Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Kingdom=AnimaliaPhylum=ArthropodaClass=InsectaOrder=LepidopteraSuperfamily=GelechioideaFamily=Gelechiidae?Subfamily=Dichomerinae?Genus=Dichomeris(Hbner 1818) ?Common name=Twirler moth
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Kingdom=AnimaliaPhylum=ArthropodaClass=InsectaOrder=LepidopteraSuperfamily=GelechioideaFamily=Gelechiidae?Subfamily=Dichomerinae?Genus=Dichomeris(Hbner 1818) ?Common name=Twirler moth
Found inside home. Searsmont, Maine, 1/5/13
Slide. Scale bar 0,1 mm.Lectotype 3785:1b
Gunpowder Falls State Park Hereford, Maryland
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Bovingdon Brickworks - Hemel Hempstead - Field TripDavid, Steve and myself made a trip to Bovingdon Brickworks on Thursday night to see what we could attract to the lamps.The day had been perfect with sunny intervals, plenty of cloud cover and a high of 27 degrees. The forecast was for clear skies towards the evening and this was indeed the case.With a near full moon we were just hoping that it was warm enough for the moths to emerge and venture out from the undergrowth.Indeed it was! With the temperature staying relatively mild and the car sensor still reading 13 degrees at 2.30am.The catch was phenomenal, plenty of species, but what made it even better was the sheer amount of some species of moths, some numbering well over 40 individuals, so numbers below are as close as I could record.Highlight for me was my first Gypsonoma oppressana.4 Green Arches and 2 Purple Clays were also great additions.It was also fantastic to see so many Cinnabar's (24).It just goes to show how important this site is for wildlife and on this occasion, Moths! Catch Report - 12/06/14 - Bovingdon Brickworks - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.86 Macros and 46 Micros (132 species)Macro Moths6x Angle Shades1x Beautiful Golden-Y3x Beautiful Hook-tip2x Bright-line Brown-eye8x Brimstone Moth6x Brown Rustic1x Brown Silver-line3x Buff Arches4x Buff Ermine1x Buff-tip2x Burnished Brass24x Cinnabar2x Clouded Border40+ Clouded Silver1x Clouded-bordered Brindle2x Common Carpet1x Common Emerald2x Common Footman10x Common Marbled Carpet5x Common Pug6x Common Swift1x Common Wave1x Common White Wave8x Coronet3x Dark Arches10x Double Square-spot1x Dusky Brocade2x Elephant Hawk-moth3x Engrailed1x Eyed Hawk-moth1x Figure of Eighty5x Flame1x Flame Carpet6x Flame Shoulder1x Foxglove Pug5x Freyer's Pug1x Garden Carpet4x Green Arches1x Green Carpet2x Green Pug5x Green Silver-lines10x Grey Pug10x Heart & Dart20x Ingrailed Clay2x July Highflyer1x Large Nutmeg8x Large Yellow Underwing1x Light Brocade5x Light Emerald2x Lobster Moth1x Maple Prominent10x Marbled Minor1x Middle-barred Minor5x Mottled Beauty1x Mottled Pug4x Mottled Rustic1x Nutmeg2x Orange Footman2x Pale Prominent1x Pale Tussock4x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Hook-tip3x Peppered Moth1x Poplar Grey2x Poplar Hawk-moth2x Purple Clay1x Red Twin-spot Carpet3x Riband Wave3x Rustic Shoulder-knot8x Scorched Wing2x Setaceous Hebrew Character5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot5x Silver-ground Carpet7x Small Angle Shades2x Small Elephant Hawk-moth3x Small Fan-foot1x Small Phoenix1x Small Square-spot3x Snout40+ Straw Dot2x Tawny Marbled Minor3x Treble Lines1x Uncertain3x White Ermine1x White-pinion Spotted5x Willow BeautyMicro Moths1x Gypsonoma oppressana [NEW!]1x Gypsonoma dealbana3x Crambus pascuella10x Crambus lathoniellus1x Nemapogon cloacella1x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis1x Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla2x Hedya nubiferana5x Hedya pruniana2x Coleophora sp20+ Cochylimorpha straminea1x Mompha propinquella1x Mompha raschkiella5x Metzneria metzneriella12x Pandemis heparana5x Pandemis cerasana2x Aphomia sociella10x Scoparia ambigualis2x Scoparia pyralella1x Scoparia subfusca 2x Eudonia pallida2x Dipleurina lacustrata30+ Pseudargyrotoza conwagana2x Celypha lacunana5x Udea olivalis1x Anthophila fabriciana1x Phyllonorycter harrisella5x Cnephasia sp2x Eurrhypara hortulata1x Strophedra weirana5x Epiblema cynosbatella5x Epiblema trimaculana2x Epiblema uddmanniana2x Agapeta hamana1x Caloptilia syringella5x Evergestis forficalis1x Eucosma cana2x Eucosma hohenwartiana1x Eucosma conterminana2x Tortrix viridana1x Archips podana1x Yponomeuta evonymella 1x Emmetia marginea5x Cochylis atricapitana1x Prays fraxinella/ruficeps1x Unknown Gelechid
Catch Report - 26/05/12 - Balls Wood, HertfordAbout 12 or so people turned up for this first official trip of the year. The weather had been hot and sunny for the previous week and at last the nights were warm - not freezing cold! There was a stiff easterly breeze, but in the wood we scarcely noticed it. A total of 7 mv lamps were operated from generators from 21.30 hours until 04.30 the following morning, though only three of us camped out until dawn, with most people heading for home by about 01.00 hours. Interestingly, of the 64 macro species caught, 13 species were caught only in that later period between 01.00 and 04.30. One was recorded as a larva crawling across the sheet - presumably having fallen from the overhanging Hornbeam branches.The macro moth highlight was probably POPLAR LUTESTRING of which we had several. The micros bring the total up to 91 species (with 3 species still outstanding - awaiting genitalia dissection). Best by far is EPINOTIA NANANA (book page 230) which has not been seen in Hertfordshire since 1966 and which I labelled as probably extinct here. The caterpillar feeds on Spruce.In the following list those marked with an asterisk (*) were named by genitalia dissection. Numbers are approximate. If anyone can remember anything that I have not listed do please let me know.Catch Report - 26/05/12 - Balls Wood, Hertford - 7x 125w Robinson Traps26th May 2012: Balls Wood, Hertfordshire: TL 3410 FULL LIST Eriocrania subpurpurella 1 Common Swift fewEmmetia marginea 2Incurvaria oehlmanniella 5Nemapogon cloacella * 2Monopis weaverella 4Tinea trinotella 2 Caloptilia robustella 2Swammerdamia caesiella * 1Elachista argentella 1Esperia sulphurella 3Agonopterix arenella * 1Teleiodes vulgella 1Carpatolechia proximella 2Teleiodes luculella fewPhtheochroa inopiana * fewCochylis nana * 2Syndemis musculana 1Capua vulgana * fewEulia ministrana sevCnephasia communana * 1Celypha lacunana 1Ancylis mitterbacheriana 2Ancylis laetana 5Epinotia subocellana * 2Epinotia tenerana * 1Nut Bud Moth 1Epinotia nanana * 1Epiblema cynosbatella 3---- Scoparia probably ambigualis (awaiting dissection) manyPeach Blossom 1Poplar Lutestring sevMaiden's Blush 2Cream Wave sevRed Twin-spot Carpet 2Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1Silver-ground Carpet sevCommon Carpet 1Small Phoenix 2Red-green Carpet 3Spruce Carpet 2Broken-barred Carpet 2Green Carpet sevMottled Pug sevCommon Pug fewBrindled Pug 1Dwarf Pug fewTreble-bar 1Small White Wave 3Seraphim sevClouded Border 1Peacock Moth 1Tawny-barred Angle 2Scorched Wing 1Brimstone Moth 1Scalloped Hazel 3Peppered Moth 1Waved Umber 2Pale Oak Beauty fewBrindled White-spot 1Common White Wave 2 White-pinion Spotted 1Clouded Silver 1Light Emerald 3Lime Hawk-moth 1Poplar Hawk-moth 6Puss Moth 1Poplar Kitten 1Iron Prominent 2Pebble Prominent 2Lesser Swallow Prominent 1Coxcomb Prominent 1Pale Prominent 3Chocolate-tip 5LymantriidaePale Tussock 4Orange Footman sevWhite Ermine 1Buff Ermine 1Muslin Moth 2Cinnabar 1Least Black Arches 3Flame Shoulder 1Twin-spotted Quaker larva on sheetPale Pinion 3Poplar Grey 1Brown Rustic 1Rustic Shoulder-knot 1Treble Lines 2Marbled White Spot fewGreen Silver-lines 1Nut-tree Tussock fewButtoned Snout 1
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
A mild wet and breezy night yields a Beauty!Mild, with a few showers around and a bit cool at nights has been the theme of late, but last night we had plenty of cloud cover again like the previous night (when I only managed 3 Tortricodes alternella's)Last night though was quite productive for my small garden.Both Common Quaker (2) and Hofmannophila pseudospretella (1) were new for the year but the star of the catch and the only moth that wasn't in the trap was a stunning Oak Beauty, a regular in small numbers to the garden trap.Still the egg boxes were comletely soaked and the trap inside was flooded, so we had had a generous portion of rain during the night.Drying out time for the trays!Edit! The suspected Hofmannophila pseudospretella has turned out to be a Depressaria species, which I think is daucella? Any ideas welcome.Catch Report - 23/02/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro MothsNone recorded!Micro Moths3x Tortricodes alternella Catch Report - 24/02/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths2x Common Quaker [NFY]1x Oak Beauty [NFY]1x March Moth6x ChestnutMicro Moths1x Depressaria daucella?[NFG]1x Emmelina monodactyla
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Gastes, Aquitaine, France
Gastes, Aquitaine, France
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark