Archidendron microcarpum (In Indonesian: kabau or jolang-jaling) is a plant, native to the wild forests of Sumatra. It produces fruit, oval in shape and green with darker skin. The plant is notably potent. Typically, these plants live in the tropics, and includes plants that grow wild in the forests of Sumatra. This fruit smells like jering and banana.[1] The trait makes kabau similar to them and thus it is consumed like both of the plants.
According to the Indonesian dictionary, kabau is a bad smelling fruit that can be consumed.
In the area of Rejang, kabau consumed as fresh vegetables and is usually consumed with rice that bergulai entry, tempoyak, or side dishes typical of other Sumatra. Based on existing experience, kabau have substances such as chalk owned Jering. This could lead to the head, which is characterized by hard fruit urine and the presence of substances such as chalk is out along with the urine.
Archidendron microcarpum (In Indonesian: kabau or jolang-jaling) is a plant, native to the wild forests of Sumatra. It produces fruit, oval in shape and green with darker skin. The plant is notably potent. Typically, these plants live in the tropics, and includes plants that grow wild in the forests of Sumatra. This fruit smells like jering and banana. The trait makes kabau similar to them and thus it is consumed like both of the plants.
According to the Indonesian dictionary, kabau is a bad smelling fruit that can be consumed.
In the area of Rejang, kabau consumed as fresh vegetables and is usually consumed with rice that bergulai entry, tempoyak, or side dishes typical of other Sumatra. Based on existing experience, kabau have substances such as chalk owned Jering. This could lead to the head, which is characterized by hard fruit urine and the presence of substances such as chalk is out along with the urine.
Kabau adalah lalapan sejenis petai dan jering. Tanaman ini hidup di daerah tropis, bentuk pohonnya menyerupai tanaman jengkol dan termasuk ke dalam marga Archidendron. Walaupun buah ini berbau tidak sedap seperti jering dan petai, tetapi inilah yang menjadikan kabau sebagai sayuran yang banyak dikonsumsi layaknya kedua tumbuhan tersebut.
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, kabau merupakan buah yang beraroma tidak sedap yang dapat dikonsumsi. Nama lain dari kabau adalah jering hutan atau jering tupai.[1]
Ada beberapa spesies Archidendron yang disebut-sebut sebagai kabau atau jering hutan,[2] karena memang umumnya berupa tumbuhan liar yang tumbuh di hutan-hutan di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Semenanjung Malaya, Filipina, bahkan juga Jawa. Dari antaranya yang paling dikenal adalah A. bubalinum, dengan polongan berbentuk silinder pendek berwarna kehijauan dan biji berbentuk tablet besar berwarna hitam keunguan atau kecokelatan. Di samping itu juga dikenal jenis-jenis berikut:[3]:86-114,[4]:282-9
Di daerah Rejang, kabau dikonsumsi sebagai lalapan dan biasanya dikonsumsi dengan nasi yang lauknya lema, tempoyak, ataupun lauk khas Sumatera lainnya.
Kabau adalah lalapan sejenis petai dan jering. Tanaman ini hidup di daerah tropis, bentuk pohonnya menyerupai tanaman jengkol dan termasuk ke dalam marga Archidendron. Walaupun buah ini berbau tidak sedap seperti jering dan petai, tetapi inilah yang menjadikan kabau sebagai sayuran yang banyak dikonsumsi layaknya kedua tumbuhan tersebut.
Archidendron microcarpum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[1]
Archidendron microcarpum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.