
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Prospodium tuberculatum (Speg.) Arthur.*
Uredo iuberculata Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 9 : 172. 1880. Puccinia iuberculata Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 10 : 6. 1880.
Pycnia unknown
Uredinia chiefiy hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, eariy naked, pulverulent, pulvinate, cinnamon-brown, ruptured cuticle inconspicuous ; paraphyses peripheral, cylindrical, straight, not exceeding the spore-mass, 9-12 by 27-35/^, the wall colorless, uniformly thin, 1^, smooth; urediniospores obovate-globoid, 23-26 by 24-29/^; wall obscurely lamellate, golden-brown, moderately thick, 2-3^, sparsely and evenly echinulate with points 3-4 /^ apart, the pores 2, opposite and equatorial.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur, Frank Dunn Kern. 1912. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio), GYMNOSPORANGIUM. North American flora. vol 7(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora