Image of yellow pond-lily
Unresolved name

Yellow Pond Lily

Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. subsp. sagittifolia (Walter) E. O. Beal

Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. subsp. sagittifolia (Walter) E. O. Beal
Subspecies recognized by USDA PLANTS images

Alternative Names

Nuphar sagittifolia (Walter) Pursh
Synonym according to USDA PLANTS images
Nymphaea sagittifolia Walter
Synonym according to USDA PLANTS images
Nymphozanthus sagittifolius (Walter) Fernald
Synonym according to USDA PLANTS images

Common Names


yellow pond-lily preferred
Recognized by USDA PLANTS images

Curated hierarchies for Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. subsp. sagittifolia (Walter) E. O. Beal