
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Prunulus subpulverulentus Murrill, sp. nov
Pileus minute, delicate, conic to campanulate, gregarious to subcespitose, 4 mm. broad; surface striate, pulverulent, snow-white wath a creamy tint, margin entire, appressed when young: lamellae adnate, subcrowded, white: stipe filiform, equal, smooth, subglabrous, white, mycelioid at the base, 1-1.5 cm. long, less than 1 mm. thick.
Type collected on decayed sticks in a moist virgin forest along the Tepeite River, near Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2100 m. elevation, December 28, 1909, W. A. £r Edna L. Murrill 473 (herb. N. YBot. Gard.).
Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora