Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Mandevilla oaxacana (A. DC.) Hemsl. Biol
Centr. Am. Bot. 2: 316. 1881.
Echites oaxacana A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8: 451. 1844.
Echites cordata A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8: 451. 1844.
Echites glaucescens Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11^: 358. 1844.
Ami)lyanthera oaxacana Muell.-Arg. Linnaea 30: 447. 1860.
Temnadenia cordata Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 212. 1878.
Temnadenia glaucescens Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 214. 1878.
Mesechites oaxacana Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 234. 1878.
Mesechites hirtellula Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 234. 1878.
Mandevilla Schumanniana Loesener, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2: 556. 1894.
Suffruticose liana; leaves membranaceous, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-9 cm. long, 0.7-4.5 cm. broad, acuminate, somewhat cordate at the base, glabrous above and glandular at the base of the midrib, sparsely and irregularly pilosulous to glabrate beneath, the petioles 5-20 mm. long; racemes alternate-axillary, about as long as the leaves, bearing 3-8 rather distant, yellowish flowers; pedicels 7-13 mm. long; calyic-lobes narrowly ovate-triangular, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, glabrous, the squamellae numerous, indefinitely distributed; corolla infundibuliform, glabrous externally, the tube proper 8-12 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter at the base, manifestly constricted at the insertion of the stamens, the throat rather narrowly conic-campanulate, about as long as the tube proper, about 7.5 mm. in diameter at the orifice, the lobes obliquely obovate, 5-6 mm. long, spreading; anthers 4 mm. long, obscurely auriculate ; nectaries 5, about as long as the ovary or somewhat longer; follicles somewhat falcate, obscurely articulate, 8-10 cm. long, glabrous.
Type i^ocality : Oaxaca (state) . Distribution: Oaxaca.
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Everard Woodson, Jr. 1938. (ASCLEPIADALES); APOCYNACEAE. North American flora. vol 29(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY