Diagnostic Description
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Mekongina lancangensis can be distinguished from M. erythrospila byhaving one pair of rostral barbels (v. no barbels); two rows of tubercles irregularlyscattered on the snout and cheeks, with two enlarged tubercles present at each side of the anterior of the snout (v. four rows of tubercles in M. erythrospila); 19â27 rostral marginal lappets (v. 18â21); 38â41 lateral linescales (v. 34â37); 18â20 circumpeduncular scales (v. 16); 5.5 or 6.5 scales in transverse series from dorsal-fin origin to lateral line (D-LL) scales (v. 7 or 7.5); shorter snout length (SN) (31.9â36.9% LH v. 38.6â57.8) and longer analfin (tip of the depressed rays reaching the base of the caudal fin v. not reaching the base of the caudal fin) (Ref. 79744).
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This species was found syntopic with Bangana lippus (Fowler, 1936) during the early flood season, where both share similar body shape and size, as well as a black blotch on the base of the caudal fin. Mekongina lancangensis is readily distinguished from B. lippus in having a rostral cap split into 19-27 papillate lappets (vs. rostral cap smooth) and upper lip degenerated and is discontinuous from the lower lip (vs. upper lip developed, continuous with lower lip) (Ref. 79744).