Dictyocysta lepida (probably) from station 58 (Mozambique Channel) of the Tara Oceans expedition. The specimen has coccolithes stuck on the bowl. Z-stack of images made using a 60x objective, formalin-preserved sample.
A lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Feb 2011
From the bay of Vilefranche in June 2010
Found in the Bay of Villefranch in Jan. 2003. A lugol's-fixed specimen.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Feb 2003
Drawing from Haeckel 1873. He described it as Dictyocysta templum. Kofoid & Campbell (1929) considered it a variant of Dictyocysta lepida. The image is restored version of figure 6, in Plate 27 of Haeckel 1873.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in November 2013, lugol's-fixed specimen, Z-stack of images made using a 40x objective.
A foraminfera (probably a Globigerina sp) and a tintinnid (Dictyocysta lepida) from station 58 (Mozambique Channel) of the Tara Oceans expedition. Formalin-preserved specimens, z-stack of images using a 40 x objective.