Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Blackheath, New South Wales, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Roughdown Common - Hemel Hempstead - Field Trip - 17/07/14I was joined by David and Roger to Roughdown Common on a very favourable evening weatherwise.We had hit 33 degrees earlier on and as we arrived at Roughdown to start setting up, it was still a heady 25 degrees at 9pm!We did know of storms that were expected early morning, I thought we would be packed up and long gone before they turned up.As the evening went on it got very breezy indeed and this did hamper the catch somewhat...luckily we were just packing up the last trap at 2am when a flash of lightning caught our attention coming in on a Southerly from London.With traps all packed up it was a brisk walk back to the car...most of the gear was loaded and then the heavens opened.The moths were represented by most species but in relatively low numbers for the time of year.I was very very nice to see so many Dark Umbers, Brown Scallops and Maple Pugs.Highlight of the night was a new micro for us all, Metalampra italica a possible accidental introduction in 2003 is responsible for this and all previous records as it was only known in the past from Italy!Catch Report - 17/07/14 Roughdown Common - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 40w Lucent Suitcase Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.96 Macros and 80 Micros (176 species)Macro Moths1x Beautiful Hook-tip2x Black Arches2x Bright-line Brown-eye4x Brimstone Moth1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing6x Brown Scallop2x Brown-line Bright-eye1x Brown-tail2x Buff Arches4x Buff Footman3x Clay3x Cloaked Minor5x Clouded Border1x Clouded Brindle8x Clouded Silver3x Common Carpet2x Common Emerald5x Common Rustic2x Common White Wave10x Coronet8x Dark Arches10x Dark Umber2x Dingy shears1x Dot Moth4x Double Square-spot 1x Drinker2x Dun-bar1x Dusky Brocade3x Early Thorn2x Elephant Hawk-moth1x Fan-foot 1x Fern1x Flame2x Flame Shoulder 2x Ghost Moth2x Green Pug1x Grey Dagger4x Haworth's Pug1x Heart & Club4x Heart & Dart 4x July Highflyer2x Large Yellow Underwing2x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Lesser Yellow Underwing1x Light Arches1x Light Emerald 1x Lime-speck Pug2x Maple Prominent10x Maple Pug2x Marbled Minor1x Miller3x Mottled Beauty2x Nut-tree Tussock1x Pale Mottled Willow1x Pale Prominent2x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Prominent3x Peppered Moth1x Phoenix1x Pine Hawk-moth 1x Poplar Grey1x Poplar Hawk-moth3x Pretty Chalk Carpet1x Purple Bar2x Red Twin-spot Carpet5x Riband Wave 4x Ruby Tiger1x Rustic2x Scalloped Oak1x Scarce Footman1x Scarce Silver-lines1x Scorched Carpet2x Shaded Broad-bar2x Shuttle-shaped Dart1x Single-dotted Wave1x Six-spot Burnet1x Slender Brindle1x Small Angle Shades2x Small Emerald2x Small Fan-foot10x Small Fan-footed Wave4x Small Rivulet2x Smoky Wainscot2x Snout2x Spectacle5x Swallow-tailed Moth1x Sycamore1x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Tawny Speckled Pug6x Tree-lichen Beauty3x Uncertain1x Vapourer Moth1x White-spotted Pug1x Willow Beauty1x Wormwood Pug1x Yellow ShellMicro Moths1x Metalampra italica [NEW!]6x Blastobasis laticolella2x Blastobasis adustella 5x Pleuroptya ruralis3x Agapeta hamana10+ Agapeta zoegana2x Coleophora sp2x Cydia splendana1x Agonopterix heracliana sp1x Hypatima rhomboidella2x Zeiraphera isertana1x Parornix sp2x Eudemis profundana1x Argyrotaenia ljungiana 1x Eurrhypara hortulata 20+ Chrysoteuchia culmella1x Agonopterix arenella 1x Pandemis cerasana 4x Pandemis heparana1x Pandemis corylana1x Homoeosoma sinuella2x Hofmannophila pseudospretella2x Phycita roborella 2x Celypha lacunana 1x Archips podana 1x Hedya nubiferana 7x Aleimma loeflingiana2x Epinotia demarniana 3x Eudonia mercurella 12x Cnephasia sp 2x Coleophora sp2x Ditula angustiorana 3x Dipleurina lacustrata10+ Eucosma cana3x Batia unitella 5x Acleris forsskaleana2x Argyresthia albistria20+ Eucosma hohenwartiana1x Eucosma obumbratana2x Aspilapteryx tringipennella2x Bucculatrix nigricomella 1x Rhopobota naevana1x Epiblema costipunctana1x Teleiodes vulgella 2x Carcina quercana 1x Pterophorus pentadactyla4x Catoptria falsella1x Oncocera semirubella 2x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 5x Endotricha flammealis1x Stigmella sp3x Ancylis badiana4x Yponomeuta evonymella1x Phlyctaenia coronata2x Limnaecia phragmitella2x Syncopacma sp2x Plutella xylostella1x Gypsonoma dealbana 2x Spilonota ocellana1x Agriphila straminella2x Crambus perlella2x Dichomeris marginella 2x Eucosma campoliliana 10x Aethes rubigana1x Aethes cnicana2x Batia lunaris 2x Udea prunalis2x Clepsis consimilana1x Pammene fasciana1x Epinotia nisella2x Acentria ephemerella1x Recurvaria leucatella2x Catoptria pinella2 Epiblema uddmmaniana1 Cochylimorpha straminea 1x Eudonia pallida 2x Archips xylosteana 10+ Celypha striana 5x Scoparia ambigualis 2x Yponomeuta evonymella
Roughdown Common - Hemel Hempstead - Field Trip - 17/07/14I was joined by David and Roger to Roughdown Common on a very favourable evening weatherwise.We had hit 33 degrees earlier on and as we arrived at Roughdown to start setting up, it was still a heady 25 degrees at 9pm!We did know of storms that were expected early morning, I thought we would be packed up and long gone before they turned up.As the evening went on it got very breezy indeed and this did hamper the catch somewhat...luckily we were just packing up the last trap at 2am when a flash of lightning caught our attention coming in on a Southerly from London.With traps all packed up it was a brisk walk back to the car...most of the gear was loaded and then the heavens opened.The moths were represented by most species but in relatively low numbers for the time of year.I was very very nice to see so many Dark Umbers, Brown Scallops and Maple Pugs.Highlight of the night was a new micro for us all, Metalampra italica a possible accidental introduction in 2003 is responsible for this and all previous records as it was only known in the past from Italy!Catch Report - 17/07/14 Roughdown Common - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 40w Lucent Suitcase Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.96 Macros and 80 Micros (176 species)Macro Moths1x Beautiful Hook-tip2x Black Arches2x Bright-line Brown-eye4x Brimstone Moth1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing6x Brown Scallop2x Brown-line Bright-eye1x Brown-tail2x Buff Arches4x Buff Footman3x Clay3x Cloaked Minor5x Clouded Border1x Clouded Brindle8x Clouded Silver3x Common Carpet2x Common Emerald5x Common Rustic2x Common White Wave10x Coronet8x Dark Arches10x Dark Umber2x Dingy shears1x Dot Moth4x Double Square-spot 1x Drinker2x Dun-bar1x Dusky Brocade3x Early Thorn2x Elephant Hawk-moth1x Fan-foot 1x Fern1x Flame2x Flame Shoulder 2x Ghost Moth2x Green Pug1x Grey Dagger4x Haworth's Pug1x Heart & Club4x Heart & Dart 4x July Highflyer2x Large Yellow Underwing2x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Lesser Yellow Underwing1x Light Arches1x Light Emerald 1x Lime-speck Pug2x Maple Prominent10x Maple Pug2x Marbled Minor1x Miller3x Mottled Beauty2x Nut-tree Tussock1x Pale Mottled Willow1x Pale Prominent2x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Prominent3x Peppered Moth1x Phoenix1x Pine Hawk-moth 1x Poplar Grey1x Poplar Hawk-moth3x Pretty Chalk Carpet1x Purple Bar2x Red Twin-spot Carpet5x Riband Wave 4x Ruby Tiger1x Rustic2x Scalloped Oak1x Scarce Footman1x Scarce Silver-lines1x Scorched Carpet2x Shaded Broad-bar2x Shuttle-shaped Dart1x Single-dotted Wave1x Six-spot Burnet1x Slender Brindle1x Small Angle Shades2x Small Emerald2x Small Fan-foot10x Small Fan-footed Wave4x Small Rivulet2x Smoky Wainscot2x Snout2x Spectacle5x Swallow-tailed Moth1x Sycamore1x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Tawny Speckled Pug6x Tree-lichen Beauty3x Uncertain1x Vapourer Moth1x White-spotted Pug1x Willow Beauty1x Wormwood Pug1x Yellow ShellMicro Moths1x Metalampra italica [NEW!]6x Blastobasis laticolella2x Blastobasis adustella 5x Pleuroptya ruralis3x Agapeta hamana10+ Agapeta zoegana2x Coleophora sp2x Cydia splendana1x Agonopterix heracliana sp1x Hypatima rhomboidella2x Zeiraphera isertana1x Parornix sp2x Eudemis profundana1x Argyrotaenia ljungiana 1x Eurrhypara hortulata 20+ Chrysoteuchia culmella1x Agonopterix arenella 1x Pandemis cerasana 4x Pandemis heparana1x Pandemis corylana1x Homoeosoma sinuella2x Hofmannophila pseudospretella2x Phycita roborella 2x Celypha lacunana 1x Archips podana 1x Hedya nubiferana 7x Aleimma loeflingiana2x Epinotia demarniana 3x Eudonia mercurella 12x Cnephasia sp 2x Coleophora sp2x Ditula angustiorana 3x Dipleurina lacustrata10+ Eucosma cana3x Batia unitella 5x Acleris forsskaleana2x Argyresthia albistria20+ Eucosma hohenwartiana1x Eucosma obumbratana2x Aspilapteryx tringipennella2x Bucculatrix nigricomella 1x Rhopobota naevana1x Epiblema costipunctana1x Teleiodes vulgella 2x Carcina quercana 1x Pterophorus pentadactyla4x Catoptria falsella1x Oncocera semirubella 2x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana 5x Endotricha flammealis1x Stigmella sp3x Ancylis badiana4x Yponomeuta evonymella1x Phlyctaenia coronata2x Limnaecia phragmitella2x Syncopacma sp2x Plutella xylostella1x Gypsonoma dealbana 2x Spilonota ocellana1x Agriphila straminella2x Crambus perlella2x Dichomeris marginella 2x Eucosma campoliliana 10x Aethes rubigana1x Aethes cnicana2x Batia lunaris 2x Udea prunalis2x Clepsis consimilana1x Pammene fasciana1x Epinotia nisella2x Acentria ephemerella1x Recurvaria leucatella2x Catoptria pinella2 Epiblema uddmmaniana1 Cochylimorpha straminea 1x Eudonia pallida 2x Archips xylosteana 10+ Celypha striana 5x Scoparia ambigualis 2x Yponomeuta evonymella
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Briantspuddle, England, United Kingdom
Hemel Hempstead - Field Trip - 08/07/13 - National Moth Night contributionDavid, Roger and myself made another effort to trap at Gadesprings again, for my contribution to National Moth Night (as I wouldn't be running a trap in my garden until Sunday night)The weather was perfect, cloudy and mild with just a hint of breeze. Luckily we had almost finished packing up at about 2am before the rain started.We set up 2 traps from the mains and a further 3 traps about 200 metres along the canal/watercress beds. Two of the traps were placed right next to large outcrops of Butterbur, in the vain attempt to see whether we could get a Butterbur Moth....that never happened! Although we did get a few interesting species at the end of the night.Olive was a good record. My only records are belowHatfield Broad Oak 21/07/2008Hatfield Broad Oak 22/07/2008Canvey Wick SSSI 08/07/2010Interestingly all my previous records are from Essex, so this is my first Hertfordshire specimen.Other moths of note were a Dioryctria, possbly abietella due to its plainess and size (I have set the specimen for further identification), Ypsolopha sequella which I haven't seen for awhile now, and a possible Elachista gleichenella, which to my knowledge is extinct in Herts now. I unfortunately let it go after a few photos which I am kicking myself for doing. It does look spot on for this species and has many more markings than atricomella, alpinella and the rest of the confusion species.Numbers below are approximate 08/07/13 - Gadesprings - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap, 1x 22w Actinic + 26w Blacklight Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 9.00pm until 1.30am 124 Species in total63 Macro Moths & 61 Micro MothsMacro Moths1x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Brimstone Moth5x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Clay2x Cloaked Minor3x Common Carpet1x Common Emerald2x Common Footman4x Common Rustic1x Common Wave1x Common Wainscot1x Copper Underwing1x Coronet10x Dark Arches15x Dingy Footman10x Double Lobed1x Double Square-spot10x Dun-bar1x Fern5x Flame Shoulder1x Heart & Dart2x July Highflyer1x Knot Grass3x Large Yellow Underwing8x Least Yellow Underwing15x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing5x Lesser Yellow Underwing1x Lunar-spotted Pinion3x Maple Pug1x Nut-tree Tussock1x Olive4x Orange Swift1x Pale Mottled Willow2x Pale Prominent1x Poplar Hawk-moth2x Red Twin-spot Carpet4x Riband Wave1x Rosy Rustic12x Ruby Tiger1x Sallow Kitten1x Scorched Carpet2x Shuttle-shaped Dart5x Silver-Y1x Single-dotted Wave2x Small Fan-footed Wave2x Small Phoenix1x Small Rivulet1x Smoky Wainscot5x Snout1x Southern Wainscot1x Square-spot Rustic2x Straw Dot1x Tawny Speckled Pug1x Toadflax Pug4x Tree-lichen Beauty2x Uncertain2x V-pug5x White-spotted Pug5x Willow Beauty2x Wormwood Pug8x Yellow Shell1x Yellow-barred BrindleMicro Moths2x Acentria ephemerella1x Acleris emargana2x Acleris forsskaleana1x Acleris variegana2x Agapeta hamana10x Agriphila straminella5x Agriphila tristella2x Aleimma loeflingiana2x Apotomis lineana2x Argyresthia bonnetella1x Bactra lancealana1x Batia unitella2x Blastobasis adustella 1x Brachmia blandella1x Calamotropha paludella1x Caloptilia alchimiella2x Cameraria ohridella4x Carcina quercana2x Cataclysta lemnata2x Celypha lacunana1x Chrysoteuchia culmella4x Clepsis spectrana1x Cnephasia sp2x Coleophora sp2x Dipleurina lacustrata1x Dioryctria abietella (pending)5x Elachista canapennella1x Elachista gleichenella (pending)5x Elachista maculicerusella1x Emmelina monodactyla1x Epiblema uddmanniana5x Epinotia nisella1x Epinotia ramella1x Eucosma cana2x Eudemis profundana1x Eudonia mercurella1x Eudonia pallida2x Euzophera pinguis1x Gypsonoma dealbana1x Hedya salicella2x Helcystogramma rufescens4x Limnaecia phragmitella2x Mompha epilobiella1x Monochroa palustrella1x Orthopygia glaucinalis2x Pandemis cerasana1x Pandemis corylana5x Pandemis heparana1x Parornix sp2x Phycita roborella50+ Pleuroptya ruralis3x Plutella xylostella1x Prays ruficeps2x Pterophorus pentadactyla1x Pyrausta aurata1x Rhopobota naevana2x Spilonota ocellana4x Trachycera advenella1x Udea prunalis2x Yponomeuta evonymella1x Ypsolopha sequella
Warneton, Hainault, Belgium
We had easier access this time to Bovingdon via a gate the otherside of the site and decided tosetup 4 traps as usual.The weather was warm and mild, and only hampered by the fact that it was a clear night with quitea bright moon (which set at 2.00am) Interestingly after the moon had set, moths were evidentlyflying in far greater numbers. As we were packing up it was a little chilly at the lower points ofthe site.It was still business as usual with lots and lots of moths, particularly micros.We were very pleased to get 3 Garden Tigers, our target species for the night. We also managed 15+ Coronets and 2 Purple Clays.Good micros were the Depressid, Agonopterix kaekeritziana, 10+ Pyrausta purpuralis and a singleexample of the scarce Thiotricha subocellea.18/07/13 - Bovingdon Brick Pits - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 9.45pm until 2.30amMacro Moths2x Angle Shades5x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Blue-bordered Carpet8x Bordered Sallow2x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Brimstone Moth1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing5x Brown-line Bright-eye10x Buff Arches4x Buff Footman2x Burnished Brass1x Cinnabar8x Clay1x Clay Triple-lines1x Clouded Border1x Clouded Brindle20x Clouded Silver2x Common Carpet3x Common Emerald5x Common Footman2x Common Marbled Carpet3x Common Rustic1x Common Wainscot4x Common White Wave15x Coronet10x Dark Arches2x Dingy Footman1x Dingy Shears6x Dot Moth10x Double Square-spot2x Drinker1x Dun-bar1x Dusky Brocade2x Dwarf Cream Wave2x Early Thorn5X Elephant Hawk-moth1x Engrailed2x Fan-foot6x Flame5x Flame Shoulder1x Garden Carpet3x Garden Tiger5x Ghost Moth4x Green Pug1x Grey Dagger2x Heart & Club10x Heart & Dart1x Iron Prominent6x July Highflyer3x Large Twin-spot Carpet3x Large Yellow Underwing1x Least Yellow Underwing1x Leopard Moth2x Light Arches5x Light Emerald1x Lime-speck Pug1x Lobster Moth5x Marbled Minor3x Marbled White Spot3x Miller5x Mottled Beauty2x Mottled Rustic2x Oak Nycteoline2x Peach Blossom8x Peppered Moth1x Phoenix2x Plain Golden-Y2x Poplar Grey1x Poplar Hawk-moth1x Privet Hawk-moth2x Purple Clay1x Red Twin-spot Carpet10x Riband Wave1x Ruby Tiger8x Rustic1x Scalloped Oak3x Scarce Footman1x Setaceous Hebrew Character3x Shaded Broad-bar5x Shaded Pug1x Short-cloaked Moth5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot1x Silver-Y1x Single-dotted Wave1x Slender Brindle2x Slender Pug1x Small Angle Shades2x Small Elephant Hawk-moth1x Small Emerald1x Small Fan-foot2x Small Fan-footed Wave1x Small Rivulet2x Small Yellow Wave5x Snout1x Spectacle5x Straw Dot10x Swallow-tailed Moth2x Sycamore2x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Treble Brown Spot2x Uncertain3x V-Pug2x Willow Beauty2x Yellow ShellMicro MothsAgonopterix kaekeritziana [NEW!]Thiotricha subocellea [NEW!]Aleimma loeflingianaArchips podanaCelypha lacunanaCnephasia spCochylis hybridellaCrambus pascuellaCrambus lathoniellusAgriphila straminellaPandemis cerasanaPandemis heparanaAcleris forsskaleanaMarasmarcha lunaedactylaEuzophera pinguisScoparia ambigualisScoparia pyralellaEpiblema UddmannianaEucosma canaAcleris schallerianaPyrausta purpuralisHedya prunianaHedya nubiferanaCatoptria falsellaPhlyctaenia coronataPhycitodes binaevellaDitula angustioranaChrysoteuchia culmellaUdea olivalisPlutella xylostellaEucosma hohenwartianaDipleurina lacustrataEndotricha flammealisAethes cnicanaTeleoides vulgellaPhycita roborellaLozotaeniodes formosanusBlastodacna hellerellaPleuroptya ruralisLathronympha striganaArchips xylosteanaMompha epilobiellaYponomeuta eveonymellaEmmelina monodactylaMetzneria metzneriellaEudonia pallidaPterophorus pentadactylaEpiblema rosaecolanaCrambus perlella
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Louwsburg, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Western Cape, South Africa
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Victoria, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Warumbul, New South Wales, Australia