Under Quercus, also evergreen oak (Quercus vacciniifolia, Q. chrysolepis and Lithocarpus densiflora), some Pseudotsuga menziesii sometimes not far from the site.
Pileus 3-8 cm diam., at first hemispheric, later convex, margin at first inbent and sterile margin inrolled, later applanate and margin finally often upturned, glutinous, white, ivory white, Cream Color (R), Ivory Yellow (R), not innately fibrillose, margin not translucent striate, not hygrophanous, later becoming pale ochraceous, margin Cartridge Buff (R), toward the disc Cream Buff (R) and darker, Warm Buff (R), later disc yellow-brown, Ochraceous Buff (R), Caill 57N. - Lamellae whitish at first, Light Pinkish Buff (R) to Pinkish Buff (R), then pale gray-brown, near Mu 10YR7/6, or slightly darker than Cinnamon (R), with age gray-brown, Sayal Brown (R), finally somewhat darker than Sayal Brown, shallowly, later deeply and sharply emarginate, edges eroded, close, L = 60-80, 1= 1-3(-5), 15-18/cm at margin, 4-13 mm wide (equal to 2-4x thickness of pileus context). - Stipe 6-10 cm long, 10-15 mm at apex, 10-25 mm thick at base, equal or slightly clavate, sometimes apex enlarged, in some specimens with a very indistinct, submarginate bulb, white, whitish, in basal part or up to the middle with a thin pale brown covering from veil which sometimes can form belts or patches, sometimes more dispersed. - Veil pale brown (Mu 10YR 7/8 or darker). - Context white to whitish, in center of pileus and pith with a slight yellowish flush. - Odor fragrant, similar to Cortinarius percomis (marjoram) or also of some flours. - Taste mild.
Chemical reactions. - KOH 30% negative both on pileus surface and context, also in the base of the stipe. With Lugol solution the context in the stipe base becomes quickly dark brown. - UV: bluish on pileus, stipe and parts of context, partly yellow on context. Gills dark.
Microscopic characters. - Basidiospores 10-11.8 (-12.3) x 5.6-6.8 μm, mean 10.8 (S=0.43) x 6.0 (S=0.24) μm, Q=1.8, V=163-268 μm3, mean 204 μm3 (S=21), slender almond-shaped, verrucose, apex smooth. - Basidia 34-36 x 8 μm, 4-spored, clavate, without cheilocystidia, on gill edge basidia and basidioles. - Subhymenial hyphae 3.5-4.5 μmm, gill trama hyphae 4-12 μm ,in mediostratum 15-20 μm,colorless, clamp connections present. - Pileipellis with a gelatinous layer of repent, 2.5-3.5 μm thick, colorless hyphae with clamp connections, some with yellow content, often strongly curled. - Epicuticular hyphae 4.5-5.5(-6) μm, walls pale ochraceous in KOH, no hypocutis differentiated. In Melzer's reagent the tissue is filled with dark granules.