by an Obligate and Nonobligate Ant Species: the Significance of Encroaching Vegetation1". Biotropica. 30 (3): 480–482. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.1998.tb00083.x. ISSN 0006-3606.
  5. ^ a b Leichty, Aaron R.; Poethig, R. Scott (2019-07-15). "Development and evolution of age-dependent defenses in ant-acacias". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (31): 15596–15601. doi:10.1073/pnas.1900644116. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 6681755. PMID 31308222.
  6. ^ Cui, Long-Gang; Shan, Jun-Xiang; Shi, Min; Gao, Ji-Ping; Lin, Hong-Xuan (2014-11-20). "ThemiR156-SPL9-DFRpathway coordinates the relationship between development and abiotic stress tolerance in plants". The Plant Journal. 80 (6): 1108–1117. doi:10.1111/tpj.12712. ISSN 0960-7412. PMID 25345491.
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Vachellia collinsii: Brief Summary

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Vachellia collinsii, previously Acacia collinsii, is a species of flowering plant native to Central America and parts of Africa.

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