Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anthrax koebelei
MALE.—Body generally black or brown, legs other than coxae reddish brown; integument shining, sparsely covered with gray and brown pruinosity, eye margins and lower half of occiput silver pruinose. Setae and scales on front black; setae on face mixed black and white extending to antennae. Dorsal part of occiput with black setae, ventral part with white setae and a few white scales; fringe of hairs on posterior margin black above, mixed black and white below. First antennal segment slightly longer than apical width, subcylindrical and angled toward meson; second segment large, globoid, slightly smaller than length of first segment and distinctly wider than diameter of base of third segment in mesal view; base of third segment flattened laterally, narrowing abruptly to styliform part about equal in length to base and style.
Mesonotum and scutellum with black setae and scales; a few white scales in front of wing. Pile and setae on mesopleuron, sternopleuron, and anterior part of pteropleuron white. Hypopleuron and metapleuron bare. Pile on presternum, propleuron, and anterior margin of mesonotum white. Postalar tuft of pile white. Coxae with black and white setae and white scales.
Wing entirely translucent brown. Base of cell R4 angular, with a short spur; base of cell R2+3 slightly basad of r–m crossvein; contact of cells 1M2 and Cu1 about equal to base of cell Cu1. Apex of cell 1A narrowly open. Cell 2A about as broad as cell 1A; alula well developed, posterior margin rounded. Stigmatic area in cell M reduced in size, not reaching apex of cell, not pigmented. Calypter pigmented light brown, fringe of hairs black. Base of halter dark red, knob dark red basally, yellowish at extreme apex above, mostly red below.
Scales on legs black, hind femur with two macrochaetae anteroventrally toward apex; middle femur without strong macrochaetae. Fore tibia with anterodorsal, posterodorsal, and posteroventral rows of macrochaetae; hind tibia with a single row of macrochaetae anterodorsally.
Pile and setae on sides of first abdominal tergum yellowish white; pile and setae on lateral margins of terga two through seven mostly white, with a few black setae. Discs of terga two through five with black and white setae and linear black scales, some white scales laterally on five; terga six and seven with long, narrowly lanceolate, silvery-white scales. Venter with sparse white setae.
MALE GENITALIA (Figure 55).—Gonocoxites broad basally, dorsal margins curving gradually to ventral margins apically in lateral view; apices bluntly rounded in ventral view, and narrowly separated medially; setae sparse and evenly distributed beyond medial fold. Basal segment of gonostylus poorly developed, with an obtuse angle dorsally in lateral view, bluntly rounded apically and scarcely visible in ventral view. Distal segment of gonostylus bulbous basally with styliform apical part; apex of styliform part curved upward and outward to a sharp point; basal part with numerous fine setae. Apex of epiphallus with a broad dorsal shield, slightly emarginate apically and with three blunt teeth basally in dorsal view, angled downward at about 30° with apical part slightly depressed in lateral view; ventrolateral part formed behind and below dorsal shield, with nearly straight ventral margin about twice as long as slightly curved anterior margin in lateral view. Dorsal bands not uniting mesally, without setae; ventral bands uniting medially over aedeagus and below juxtaposition of dorsal bands. Aedeagus narrow basally, tapering gradually to junction with ventral bands; apex not visible in either dorsal or lateral view.
FEMALE.—Similar to male. Pile, setae, and scales on body entirely black.
VARIATION.—The only other specimen of this species available, a male, is smilar in every respect to the holotype except that the fore femur has some white scales posteriorly and the posterior cells of the wing are subhyaline medially.
DISTRIBUTION.—The three specimens available of this species are simply labeled “Arizona A. Koebele,” and “2542.”
HOLOTYPE.—, Arizona (A. Koebele) (2542) (CAS).
ALLOTYPE.—, same data as holotype (CAS).
PARATYPE.—, same data as holotype (NLM).
BIOLOGY.—All three specimens of koebelei were reared, but there are no data with the specimens.
- bibliographic citation
- Marston, Norman L. 1970. "Revision of New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anthrax koebelei Marston
Three pupal skins and one dried pupa associated with adults of this species are in the California Academy of Sciences collection. No host data were recorded with the specimens, however.
Integument of pupa yellowish hyaline with yellow setae and reddish brown black-tipped tubercles. Anterior cephalic tubercle (Plate 2B) broadly separated from posterior ones, long, narrow, acuminate, slightly curved ventrad, and with indistinct lateral, mesal, and ventral ridges. Medial and posterior tubercles united basally about halfway to apices of posterior one; medial tubercle formed slightly mesad of line between apices of anterior and posterior ones, slightly curved anterodorsally, acuminate, and with sharp posterior and less distinct lateral and mesal ridges; posterior tubercle about two-thirds as long as medial one, curved anteromesally, flattened posterolaterally, and with distinct anteromesal, anterolateral and posteromesal ridges. Facial sclerite about six times longer than its narrowest width, shallowly emarginate posteriorly. Anterior facial tubercles broad, flattened anteroposteriorly, bluntly rounded apically, not connected by mesal ridge. Posterior tubercle undeveloped, represented by broad, low, transverse node.
Thoracic spiracle slightly produced above integument, without flange, composed of about fifteen sections, posterior ones reduced. Abdominal spiracles like thoracic, but with ventral sections reduced.
Sixth and seventh terga with small, single spines between setae. Eighth tergum without setae dorsally, with one spine on each side laterad of tumidities. Medial process on ninth tergum acuminate. Anal tubercles (Plate 3B) long, narrow, broadly separated mesally, and slightly curved upward; tubercles without denticles basally or on ventral surfaces at basal third; strong dorsal and weak ventral denticles present mesally two-thirds of distance to apices, connected by sharp, serrate ridge; tips curving slightly outward and recurving dorsomesally, narrow and acuminate.
The pupa of A. koebelei appears to be most closely related to that of analis Say. They may be readily separated, however, by the absence of spines on the eighth tergum in analis, and by the acuminate rather than rounded apices of the anterior facial tubercles of analis.
- bibliographic citation
- Marston, Norman L. 1971. "Taxonomic study of the known pupae of the genus Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae) in North and South America." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-18.